On Today’s Barrack-AST: Jonathan Gruber is widely regarded as an Obamacare architect. He has been caught on video several times admitting that deceit had to be used in order to get the law past the American people. In making his case, Gruber insisted that the American people are stupid. However, the people he must have […]
Tag Archives | Jen Psaki
State Dept Spokesman FLAILS When Asked About ISIS Strategy
State Department spokesman Jen Psaki is insisting that the solution to the situation in Syria is “political” and not “military”. She also struggled to explain why the administration is not doing a formal review of its current strategy in that country (h/t WFB): When it comes to Syria, the U.S. has few options. The worst […]
Obama’s Plan To Bring Ebola to the U.S. from Muslim Countries Shows why Ideology and Associations Matter
The recent outbreak of Ebola in West Africa was determined to have been primarily located in three countries – Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. Indications are that the two Muslim supermajority countries in that mix – Sierra Leone (73% Muslim) and Guinea (85% Muslim) are seeing a rise in Ebola cases while Liberia (13%) is […]
Chickensh*t Comment Opens Can of Worms After Going Viral
While Ebola has been traced back to bat excrement, it’s ‘chickensh*t’ that’s making news at the moment. The revelation that a ‘senior official’ in the Obama administration accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being a ‘chickensh*t’ is getting significant traction; it’s actually going viral days away from an election. Steve Hayes made an excellent […]
While Wearing Hamas Green, State Department Spokesman Avoids Offending Hamas
As State Department spokesman Jen Psaki appeared to be going out of her way to avoid implicating Hamas in an act of terrorism, she was coincidentally dressed in a shade of green reminiscent of Hamas’ color. When asked by AP reporter Matt Lee about reports that the terrorist leanings of a 14 year-old Palestinian-American boy […]
ISIS Continues to Prove it’s Islamic and Muslims Who Say it Isn’t Continue to be Revealed as Liars
Self-proclaimed Caliph of the Islamic State / ISIS / ISIL / Da’ish Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been making things difficult for stealth Muslim Brotherhood groups and leaders. Attempts by Barack Obama to insist that a group with “Islamic State” in its name is “not Islamic” and the PhD in Islamic studies hanging on al-Baghdadi’s wall […]
U.S. State Department Infiltrated by Muslim Brotherhood says Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t want a Caliphate
If you can’t believe the guys hiding inside the Trojan horse, who can you trust? While speaking at the United Nations, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the common goal of all Islamic militants is a global caliphate. In response, a U.S. State Department that has undoubtedly been influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood, scoffed: […]
Lying State Department Ventriloquist Dummies Declare War on Bill O’Reilly Instead of on ISIS
This is truly an amazing piece of video. State Department spokesman ventriloquist dummy Marie Harf took exception yesterday to Fox News host Bill O’Reilly saying that her fellow ventriloquist dummy Jen Psaki was “way out of her depth” when it came to answering questions about ISIS. Harf decided to divine motive and claim that O’Reilly […]
Israeli Ambassador Rips State Department Ventriloquist Dummy
As Shoebat.com reported earlier today, the Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer is a public relations smack down artist. Dermer now has another public relations scalp from the Obama administration to hang on his wall. This one has red hair and a history of lying. The first two were NBC’s Chuck Todd and David […]
PHOTO EMERGES: Bergdahl with Taliban Comrade
A photo of Bowe Bergdahl posing gleefully with a Taliban captor has been released on twitter. The man in the photo with Bergdahl is said to be Taliban commander Badruddin Haqqani, who was killed by a U.S. drone strike in 2012. As Shoebat.com has reported, the affinity Bergdahl’s father Bob has for the Taliban clearly […]
Palestinian Authority OPENLY Supporting Hamas Rocket Attacks on Israel
Hamas has launched rockets at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv; it has even fired them at an Israeli nuclear facility in Dimona. In response, the facebook page of Fatah, belonging to Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority (PA) expressed solidarity with Hamas relative to these attacks. On the official Fatah (PA) facebook page Hamas, Palestinian […]

State Dept Spokesman calls Hamas Liars
Despite an admission by the most liberal mainstream media outlets like the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times that the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have formed a new unity government, State Department spokesman Jen Psaki said Hamas has no influence over the Palestinian Authority. In response to a question about the Obama administration’s […]
State Dept Spokesman: Terrorism NOT on the Rise
There was a time when no one thought the “Baghdad Bob” schtick would get old. Well, thanks to the Obama administration, it’s as worn out as Light My Fire by the Doors. The latest incarnation comes from State Department spokesman Jen Psaki who, in response to a question about putting what’s going on in Iraq […]
Obama Administration’s Smearing of Honorable Soldiers Reveals ‘Taliban is on the Inside of the Building’
By Ben Barrack The Obama administration’s defense of Bowe Bergdahl continues to descend toward positions that defend the Taliban itself. This is bolstered by the congressional testimony of a Benghazi whistleblower last year. At the time, former Regional Security Officer Eric Nordstrom testified that his frustrations in dealing with the State Department led him to […]
State Dept. Says Soldiers who Served with Bergdahl and Claim he’s a Deserter are LYING
State Department Jen Psaki must have needed a breather after trying to explain away the ridiculous decision to swap a deserter for five top Taliban fighters. Psaki said Bergdahl wasn’t a deserter. One day later, Psaki’s deputy, Marie Harf accused soldiers who served with Berdahl and said he was a deserter, are liars. In this […]
State Department sides with Deserter and Deserts Hero
U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who has served with honor and distinction, was arrested more than two months ago after accidentally crossing the border into Mexico with three of his legally owned guns. Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter who has the blood of fellow American soldiers on his hands because they were killed in action […]