The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

Egypt votes for Sharia Constitution; Retrograde push continues

Just like in the 1800’s, the left – an entity that claims to champion civil rights – is on the side of slavery. Remember, the left-wing mainstream media cheered the ‘Arab Spring’. Now, Egypt has just voted in favor of a constitution based on sharia law. It’s not like this wasn’t predictable. Egypt’s draft charter […]

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Spain having WWII / Anti-Semitic flashback; threatens to deport ex-Muslim to Pakistan

Earlier this week, we posted the anti-Muhammad video entitled, “The Innocent Prophet”. Pastor Terry Jones had a hand in the movie’s production and so did a man named Imran Firasat, an ex-Muslim who is now a Christian. Shockingly, Spain is threatening to deport Firasat for inciting violence but in reality, Spain would incite violence by […]

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Ha! CAIR on Defense: Steven Emerson sues Muslim Brotherhood front group

Let’s face it. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a bully. It is an entity that prefers to intimidate others into not exercising their right of free speech when critical of fundamentalist Islam. That’s what makes this little development noteworthy. Steven Emerson, the executive director for the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) is suing […]

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Benghazi’s ‘Accountability’ Pee-yew Board (APB) growing increasingly pungent

When it comes to Benghazi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton continues to exercise her right to remain silent; the ‘Accountability’ Review Board (ARB) she established to determine who should be held accountable for the lack of security that led to the attack on a U.S. Consulate “Special Mission”, found that no one should be held […]

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1957 Video: President Eisenhower opens Washington, D.C. Mosque where Bush spoke six days after 9/11/01

In 1957 – barely a decade after President Dwight Eisenhower had seen victory against the Nazis – the former General visited the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C. for the mosque’s dedication ceremony. Via British Pathe’ (Click on image to see video): NEWS FLASHES – EISENHOWER OPENS MOSQUE IN WASHINGTON & U-BOAT SALVAGED FROM RIVER SCHLEI […]

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Report: Hezbollah now fighting against Syrian rebels; concerns about Chemical weapons go up

The likes of Hamas and Hezbollah, though Sunni and Shiite respectively, have been allies for years because of common enemies. A one-time cozy partnership appears to be changing in Syria as Hezbollah is reportedly fighting the Sunni rebels on behalf of Bashar Al-Assad. Via Jerusalem Post: The Lebanese Shia group Hezbollah has confirmed that its […]

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The Tyranny Of Iran

Jamie Glazov interviews Roozbeh Farahanipour, an Iranian journalist, democracy activist, former political prisoner in Iran and head of Marze Por Gohar Party (MPG), an Iranian opposition party seeking the establishment of a secular republic in Iran. FP: Roozbeh Farahanipour, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s highest hard-line clerical leader, has started a Facebook […]

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Video: New anti-Muhammad film, courtesy of Pastor Terry Jones

Here is the new anti-Muhammad movie entitled, The Innocent Prophet, thanks to the Florida pastor best known for Qur’an burnings. If violence occurs, will there be calls for Jones’ arrest? “The threat of Islam is predicted all over the Bible, read and study Walid Shoebat’s incredible work that explains all. Click here for more information.” […]

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Mother of child named ‘Jihad’ doesn’t know why it’s a big deal to use him as a Billboard for suicide bombings

Would you expect people to take notice if you had a child born on September 11th, named him ‘Jihad’ and then sent him to school wearing a shirt that says, ‘I am a bomb’? If your answer is no, then you’re in agreement with the mother of such a boy. Via the Australian: THE mother […]

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Responsibly Irresponsible and Insanely Sane

Keith Davies As I view the world and what is happening in every facet of society and politics, it seems everything that should make sense doesn’t. Every proposed solution to an issue will actually make whatever the problem is worse than it was before. Yet, the intellectual elites and the political class seem to think […]

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Accountability Review Board’s findings on Benghazi: No one Accountable

The ‘Independent’ Accountability Review Board (ARB) – established by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to investigate the attack in Benghazi on 9/11/12 – has reached at least one bizarre conclusion in its unclassified report. That conclusion appears to run counter to what Clinton herself said approximately two months earlier when asked about the State Department’s role […]

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Video: John Bolton says Hillary’s concussion the result of a ‘Diplomatic Illness’

Last month, Bolton actually sided with Clinton when the Secretary of State traveled to Australia while others alleged that she did so in order to avoid testifying about Benghazi but he doesn’t seem to be buying the concussion was caused by passing out, which was caused by dehydration, which was caused by a stomach virus […]

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Fort Hood Jihad: The Beard stays but the Mask is off the Military’s highest court

The new judge in the trial of Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan has taken only two weeks since replacing the previous judge – who was thrown off the case by the military’s highest court after ruling Hasan would have to be shaved – to rule that Hasan will be allowed to keep his beard […]

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