Tag Archives | beheadings

Priest Found Stabbed To Death, With The Words “Christian Scum” Placed On His Body

By Theodore Shoebat The heresies of atheism and Islam are flooding England, and there are consequences to this, consequences that are both innate and inevitable to the dangerous acceptance of religious tolerance: violence toward Christianity. In England, the body of the Rev John Suddards in Thornbury who was discovered, stabbed to death with a note […]

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Muslims Attack Christian Village, The Video That Was Taken Will Horrify You

Posted by Theodore Shoebat This video shows you the aftermath of a bombing done by Muslims of the Assyrian Christian area of Dora. 27 were killed and 56 wounded. This attack was done by Muslims and your Christian brethren need your help, please donate to save the Christians of Iraq. AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE DONATE […]

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Obama Administration Rules That Muslims Cannot Be Profiled Because Of Islam

By Theodore Shoebat The Department of Justice, which is led by Attorney General Eric Holder (who was nominated by Obama), has ruled that federal agents are now prohibited from inquiring a person’s religion in the process of carrying out an investigation. This means, that when Muslims are investigation, their religion (Islam) cannot be put into […]

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Muslims Commence Systematic Slaughter Of Christians

By Theodore Shoebat The Muslim fundamentalists of Nigeria have been incessantly killing Christians; it is systematic and consistent. What we are seeing is a holocaust being done right before our eyes, and while we say that “never again” will a holocaust happen, it is being organized and executed in the midst of this so called […]

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Human Sacrifice Caught On Film

Posted by Theodore Shoebat When Muslims behead people, they believe that the blood of the victim appeases Allah, and thus they see it as propitiatory act. It is, therefore, an Islamic human sacrifice. For more on Islamic sacrifice, please see my latest article on this subject, here. Here is a video showing this evil:

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Muslims Disembowel Young Christian Boy

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim men, who are members of Boko Haram, have murdered countless Christians, and have recently gone so far as to disembowel a two year old boy named Miracle. The heretics broke into a Christian home and made a great slaughter. The father of the boy had this to say: I found out […]

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Muslims Force People Into Furnaces, Throw Children from Windows

By Theodore Shoebat A horrific massacre of unfathomable cruelty and grisly violence has just taken place by fundamentalist Muslims in the Syrian village of Adra in which innocent people were butchered and children thrown down windows. One survivor recounted: What is happening in Adra is unthinkable … Children are being slaughtered and thrown out of […]

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Muslims Have People “hacked to death, burned alive, or shot”, Christians Take Revenge

By Theodore Shoebat Numerous murders by Muslims have been taking place in Nigeria, specifically in Plateau and Kaduna states. According to one report, victims “were hacked to death, burned alive, or shot simply based on their ethnic or religious identity”. These Christians are being killed every day, but there is something you can do about […]

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Russia Outlaws The Building of Mosques, Will Get Tougher On Islam

By Theodore Shoebat The Crusade continues, and will only grow… The city of Moscow has now decreed that there will be no new mosques built, and has now put a ban on the construction of any one of those houses of heresy, and this of course demands our emulation. The mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, […]

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Muslim Puts Castrated Slave For Sale On Facebook

By Theodore Shoebat A Saudi Muslim man has tried to sell a castrated slave on Facebook, with this horrifying advertisement: Peace be upon you … I have a [male] slave I bought from an African country and arranged for his visa and stay till I got him to Saudi [Arabia] His description: 1 – Black […]

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15 Muslims Gang Rape Young Girl Until She Turns Insane, And Then Murder Her

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Syria kidnapped a young Christian girl named Mariam, she was then given to a jihadist, a commander of the battalion “Jabhat al-Nusra” in Qusair, and he raped her. Another Muslim raped her, and she was then raped every day for 15 days, each time by a different one of these […]

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Muslims Kidnap People, Butcher Them and Take Photos

By Theodore Shoebat Newly released photos exposes the true diabolical nature of Islam and Muslims. After looking at these photos, it further substantiates that Allah is Satan. This violence is what the Christians are suffering, so after seeing this horror, DONATE NOW TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES. According to reports, these murders took place on the […]

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Muslim Sees Young Girl, And In Cold Blood Fires A Bullet Into Her Heart

By Theodore Shoebat A young ten year old Christian girl named Jessi just got out of Vacation Bible School in Egypt when a Muslim approached her and, without any affection or compassion, shot her in the heart and killed her. It was absolutely blood chilling when her parents received the news. Her mother, Zakrya, recounted […]

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