The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation

My Post (94)

Biden Is Ending Trump’s Muslim Ban On Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syrian, Sudan, and Yemen, And Will Be Redirecting Trump’s Wall Money To Fund Other Things

By Theodore Shoebat Biden will be putting an end to Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ on countries on Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syrian, Sudan, and Yemen, and will also be redirecting Trump’s wall money. As we read in the AP:  Biden is ending what is variously known as the “travel ban” or the “Muslim ban,” one of the […]

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My Post (93)

Joe Biden Wants To Put A One Hundred Ban On The Deportation Of Illegal Immigrants, A Federal Judge Then Shuts Him Down

By Theodore Shoebat Joe Biden wants to enforce a 100 day ban on the deportation of illegal immigrants and it just got slammed by a federal judge, as we read in the AP: A federal judge on Tuesday barred the U.S. government from enforcing a 100-day deportation moratorium that is a key immigration priority of […]

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Harriet Tubman Likely To Be On $20 Bill

Biden spoke of it, and there are more discussions that Harriet Tubman, the famed anti-slavery activist and historical persona, is going to be on the $20 bill as a replacement to President Andrew Jackson. The Biden administration has said it will seek to push forward a plan to make anti-slavery activist Harriet Tubman the face […]

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Report: US Poverty Rises At Fastest Rate In Fifty Years

There is a mythology in American thinking that prosperty can continue on forever. This is a lie, because prosperity, like good and bad times, ebbs and flows. It is natural to see success, as well as decline. According to a recent study reported on by Bloomberg and redistributed by MSN Money, poverty in the US […]

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“Retirement Centers” For Millennials Already?

Millennials have been criticized for many things, some necessary, and others not. What can be said about the generation is that it is very sad, with a lot of wasted potential and a lot of opportunities stripped from it due to bad advice from family about debts and now two major recessions. The generation is […]

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Another Major Anchor Store Is About To Die, And The Coming Commercial Real Estate Bubble

When a plaza, mall, or other type of shopping center is built, it usually includes one or a few ‘anchor stores’, followed by many smaller stores. The concept is that the ‘anchor store’ pays the largest bills and supports, arguably, the existence of the smaller stores. Examples of such anchor stores include such as Sears, […]

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netherlands riots

Havoc Across The Netherlands As People Riot Against Covid Curfew, Attack Police And Destroy Property. The Mayor Of One Dutch City Warns: “That’s how we’re heading for civil war”

By Theodore Shoebat Just as there have been riots in Germany over covid lockdowns, now there is rioting throughout the Netherlands over a covid curfew. As we read in the Washington Post: On Sunday, police deployed dogs, a water cannon and mounted officers to disperse a demonstration in central Amsterdam, arresting nearly 200 people, the […]

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33 children rescued

FBI Rescues Thirty-Three Children From Sex Traffickers In California

By Theodore Shoebat As part of an operation to crack down on sex trafficker networks, the FBI has been doing rescue missions of children from these evil people. According to NY Daily News, the FBI just recently rescued 33 children from sex traffickers in California. Nearly three dozen children were rescued in California this month […]

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joe biden and trans freak

Joe Biden Signs An Executive Order Declaring That Trans Women Are Real Women

By Theodore Shoebat Biden signed an executive order that makes the Civil Rights Act’s prohibition of discrimination on the basis of gender to include sodomites and men who have their genitals cut off (otherwise known as “transgenders”). What this essentially means is that real women — in the eyes of Biden and the rest of […]

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Forget About Islamic Terror, Domestic Terror Is The New Point Of Focus

For years, the threat of Islamic terror was discussed, and while terrorism in Islam is real as a theological imperative and can be explained by Islamic sacred scripture and tradition, some expressed concern that such talk of terrorism was being prepared so that it might be used on fellow citizens. Both views are correct, and […]

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Major Protests Overshadow Russia Over Navalny Imprisonment

One of the trends I have watched is the state of Russia in decline and at a crossroads. The great eastern nation now stands at an important point in her history, following an almost century-long rape by the Bolsheviks from which she has never been able to recover. This is not to say that Russia […]

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Report: Major COVID Related Supply Chain Shocks Incoming

One of the trends that I have explored and been warning about are the shocks that COVID is causing, naturally or artificially, to the supply chain worldwide. I wrote a piece about this in March 2020 discussing tool shipments (which prices have risen for and there have been consistent shortages or delays in purchasing), and […]

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Study: COVID Job Losses Four Times Worse Than From ’08 Economic Crash

I have been saying repeatedly at that the effects of COVID were going to be worse than the virus itself, for pandemics pass, but the effects of bad decisions can endure for a very long time. In the case of COVID, it is that the already-crumbling world economic system’s problems have been dramatically amplified […]

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Scottish Independence Back On The Table With Talk Of Second Referendum

With nationalism on the rise, and separatism continuing as a long-term trend in world and especially European politics, where divisions are often precursors of war, this trend will be important to watch. With the completion of BREXIT, it has naturally caused a series of problems in the relationship between Europe and the UK. These problems […]

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Nigerian Pirates Attack Turkish Ship Off Coast Of Africa

Piracy is known problem in East Africa, near the Somali coast. However, there are also pirates in other places near the continent. In an interesting story reported by the Turkish Anadoulu Agency, a Turkish ship was attacked by pirates near Nigeria and was forced to land in Gabon., with fifteen being kidnapped. A cargo ship […]

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