The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Portugal Becomes The Seventh Nation In The World To Legalize Euthanasia

As the Church goes, so goes the world, according to the saying, and this has become very clear with the declining influence of the Church and the increase in paganism and other ideas of the ancient world making a strong return in modern times. According to Reuters the nation of Portugal, which as a creation […]

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Canada Moves To Decriminalize More Drugs

One trend to watch that I have discussed here on is the move to decriminalize and legalize drugs of all kinds. It is happening in the Western world, but it is a global trend for all nations that while varying from nation to nation, is happening and will be important to watch. In another […]

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Marriage Rates Crash In China

All societies are made up of people, and no matter what one says, nothing can ultimately replace the people, for if the people disappear, the society disappears. The tale of every society can be written in this way, that as peoples change or go, societies change and go. Man makes society for himself, not the […]

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Italy Stops All Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia And United Arab Emirates

Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations are major purchasers of weapons from Western countries. However, Saudi Arabia is going to be short one customer as Italy has moved to halt the sale of thousands of weapons to the nation as Al-Jazeera news reports. Italy has halted the sale of thousands of missiles to Saudi Arabia […]

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Putin Warns Of A War Of “All Against All”

President Putin of Russia, as CNBC reports, made a series of scathing remarks and warnings, saying that due to COVID the world is heading down a similar path that preceded World Wars I and II, and that if caution is not taken, a “war of all against all” could happen. President Vladimir Putin warned on […]

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Biden Expands US Laws On Abortion, Rescinds Previous Policies

Something that can be said about Democrats is that when they say “I’m going to do X”, often times they mean it, especially if it is something that is not necessarily or objectively is bad. Biden, following in this line, as the BBC reports, has done exactly that with rescinding previous bans from the Trump […]

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A Closer Look At Some Curious Personalities In Media

People have used the term “enemedia”- enemy media -to describe the people in the media who take a position that those on the political right disagree with. In fairness, it is rather obvious that many in the press have a ‘left wing’ bias. However, there are also some who have a right wing bias, as […]

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Stores Close And Robots Rise

CNBC broke out bad economic news today, but nothing of surprise here at, which was foreseeing this trend for a long time, of at least ten thousand stores closing because of economic issues related to the current pandemic. One retail research and advisory group predicts as many as 10,000 stores could be closed in […]

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2020 Was The Worst Year For Economic “Growth” Since The End Of World War II

The effects of COVID are ongoing and will continue as long as the ‘restrictions’ for the pandemic continue on business intercourse. However, remember as I have said that what COVID is doing is not so much ‘destroying’ the economy, but exposing what already existed and was going to cause major problems in the future. It […]

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Proud Boys Leader Is “Prolific” Informant For Police, Law Enforcement

I have said this before, and I will say it again because it is a point worth repeating. Almost all of the so-called “leaders” of these strange, racially-charged “nationalist” movement are directly tied to the government, which encourages said tensions in order to “root out” real potential threats. The government has been doing this for […]

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Violence Worsens As Countless Are Dead And Millions At Risk Or Refugees In Tigray

While the world is paying attention to other news, there does not seem to have been a lot of focus given to Tigray. The tiny region in northern Ethiopia with a separatist history has been the site of a terrible conflict that has resulted in countless dead and millions at risk or displaced, and as […]

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Biden Administration Proposes Expanding COVID Regulations

COVID has caused many problems in society, but unfortunately, the effects of the response to the pandemic will likely be more severe long-term. That said, it is of interest that as ThomsonReuters reports, the Biden administration is looking to further expand the current COVID regulations. The Biden administration is “actively looking” at expanding mandatory COVID-19 […]

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Pope Francis Is Absolutely Right, A Repeat Of The Mass Murder In World War II Could Happen Again

There are a lot of things that Pope Francis says that people disagree with. However, Pope Francis’ recent comments on genocide and how it could happen again are very accurate, where as the AP notes, he said that “ideological proposals that claim to save a people” can end up doing the very opposite and destroy […]

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Study: Twenty Percent Of Americans At Any Given Time Have An STD

With the rise in promiscuity of all types comes natural consequences of such behavior. Disease and its spread is very serious, and given how the spread of STDs has lead to the rise of drug-resistant bacteria, it is slowly reviving pre-early 20th century conditions, where a person could die from such an infection. Now according […]

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