A report by Reuters that headlined Secretary of State John Kerry’s scheduled visit to Egypt one day before Mohammed Mursi is set to go on trial, includes an interesting paragraph near the end. More on Kerry’s visit in a bit, but first… Via the U.K. Guardian: State-run newspapers often carry conspiracy theories which suggest Washington […]
Tag Archives | Mohammed Mursi

Isn’t it time to make this Benghazi Suspect Famous?
Reports of U.S. Intelligence documents being leaked in Egypt show a lead suspect in Benghazi attack met with brother of al-Qaeda leader and was pardoned by then Egyptian president Mohammed Mursi. Last year, a left-wing group known as Invisible Children – as evidenced by the group’s love for Samantha Power and Cass Sunstein – launched […]

Ben Barrack interviewed by Sam Sorbo about Egypt
The Andrea Tantaros show, guest hosted by Sam Sorbo, had Ben Barrack on the show today to talk about the latest developments in Egypt. While western media has been fixated on things like the Government shutdown, the debt ceiling, and the Obamacare trainwreck, there have been explosive developments in Egypt. For example, former president, Mohammed […]
Evidence that could send Egypt’s Mursi to the Gallows
What would evidence that Mursi was colluding with al-Qaeda during his tenure as president of Egypt reveal about Barack Obama’s support for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood regime? By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Authors’ Note: The ensuing report constitutes Addendum N of Ironclad: Egypt Involved in Benghazi Attacks. His name is Dr. Abdel Reheem Ali and […]
Mursi’s Chief of Staff Al-Qaeda Chief’s First Cousin
Note: The following post is being introduced as Addendum M to Ironclad: Egypt Involved in Benghazi Attacks. Mohammed al-Zawahiri is closely connected to his brother, al-Qaeda’s number one, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Ansar Al-Sharia Egypt, and the Jamal Network. Now it’s been learned that both Ayman and Mohammed are connected to former President of Egypt, Mohammed Mursi. […]
Big Egypt Media: Brotherhood Snipers Killing their Own
Egypt’s security forces pledged to crack down on pro-Muslim Brotherhood / Mohammed Mursi demonstrators who were holding sit-ins. When news that dozens of demonstrators had been killed, western media sources operated from a premise that these demonstrators had to have been killed by security forces. However, major Egyptian media sources are reporting that these pro-Muslim […]

Today’s Barrack Show
On today’s Barrack show… To any objective observer, the visit to Egypt by Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham was an unmitigated disaster but did it constitute an attempt to aid and abet America’s enemies? To say there was an Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attacks is a statement of fact that even the ‘experts’ […]
Mursi’s wife (Huma’s Mama’s colleague) Leads Protests
As if you needed another reason why the Barack Obama administration and its emissaries – John McCain and Lindsey Graham – want Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood leaders released. As we reported last year, the mother-in-law of New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner is a close colleague of Mohammed Mursi’s wife. Both women were discovered to […]
Pallywood Training in Egypt caught on Video
To the sane individual, the Pallywood tactics that were exposed years ago, should be an absolute outrage. They should have lost their effectiveness by now. That the people in the video below actually engage in the tactics at this absurd level shows they’re still effective. Pallywood was first demonstrably discovered courtesy of the staged scenes […]

Simpson: Egypt after Mursi
Though this article by Steven Simpson is a couple of weeks old, it’s still quite salient. In addition to analyzing the potential for civil war in Egypt, Simpson makes an astute observation about what the Muslim Brotherhood might learn from Mursi’s full-speed-ahead-with-Sharia tack. Via American Thinker: In the irony of ironies, the first democratically elected […]
Egypt: Obama’s Honduras Re-dux?
By Ben Barrack Four years ago, almost to the day of the removal of Mohammed Mursi as president of Egypt, another head of state whom Obama sided with, was removed by his country’s military. On June 28, 2009, the president of Honduras – Manuel Zelaya – was abruptly awakened, put on a plane, and exiled […]
RINO Clowns: McCain and Graham a Disaster in Egypt
According to reports from Cairo, not only was the trip paid to Egypt by Senators John McCain (RINO-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) worthless but the word ‘counter-productive’ can be added to the list. These two clowns were like walking cans of gasoline and every time they opened their mouths, they spit up on another fire. […]
Report: Mursi’s Inner Circle going on Trial for Murder
So, who’s right, the U.S. President who has made a career of lying his face off or the new Egyptian government, installed after Mohammed Mursi was removed by the military? As painful as it is to admit, the Egyptian government has more credibility at this point. With that as a premise, Mursi is now facing […]
Congressional Witness tries to debunk Benghazi report
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross Fails to Scratch the Surface in response to our work on Benghazi By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack INTRODUCTION Daveed Gartenstein-Ross testified as an expert witness at a recent House Joint Subcommittee hearing about Benghazi. A couple of weeks later, he wrote an article entitled “Rumor Busting” and attempted to discredit our reports […]
Slew of Muslim Brotherhood Documents loose in Benghazi
Benghazi is in the news again but not because of 9/11/12. After a prominent anti-Muslim Brotherhood figure was assassinated, his supporters descended on the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood there and trashed it. Consequently, what appears to be tens of thousands – if not hundreds of thousands – of documents have been strewn about outside. […]
Mursi detained; accused of Collaborating with Hamas
As Hosni Mubarak’s reign in Egypt was in its last days in late January of 2011, Mohammed Mursi was arrested and detained along with several other Muslim Brotherhood leaders. Two days later, their was a jail break. Mursi was one of the prisoners who was freed. At the time, Reuters reported that “relatives of prisoners […]