Tag Archives | gaza

Geraldo Rivera defends Hamas by saying Israel is ‘Fueling Anti-Semitism’

During a panel discussion about the fighting in Gaza, Geraldo Rivera said that Israel is ‘fueling anti-semitism’ by defending itself. It was a stunning admission because it served to give Hamas justification for its terrorism in much the same way that blaming a video for the Benghazi attacks defends rioters. The discussion took place on […]

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Obama’s Phone Call with Netanyahu WAS anti-Israel and Pro-Hamas

The reporter for Israel’s Channel 1 who reported on an excerpt of an alleged transcript of a phone conversation between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu is standing by that report despite vehement denials from both sides. In response to near immediate denials from Netanyahu’s people and the Obama administration, Oren Nahari – the reporter – […]

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Hillary and Pelosi Publicly Defend Hamas

There is a mantra among the left that Israel and Hamas are equally to blame when it comes to the fighting in Gaza right now. There is one simple explanation for that position; such individuals want to support Hamas but cannot do so for political reasons. There is no other explanation. After all, Hamas is […]

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Hamas Protesters in Miami Express Solidarity with Obama’s Brother

Hamas has infiltrated the United States. In a video shot by a United West cameraman in downtown Miami, FL across the street from the Israeli consulate, protesters shouted ‘We are Hamas’. Throughout this video, the cameraman had to ward off protesters by telling them they would go to jail if he was touched. When watching […]

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Egypt Standing with Israel against Hamas and Turkey

As the international community at large attempts to end the fighting between Israel and Hamas based on moral equivalency, Egypt and Turkey are both taking sides. Egypt, under General Abdel Fatah el-Sisi, is joining Israel in attempting to destroy the terrorist tunnel systems under Gaza’s borders with the two countries. Turkey is hinting at launching […]

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Hamas Caught Preventing Wounded Palestinians from Entering Israeli Hospital Built to help them

Before Israel bombs a building in Gaza, it gives civilians the opportunity to evacuate; Hamas beats those civilians until they go back inside. There is apparently at least one building Hamas doesn’t want wounded Palestinians going into – an Israeli hospital constructed near the Gaza border. Perhaps there is no better microcosm to demonstrate just […]

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Liberal Jewish Celebrities Joan Rivers and Howard Stern GO OFF on Palestinians in Pro-Israel Rants

This post definitely comes with a strong language warning (Howard Stern more so than Joan Rivers). What is definitely noteworthy is that celebrities Stern and Rivers are Jewish and are clearly fed up with the media supporting Hamas while demonizing Israel. First up, Joan Rivers. While signing autographs on her way to catch a flight, […]

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WAR CRIMES: Hamas Caught Beating Palestinians who try to Evacuate Areas Israel Warned would be Bombed

We’ve heard the reports. Below is some video that seems to corroborate those reports. It’s bad enough that Hamas launches rockets from civilian locations like schools, hospitals and neighborhoods in the interest of garnering international sympathy when civilians are killed. What happens when civilians attempt to heed the IDF warnings to evacuate so the locations […]

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Spokesman for Nazi-Inspired Hamas accuses Netanyahu of being like Hitler

Perhaps one of the most bizarre narratives in the history of mankind is taking root. Osama Hamdan, a spokesman for Hamas, which is an extension of the same Muslim Brotherhood once led by close Hitler ally Hajj Amin al-Husseini, is comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Hitler. Of course, the intent is transparently clear […]

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Turkey Holding Thousands of Jews as Political Captives

If there is one world leader who despises Israel and what’s currently going on in Gaza, it’s Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. That is clearly 4000 Israeli citizens are stranded there. An FAA travel ban to Ben Gurion airport was recently lifted. However, Turkey is extending its ban for several more days. Israelis yelled […]

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Palestinians Riot against Israel in West Bank in Response to Hamas Killing Palestinians in Gaza

Once again, a school in Gaza was being used by Hamas to launch rockets into Israel. Once again, Israel issued warnings to the Red Cross to have civilians evacuate; and once again, Hamas prevented those evacuations. Not only that but according to the IDF, rockets launched from Gaza have actually landed in the city where […]

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Thickheaded MSNBC Personality Defends Hamas

Despite being hit with truth and irrefutable facts, the firewall behind the forehead of MSNBC personality Joy Reid was as effective as the ‘Iron Dome’. Mark Regev, spokesman for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, would explain why the IDF is bombing a hospital and civilian neighborhood and Reid accused him of ‘filibustering’. The irony is […]

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Liberal Law Professor defends Israel against ‘Racist’ Media

As far as liberals go, former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz can be counted among the more rational. In a radio interview he highlighted a point that is often missed. All the outrage over Palestinian deaths is inconsistent with the lack of outrage over other Muslim deaths that far outnumber the casualties in Gaza. “Seven […]

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John Kerry’s Flight into Israel Shows just how safe Ben Gurion Airport is

Hamas may have scored its most (in)direct hits on Israel so far, though they would have been much more insignificant if not for how the Obama administration reacted to them. After the terrorist organization’s rockets landed near Israel’s Ben Gurion airport, the FAA put a ban on flights traveling into Israel. Secretary of State John […]

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Caught In The Act! Gaza Health Ministry Inflating Number of Gazans Killed

Israellycool.com Following our previous Gazan casualties analysis – which was deliberately based on the Al Jazeera list (itself based on data from the Gaza Health Ministry) to prove a point – our reader noticed that the list itself is replete with duplicate names. In fact, there are at least 33, as I have attempted to […]

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Secretary of State Humiliated with Metal Detector

Secretary of State John Kerry was given the equivalent of a diplomatic slap in the face by Egypt, on his way to Israel to negotiate a ceasefire between that country and Hamas. Diplomacy is a funny thing; actions that may go unnoticed by the layperson are intended as very strong messages among diplomats. Kerry and […]

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