Author Archive | Shoebat

Christians Are On The Brink Of Extermination

By Theodore Shoebat Patrick Sookhdeo, chairman of the Westminster Institute, warned the world that the Church is facing extinction: Today we are faced with a potential extinction of the church …Not just in Syria. We’ve seen it in Iraq. The church could fall in Lebanon. Bishop Julian Dobbs said Syria “used to be one of […]

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The Greatest Enemy To Christianity, Is In Our Midst

By Theodore Shoebat The greatest enemy to Christianity, is in our midst. And yet we are ignoring it. We reap the fruits of Christendom, taste the sweet nectar of its sublime prose; we permit some of its teachings to nurture our weary souls, we let our eyes indulge themselves into the indescribable arts of its […]

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(Very Strange) Muslims Go Around Destroying Mosques In Bizarre Behavior

By Walid Shoebat Muslims are going around destroying mosques in bizarre, sporadic and frenzied behavior. No, it’s not the Israelis digging tunnels under the Dome of the Rock; it is that Muslim terrorists have gone mad and are blowing up any mosque they find in Syria (also in Iraq). The Mosque Destruction epidemic has gone […]

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Christians Heroically Kill 65 Jihadists And Destroy Their Mosque (Amazing Footage)

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat A small band of Christians have formed an army to fight and kill jihadists who attack the holy sites of Syria. This is an incredible story of heroism, of how a few men can defeat entire armies, and it has never been reported before in the English language, until […]

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Obama Hates Christians

By Theodore Shoebat The actions of the current administration indicates that Obama hates Christians. The Obama administration singled Christian nuns who are part of the Little Sisters of the Poor, because they refuse to capitulate to Obama’s forceful edict that they pay for abortion-causing pills and contraception. The Supreme Court has granted the nuns a […]

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Obama Goes After Me As His Political Enemy, Wants To Destroy My Freedoms

By Walid Shoebat Who amongst us has unknowingly broken any one of the myriad of laws put forth by Congressmen across decades who are convinced that getting something done always means passing legislation. Only God Himself could successfully navigate through all of those laws unscathed. The U.S. is becoming increasingly lawless when Dinesh D’Souza is […]

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Muslims Destroy 248 Christian Churches

By Theodore Shoebat There used to be 300 churches in Iraq, and now they are only 52, which means the Muslims have destroyed 248 churches in the country of Iraq, alone. While the modern minded people (who think they are intelligent), give seemingly pious objections against Russia’s anti-sodomite laws, they do not lift a finger […]

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Russia Places Ban On Islamic Fundamentalist Literature

By Theodore Shoebat The Russian government has placed a ban on 16 books written by the Islamic fundamentalist writer, Said Nursi, after they were evaluated and concluded that they “encouraged hatred and restricted the freedom of people who do not believe in Islam.” It is reported that his books were in a suspect’s home in […]

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Muslims Attack Church, Christians Fight Back And Kill Five Of Them

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria, just this Sunday, invaded the villages of Oweto and Utuluewu, and murdered seven Christians. One John Ngbede described the attack: They killed seven of our community members in Oweto and Utuluewu villages in Agatu, while many others were injured in the attack …There was sporadic shooting in these two […]

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Muslims To Christians: “O Christians: Convert to Islam and you will be safe.”

By Theodore Shoebat When Muslim fighters entered the village of Maaloula, one of the oldest Christian villages in history, they made this proclamation: O Christians: Convert to Islam and you will be safe. Abu Sarkis, a leader in the National Defense Committees, told Al-Akhbar of what the Muslims said after this command was said: Afterward, […]

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Arab Prostitutes in the Vatican

By Walid Shoebat When plugging “Patriarch” or “Bishop” in Arabic on Google, what type of spiritual prostitution that is found should surprise western Catholics, but is of no surprise to us from the Middle East who are used to reading daily the statements from the highest ranks frothing with virulent anti-Semitic rhetoric made under the […]

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