The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Looks Like Migrant Is Back On The Menu, Boys

In the “Lord of the Rings” film trilogy, two of the protagonists, Merry and Pippin, are captured by an orc army. While in their captivity, the army becomes hungry and threatens to eat them. The orc commander tells the other orcs that they are not to be eaten, but brought intact to one of the […]

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Claim: Erdogan Selling Out Fellow Turkic Uyghurs To China In Exchange For COVID Vaccines

President Erdogan of Turkey is showing signs suggesting he wants to crown himself a new sultan in the Islamic world and representative of the Turkic peoples. The political and social implications for this are vast and could reshape the politics for the next century. However, as much as Erdogan wants to rise, there are many […]

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NRA Files For Bankruptcy, Moves To Texas

The NRA was founded six years after the end of the Civil War to uphold the rights of Americans to own guns. They have been chartered in New York state ever since 1871, but now according to CNBC, a historic shift is taking place right now as the NRA is filing for bankruptcy and moving […]

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Have Computer, Will Travel

Do you have a computer? And do you work from it? If those answers are both “yes”, and your job is considered to be ‘above average’ for income levels, then the world just may be a place for you to work it, for as the Internet has enabled people to transcend geographical boundaries, ‘e-work visa’ […]

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My Post - 2021-01-15T210915.725

The Great Rebellion, The Revolt Of The Spirit, And The Rise Of Fascism And Communism

By Theodore Shoebat In the course of human history, mankind goes through cycles. In one moment man decides to rebel against morality and indulges in his flesh. Exhausted by the enslavement of the flesh, there is then the revolt of the spirit, wherein mankind gets tires of living within the prison of his desire. While […]

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My Post (87)

The Government Of China Makes This Declaration: ‘The Rise Of China Is Has Come.’

By Theodore Shoebat The Chinese government has now been talking about the rise of China as a major global power. As we read in the South China Morning Post: A Chinese Communist Party official responsible for the country’s security apparatus has told law enforcers that the time for China’s rise has come but the struggle […]

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Violence Befalls Central African Republic Again

Violence in African nations was one of the leading causes for the migration wave of 2015 and 2016. As such, watching political trends in Africa can be a way to monitor and keep track of potential waves of migration that may attempt to come to Europe. Right now, there are already serious political conflicts in […]

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Franklin Graham Declares That Those Who Voted Against Trump Are Like Those Who Betrayed Christ

American Evangelical Protestants have been mocked before, and many times for reasons less than noble. However, sometimes the criticism is deserved, since this particular Christian sect has a long history of being both ignorant of history as well as proclaiming its own knowledge of being the historical church established by Christ in spite of massive […]

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Venice Creates Massive Surveillance Grid

The future of ‘privacy’ is the continued trend of its evisceration to nothing at all, with ‘life’ resembling a future more akin to that of a science fiction novel than anything with freedom. COVID passports are not the only example of this, but rather, how surveillance systems based on supertechnology that once freed man is […]

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Pastor Curses Those Who Did Not Support Trump From The Pulpit

Perhaps the most concerning trend developed over the Trump administration was the obsession with political ‘cults of personality’, something that has generally disastrous consequences no matter what the situation. In the case of the US, it showed people having an abnormal like of and pastors willing to give an abnormal level of support for Trump. […]

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Print, Grandpa, Print

The phrase “Drill, baby, drill” was not first said by but was popularized by Sarah Palin during the 2008 presidential debates. In a modified version of that, and citing how I have repeatedly noted that the Federal Reserve Bank wiht the government is going to print much more money in the future and the Biden, […]

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EU Certifies Bugs For Human Consumption

I have noted that “eating bugs” in the literal sense is being pushed and will likely become a reality in the next decade or two, following not any real ‘meat shortages’ at all, but rather the advancement of a philosophy that subjugates the majority of the people to a small minority. Having noted this, the […]

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My Post (86)

Over 200 Priests Have Been Killed By Coronavirus In Italy

By Theodore Shoebat Just as so many priests were killed by the Black Death because they, in their love for their congregations, did not cease their sacerdotal duties, so now in Italy over a hundred priests have been killed by covid so far. As we read in a report from Aleteia: Italy’s clergy has been […]

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More Questions Emerge About The “Police Failure” Of The Riots

The phrase “mistakes were made”, or some variant of it, is frequently used in American public relations terminology to obscure the meaning or events that happen in a given scenario where potentially ‘questionable’ activity may have transpired. One recent example of this are the DC riots, which have people asking, such as at NPR, where […]

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