Walid Shoebat explains the issues which the main street media will not tread: Share this interview with as many people who need to understand, that is your friends and neighbors who wish to awaken from their slumber. Thanks to Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel for giving ample time on the air to expose the issues.
Tag Archives | isis
CNN HOST DECLARES: ‘Right-Wing Citizen Extremists’ May be MORE Dangerous than ISIS
The propaganda coming from the left is increasingly staggering. In this one example, CNN host Carol Costello actually says that ‘right-wing citizen extremists’ could be more dangerous than ISIS. After introducing the report, Costello kicks it over to someone who provides two extremely questionable examples (h//t GWP): The two examples cited by the man Costello […]
While Talking About ISIS, Secretary of State John Kerry says, ‘You Cannot Defeat what you don’t Understand’ and then Reveals He Doesn’t Understand ISIS
To understand ISIS, one might be best served by watching the sermons of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who has a PhD in Islamic Studies. Another way to understand why they do what they do is to pick up a Qur’an and read what they read. Still another way would be to admit that the […]
ISIS Continues To Threaten Rome, Tells Every Muslim to ‘get out of his house, find a crusader and kill him’
The threat of ISIS to Italy’s shores from Libya is increasingly being felt. A significant problem is that Italy doesn’t seem to be prepared for it. In fact, Italy’s Prime Minister is actually putting forth the idea that the United Nations will be the force that will protect the country. According to one report: Last […]
Islamic Terrorists Bomb Civilian Airport From the Sky, Causing Panic and Flight Cancellations
Islamic terrorists who go by the name ‘Libya Dawn’ have carried out a bombing campaign on a civilian airport in western Libya. Once again, the name game is played here. The truth is these fighters are no different than other terrorist groups like ISIS. It was recently learned that ISIS joined with Ansar al-Sharia. No […]
U.S. and Turkey Agree To Train And Arm Syrian Rebels Who Want Islamic Caliphate
The Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS both want the same thing – an Islamic Caliphate. In fact, it was recently revealed by Shoebat.com that members of ISIS are actually beginning to support the return of the Ottoman Empire. This reality puts ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood on the exact same page. Despite this, the U.S. is […]
VIDEO: Savage ISIS Mobs Stomp and Kick Three Men To Death, then Tie Their Bodies to Backs of Motorcycles and Drag Them Through Streets
The savage murders of defenseless people in ISIS-controlled territories continues. Today, you can add the surrounding of three people by Muslim mobs who then proceed to stomp and kick them to death. When they are dead, the bodies are tied to the backs of motorcycles with chains and dragged through the streets. The three victims […]

Rome, Italy and ALL of Europe Under GRAVE Threat as ISIS Threatens to Ship Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants and Terrorists From Libya
It was just a few months ago that ISIS declared war on the Vatican and threatened to conquer Rome. Now it is threatening to ship hundreds of thousands of migrants, mixed with a substantial amount of ISIS terrorists, into Europe on mass boatlifts. When it comes to European countries that are closest to Libya, Rome’s […]
Push Back Against Obama’s Refusal to Call ISIS Islamic From American People is Starting to Get to Him
After Shoebat.com and others posted the comments of State Department spokesman Marie Harf, she found herself having to respond. During an appearance with Wolf Blitzer, Harf insisted that her position is simply ‘too nuanced for some’ to understand. Perhaps the best and most telling part of this exchange comes at the end. After Harf admits […]
VIAGRA and Kinky Underwear on the Booty List of ISIS Fighters
According to one report, ISIS fighters are on the lookout for both VIAGRA and kinky underwear for their women whom they abuse. One is left only to speculate as to why but it seems that ISIS terrorists are becoming more violent and ruthless in more ways than one: Militants fighting for the Islamic State in […]
Tweet Shows ISIS Made Up of Foot Soldiers for the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey
A tweet sent out by Mohammed al-Houfi is very revealing about just how aligned ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey are. Shoebat.com explained much of this dynamic in a post entitled, Egyptian-Libyan Crisis for Dummies. Here is an image of the tweet, with a translation underneath: Translation: Why are they afraid of the Ottoman Empire? […]
America’s Leaders Have Allowed Stealth Jihadists, Al-Qaeda Terrorists and ISIS to Grow Stronger BEFORE and AFTER 9/11 But there is a Simple Solution – COMING CLEAN
This article is the second in a series. Part one can be read here. Before Ayman al-Zawahiri became a leader with al-Qaeda, he was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. After the U.S. invaded Iraq, al-Qaeda took root there thanks to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Since then, it has become ISIS. To say American leadership has […]
Islamic Terrorists Who Attacked Benghazi OFFICIALLY Join ISIS (Ansar al-Sharia = ISIS)
Nearly two and a half years after the Benghazi attacks, it’s finally being reported that ISIS has joined with Ansar al-Sharia in Libya. It should not be considered news that Islamic terrorists joined forces but unfortunately, it is. As Shoebat.com reported months ago, all anyone had to do was examine the flags that were being […]
State Department Spokesman Wonders Why ’17 year-olds’ Join ISIS Instead of ‘Try to Start a Business’
It never ceases to amaze how willing spokesmen for the Obama administration are to look completely vacuous on a national stage. In the latest example, State Department spokesman Marie Harf appeared with Chris Matthews to talk about ISIS. Aside from making the absurd comment that while the U.S. is ‘killing a lot’ of ISIS fighters, […]
Political Ad in Israel Shows ISIS Asking Jew For Directions To Jerusalem
A political ad for the Likud Party (Netanyahu’s party) is instructive on several levels. For one, it demonstrates a cold, hard reality that even now, so many are unwilling to face. ISIS represents a strain of Islam that is actually very mainstream; it wants to conquer Jerusalem. In the ad, ISIS terrorists in a pickup […]
After Helping Muslim Terrorists Remove and Kill Gadhafi, Europe is Under Greater Threat as ISIS Threatens to Control Libya
In 2011, NATO led the effort at regime change in Libya; that happened officially in October of that year when President Muammar Gadhafi was killed. Keep in mind that the vast majority of NATO member countries are European; Turkey is one of the few exceptions. Now, in 2015, ISIS not only appears to be on […]