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Four Muslims Gang Rape 7 Year Old Christian Girl So Brutally That She Must Go To The ER

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A seven year old Christian girl in Pakistan, named Sara Iqbal, was gang raped by four Muslim men so brutally that she had to go to the hospital in critical condition. Of course the Muslims are working to exempt the rapists from justice. Police officers and Muslims in the area […]

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Muslim Mob Takes Christian Man, Hangs Him By His Feet And Severely Tortures Him

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A mob of 150 Muslims attacked a Christian man’s home in Pakistan, seized him and then severely tortured him by hanging him by his feat and savagely beating him with sticks. The Christian man’s name is Amanat Masih, and the attackers charged at him after he was falsely accused of […]

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Christian Leader: “The church is facing a disaster, and if the situation continues along this course, our numbers in the coming 10 years will be not more than a few thousand.”

By Theodore Shoebat A church leader in Iraq, Louis Sako, who is the Chaldean Patriarch, said that the church in Iraq is facing such a violent disaster that, if it continues at this rate, the number of Christians in Iraq will dwindle to only a few thousand: The daily migration of Christians from Iraq is […]

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LEAKED Photos Reveal Congress Facilitated Fort Hood Massacre

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The truth about the 9/11 attacks was in plain sight soon afterward. That it was ignored is evidenced by the fact that the Dar al-Hijrah terrorist mosque is still in operation. The truth about the Fort Hood jihad attack on November 5, 2009 is that it could […]

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IRS Gives Tax Exempt Status to Major Muslim Terrorist Groups with Clinton Ties

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The former Chairman of perhaps the most notorious mosque in the U.S. sits on the Board of an organization that has received 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. Bassam Estwani, who led the Dar al-Hijrah mosque for years prior to 9/11 and who welcomed Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf […]

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Christianity Declares War Against Islam, Christians must Be Ready For Combat

By Theodore Shoebat Christianity, by its very nature, declares war against Islam. Peter declared to Christ, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16) Yet, the Koran states that God “begets not, nor is He begotten.” (Surah Al-Ikhlas) And Muhammad himself said, “God sent me to spill the blood of those […]

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Muslims Get Job In Children’s Nursery At Church, Only To Try To Assassinate The Pastor

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Turkey infiltrated a church and got jobs babysitting the children of the pastor, named Emre Karaali, as a ploy with the intent of assassinating the pastor. According to the pastor, the would-be killers “accused me of disrespecting the Quran and of deceiving children’s minds.” As one report states: Turkish police […]

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Muslims Break Into Christian Woman’s Home, Drag Her Out, And Murder Her

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Mogadishu, Somalia, broke into a Christian woman’s home and murdered her in cold blood. Her name was Sufia, and they dragged her out and executed her. Before killing her, some locals tried to rescue her, but the jihadists opened fire on them. As one report recounts: “Sufia” was killed by […]

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Muslims And Homosexuals Want To Destroy Christian Civilization

By Theodore Shoebat It is commonly argued that Islam is anti-homosexual, and many conservative moderates have complained that Muslim fanatics just hate everyone, including homosexuals. What is rarely ever said is that the jihadists are riddled with homosexuality. According to a US Military study, Pashtun men in Afghanistan commonly have sex with other men and […]

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Muslim Police Officer Murders Three Christian Americans In A Hospital

By Theodore Shoebat Three American Christians were murdered today in a hospital in Kabul Afghanistan. They were visiting the hospital to tend to the sick, following the beautiful commands of Christ, and as they were walking out, a Muslim police officer opened fire and killed all three of them. Among the slain was Dr. Jerry […]

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Muslims Bust Open The Door Of A Christian Home, And Slaughter The Entire Family

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Central Africa approached the home of a Christian family and knocked on the door. The husband and wife refused to open, so they broke the door open and killed the family, murdering three people. They slaughtered the husband, Casimir Djeroma, his wife, Pulcherie, and their daughter, Patou. They were all […]

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Muslims Attack Christian Pastor, And Fill His Whole Body With Bullets

By Theodore Shoebat It has been reported today that on April 18th, Good Friday, Muslims murdered a priest, Father Christ Forman Wilibona, by filling his body with bullets. The priest was driving to his Saint Kisito Parish of Paoua on his motorbike, when the Muslims, members of the ex-Seleka jihadists, attacked and murdered him near […]

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Better Start Praying on Fridays

This is Islamic Sharia: Post by ‎پۆست کوردستان‎. P.S. This is what would happen to you in Syria under Shariah controlled areas for not praying on Fridays. You are brought to the market and the announcement by some idiot goes like this “These men will be lashed 25 lashes for failing to come on the […]

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WATCH how Muslims Turn Demons As Jewish children visit the Temple Mount

The Palestinian Israeli conflict is all about Jew Hatred and nothing more. Watch what happens when Jewish children with their parents enter the Temple Mount known to be a Jewish holy place from time immemorial: To understand this phenomenon, please read our latest report on [Click Here]

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More LEAKED Photos Reveal origins of Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration on Capitol Hill

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Since revealed the details of an explosive story involving the Clinton family’s ties to terrorists, more leaked photos have come into our possession that prove more Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of Capitol Hill. At issue is the leadership of a notorious mosque’s stark connections between terrorists and […]

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Muslim Gangs Steal The Homes Of Christian Families

Theodore Shoebat Muslim gangs in Iraq have been entering and seizing the homes owned by Christian families who have been driven out of the country by the Muslims. William Warda, head of the Baghdad-based Hammurabi Human Rights Organization, reported: Most of them are afraid of submitting complaints to the government because they do not believe […]

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