By Theodore Shoebat Ultra-nationalism will lead to violence:
Archive | May 22, 2019
American Man Threatens To Behead Driver With A Knife, When The Police Come He Says ‘I Will Cut Out And Eat Your Eyeballs And Tongues’
An American man was arrested after he pulled out a knife and threatened to behead another driver during a parking dispute. When police arrived, the man threatened to behead the other officers and then to cut out their eyeballs and tongues and eat them according to a report: A Titusville man threatened six Melbourne police […]

Something Stinks As Syrian President Asad Is Being Blamed For ‘Possibly’ Another Gas Attack
Certain phrases or accusations are historically used by various powers to indicate a manufactured justification for war. There were the infamous accusations leveled against Saddam Hussein that he “ripped babies out of incubators” and he “gassed the Kurds”, and later came the accusations of using “Yellowcake Uranium” from Nigeria. In the US war with Syria, […]
Turkish Television Show Tricks Armenian Teenager Into Converting To Islam On Live TV
Throughout history, Muslims have attempted to “trick” Christians into saying works that indicate conversion to Islam in order to compel Christian on pain of death to be Muslim. The 8th century martyr St. Elias of Heliopolis was a child saint who was deceived into wearing an article of clothing that indicated conversion to Islam by […]
Gallup Confirms That 40% Of Americans Want Socialism
Forty percent is not a majority, but it is a large percentage of anything. This is the same percentage of Americans who support socialism according to a recent poll by Gallup: Americans today are more closely divided than they were earlier in the last century when asked whether some form of socialism would be a […]