Archive | June, 2022

ken paxton

The Attorney General Of Texas Closes Down His Office And Declares: “Almost 70 million babies have been killed in the womb. And so, today at noon, I am closing all my offices as a memorial to these babies.”

The Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, closed his office in honor of the tens of millions of babies murdered in the womb under Roe v. Wade, as we read in CNN:  “Further,” Paxton added, “we cannot forget the extraordinary violence that Roe and Casey unleashed on our nation. Because of those decisions, almost 70 […]

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abortion texas

Texas Completely Bans Abortion. Abortion Doctors Could Face Prison Time

The state of Texas has completely banned abortion, as we read in CNN: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in his statement on the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade announced the statewide closure of his agency’s offices Friday “in honor of the nearly 70 million unborn babies killed in the womb since 1973,” according […]

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putin map

Putin Wants To Create An International “Investment Zone” With Other Countries To Break America’s Unipolar Power Over The World

Russia wants to form an international “investment zone” as an economic cushion for countries under American and Western sanctions. It is another attempt at countering American global hegemony, but it will not exclude the US nor the EU from partaking in it. As we read in URA: Russian President Vladimir Putin began to create a […]

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My project (32)

Russia Warns Lithuania: ‘We Will Bring A Lot Of Pain To Your People.’

Lithuania, under orders of the European Union, has blocked any Russian products of metals, coal and construction materials, from going through its territory to enter the Russian region of Kaliningrad, essentially blocking 50% of the items that the state imports. According to the Guardian: “After Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the EU imposed heavy sanctions on […]

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Sir Patrick Sanders says that the UK must prepare for war with Russia

Major British General Declares That Britain Must Prepare For War With Russia

  The leading general of the British army, Sir Patrick Sanders, just declared that Britain must prepare for a war with Russia. As we read in WIO News: UK’s new top Army general General Sir Patrick Sanders has asked every soldier to prepare to fight against the Russian army in a potential World War III. […]

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My project (30)

Source Within Ukraine: ‘Zelensky Is Ready To Give Up Eastern Ukraine To Russia For Peace.’

A source within Ukraine is stating that Zelensky is ready to give up Eastern Ukraine to Russia for peace, in order to end the war so that his country can quicken the process toward EU membership. As we read in SM News: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky is ready to sacrifice some territories of the […]

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german soldiers balkans

Germany Will Be Sending Soldiers To Bosnia. This Is Only Part Of A Plan To Expand German Hegemony Into The Balkans

Germany will be sending soldiers to Bosnia, to supposedly bring security to current political tensions in the country. As we read in Al-Jazeera: The federal government is planning a new deployment of the Bundeswehr in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The cabinet decided on a new mandate for the Eufor mission there , which should initially run until June […]

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russian sniper

Major Russian Official Declares That Lithuania Is Not Really An Independent Country And Should Be Under Russia

A major official of Russia’s government, Yevgeny Fyodorov, a deputy of the State Duma and a member of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party, has stated that the Soviet Union’s recognition of Lithuania’s independence was illegal, implying that it should be under Russian control. As we read in the Jerusalem Post: A member of […]

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estonians training

Estonian Civilians Are Preparing For War Against The Russian Military

Estonian civilians are preparing and training for war in the case of a Russian military, as we read in Le Monde: What is the best container to make a Molotov cocktail? A bottle of champagne or wine? Is it better to have more resistant glass, or on the contrary, one that breaks easily? The discussion […]

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palestinian flags in israel

Activist In Israel Warns: ‘Israel Is About To Explode.’

An activist in Israel recently warned that Israel is about to explode, as we read in Le Monde: “The next explosion is only a matter of time,” predicts Rami Younis. In November 2021, this Palestinian journalist from Lod launched a program on Israeli television, “Let me show you the other side”, in an attempt to […]

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pope francis talk

Pope Francis Declares This Message To The Whole World: ‘World War Three Has Begun.’

Pope Francis has declared that World War Three has begun, as we read in RT: Pope Francis has suggested that World War III is already in progress, as evidenced by “intertwined elements” at work in the Russia-Ukraine crisis and other conflicts across the globe. “A few years ago, it occurred to me to say that […]

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Muslim Terrorists Invade Town, Block All The Access Roads And Butcher Anyone Who Tries To Escape. They Then Enter Each Home And Execute All Of The Men

There was a massacre in Burkina Faso. Islamic terrorists blocked the roads, butchered those trying to escape, entered homes and executed the men, as we read in Le Monde: Oussou (the first name has been changed) thanks heaven for still being alive, but searches in vain for the traces of his relatives, who have disappeared […]

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