Archive | 2020

Report: Chinese Communist Party Is Burning People Alive As Snipers Execute ISIS Terrorists From Over A Mile Away

According to Radio Free Asia and reported on by Breitbart, the Chinese government has been taking people infected with COVID-19 to funeral homes and possibly cremating them alive. Ma said reports have emerged of people restrained and forced into body bags when they were still moving. “One old lady was saying that they put one […]

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Chinese Catholic Priest Who Refused To Submit To Chinese Communist Government Orders “Disappears”

The Catholic Church has been heavily persecuted in China. According to a report from the International Christian Concern, a Catholic priest in China who refused to join the Chinese ‘patriotic’ church has now disappeared. A parish priest who refused to join China’s state-vetted Catholic church, has disappeared in police custody last Friday. Asia News reports […]

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The Virus Has Forced Open The Reality Of Millennial And Zoomer Poverty

Poverty among Millennials and the Zoomers is a very serious problem that is ignored or seriously misunderstood by generally Boomers and and lot of GenX. While the latter two generations fared much better, although Boomers did significantly better than GenX, the Millennials and Zoomers have been left with practically nothing except piles of debt, a […]

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Massachusetts Woman Attacks Wal-Mart Employee With Lysol Over Quantity Limits

Erratic behavior is always common in societies when civil unrest happens. However, America has it own particular form of dysfunctional behavior, manifesting at major “big box” stores or corporate restaurants. Whether it is shooting somebody over a chicken sandwich at Popeyes, attacking cashiers over “Chicken McNuggets”, beating up old ladies over toilet paper at Costco, […]

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Not A Surprise- Americans Are Returning To Drug Consumption Amid Virus Caused Crisis

What do chocolate, coffee, tea, heroin, marijuana, porn, prostitutes, alcohol, and cheap movies all have common? They are all forms of things that people use to help drug themselves with. Certainly there is a moral difference between a cup of coffee and a naked woman prostituting herself, but the principle is that in times of […]

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Fools Argue About Hydroxychloroquine While Ignoring The Real Issue With COVID-19

Right now, Congress and the political dog-and-pony show is arguing over the use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19 according to Axios. The White House coronavirus task force had its biggest fight yet on Saturday, pitting economic adviser Peter Navarro against infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci. At issue: How enthusiastically should the White House […]

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American Farmers Desperately Want Migrant Labor During Coronavirus Travel Ban

By Theodore Shoebat American farmers are in desperate need for migrant labor on account of the travel ban policy being done in the coronavirus crises. While it is necessary to prevent human travel during an outbreak, I hope that this crises can teach us about the importance of migrant labor:

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Will Trump Give The Democrats Their Dream Scenario For 2024?

There are many people who do not like Trump. However, it is arguable there are even more who do not like his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who has slithered his way into all of Trump’s meetings and accompanies him practically everywhere he goes, even as the UK Guardian notes, all the way into the current situation […]

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Mortgage ‘Deferments’ Do Not Mean Relief, But Possible Payment In A Few Months

Part of the economic crash warnings that has been discussing is a serious drop in real estate prices as well as the inevitable flooding of the markets with surplus housing caused by overbuying. It will be a situation similar to 2007-2008, except much larger and with more consequences for the common man. Right now […]

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COVID-19 Being Used To Restart Tensions Between Georgia And The Puppet State Of Abkhazia

The numerous “pseudo-republics” of the Caucasus mountain region, like those of the Balkan Peninsula, are created and promoted due to geopolitical infighting amid divide-and-conquer strategies between East and West. The pseudo-state backed by Russia of Abkhazia in Georgia is one of such locations. According to Asia News, the COVID-19 spread has been used to restart […]

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Wisconsin Farmers Forced To Dump Thousands Of Gallons Of Milk

Americans love dairy products, but right now the current agricultural market prices do not. Amid declining prices and instability from farmers, many are being forced to dump tens of thousands of gallons of fresh milk as reported by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. About 7 o’clock Tuesday night, Golden E Dairy got the call that any dairy […]

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Christian Concert Promoter Arrested For Massive Fraud

The “Christian music” industry is known for various questionable practices, let alone the nature of the music it promotes. Regardless of what one thinks of it, the fact is that there are people who are good and bad actors in it. According to the Christian Post, a Christian concert promoted was arrested after he defrauded […]

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Major French Doctors Declare On Television That They Support Human Experimentation On Poor Africans For COVID-19 Vaccination

When people talk about the mass internment and executions of people carried out by Germany and Japan during World War II, people tend to think of them in trite terms but without much detail as to the specifics. In Germany, the plan was called Aktion T-4, and in Japan it was Unit 731. Both performed […]

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While The Whole World Focuses On Covid-19, Another World War Is Brewing As We Speak

By Theodore Shoebat While the focus of the whole world has been covid-19, there has been another geopolitical occurrence taking place under the viral headlines, and that is the Russian effort to make east Ukraine into a Russian satellite,a subject on which we have written extensively on (also click here to read more). For example, […]

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Three Hasidic Jewish Teenagers In New York Attack Innocent Muslim Fireman, One Sneezes In His Face To Make Him Sick With COVID-19

If three Muslims walked into a Jewish man’s face asked him if he was afraid of COVID-19, and then chased him down and coughed on him to infect him with the disease, would this not be considered terrorism? It certainly would, and properly so. However, what is different about this if the context is reversed […]

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