By Theodore Shoebat It is very common in Pakistan for Muslims to take Christian girls, cut and lacerate their bodies, rape them, mutilate their vaginas, and forcefully tell them to convert to Islam. According to one report, between 100 to 700 Christian girls are kidnapped every year in Pakistan and put through this type of […]
Tag Archives | rape
Hindu Savages Gang Rape Two Girls And Hang Them On A Tree
By Theodore Shoebat Hindu savages in India raped two girls, ages 15 and 14, and both cousins, and hung them on a mango tree. The girls were part the lowest stage of the Hindu caste system, called Dalits, or “untouchables”, and the superintendent of police said, “We now believe the girls were assaulted for their […]
Young 15 Year Old Girl Gets Gang Raped By 38 Muslim Men For Several Hours
By Theodore Shoebat A young 15 year old girl in Malaysia was gang raped by 38 Muslim men, with each man taking turns for several hours. Police have arrested 15 men and are looking for the remaining ones as the investigation is going under way. According to several media outlets, police chief Azham Otham said […]
Muslim Man: “I killed my wife”
By Theodore Shoebat A Muslim man named Mohammad Ibqal murdered his wife so that he could then marry Farzana Parveen, a woman who in turn was recently murdered by her father and brothers, as reported. Ibqal said: I wanted to send a proposal to Farzana, so I killed my wife Ibqal was arrested but […]
Muslims Gang Rape 19 Year Old Girl, Girl Runs To Police Where Five Muslims Gang Rape Her And Then Shove Her Complaint Paper Up Her Vagina
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Pakistan gang raped a 19-year young girl, and she ran to the police, two police officers and three other Muslims Where gang raped her and then shove her complaint paper up her vagina. Doctors say that her vagina is in a state of severe mutilation. According to a Pakistani report: […]
Police Aid and Abet Rapists and Kidnappers of Christian Girls
It’s a common theme we see in Pakistan. Authorities with the ability to discern right from wrong often don’t have the strength of character to let their consciences be their guides. Christian women in Egypt are increasingly becoming the victims of such cowardice. According to a Fox News report, one 15 year-old victim was abducted […]
Demons Have Possessed Muslims And They Are Doing Horrific And Cruel Massacres
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat A horrific clash of bloody violence has taken place between the Arabian tribe of Bani Helal, and the Nubian tribe of Daboudiya, in Egypt, which has left 25 people dead so far. The violence is very graphic, with bodies being piled upon bodies onto mule carts, caught […]
Pastor On Islamic Persecution Of Christians: “they’re killing everybody.”
By Theodore Shoebat An Anglican pastor who lives in Bagdad, named Andrew White, who has served the Anglican community at St. George’s Church in Baghdad since before the war, had this to say on the Islamic persecution of Christians in Iraq: they’re killing everybody. He made a very revealing statement, saying that in the last […]
Muslims Force Almost 1,000 Christian Women To Convert To Islam
By Theodore Shoebat In Pakistan, according to a report released by Movement for Solidarity and Peace, 100 to 700 Christian girls are forced to convert to Islam each year. The girls are usually between the ages of 12 and 25; they are abducted, forced to convert and then married to the abductor or to a […]

Muslims Slaughter 400 People In Killing Fields And Impregnate 3000 Women
By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat (EXCLUSIVE) Muslims in Syria have butchered 400 people in mass killing fields, and have also impregnated 3000 women through sex jihad. We have learned this information through our Middle East contact Sister Hatune Dogan, who we partnered with in order to rescue Christians in Syria and Iraq, Turkey and […]
Actual And Literal Islamic Human Slaughterhouses For Christians Discovered
EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Saif Al-Adlubi told the story when the Egyptian butcher would examine the row of people who were waiting their execution. Al-Adlubi witnessed at least two Armenians who were waiting their turn to be slaughtered since no one paid their ransom, the sum of $100,000 each. “He grabbed the […]
Muslims Slaughter 150 Christians, Including Poor Pastor And His Wife
By Theodore Shoebat Forty Muslim herdsman in the area of Kaduna in Nigeria butchered 150 Christians in cold blood. They shot at them with their guns, and those who tried to run were hunted down like animals and butchered horrendously. Among those killed were a poor pastor and his wife. The Muslims entered the town […]
Muslims Shoot Down Numerous Christians
Exclusive By Theodore Shoebat The consequences of democracy are blossoming with their filthily colored pedals in Libya, as lawlessness and violence rule the land, and the the restrictions of government are vanquished by Islamic evils. Recently, a Christian named Nashat Bibawi heard a knock on the door, and when his father, Talaat Sedeek Bibawi, opened […]
Mass Sex Slave Ring Discovered Amongst Muslims
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Watch this revealing video on the mass sex slavery taking place amongst Muslims in the Middle East This brings to mine the verse of Daniel on the coming Antichrist: Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women (Daniel 11:37) Saudi Arabia exports its Islamic fundamentalist […]
Muslims Shoot Christian Man And Place His Daughter In Prison, But We Rescue Them
By Theodore Shoebat Watch this heart wrenching video of a father and daughter giving their testimony of how Rescue Christians delivered them from Islamic violence and brought to another country where they are now safe. We rescued them, and by we, I mean all of us, who donated to our rescue team. Without you, these […]
Muslims Gang Rape American Woman In Colorado, In Rare And Horrific Ways
By Theodore Shoebat America helped Iraq, and now the immigrants who the nation has brought within its borders, are introducing to the people the reality of Muslim cruelty and deviancy. Five Iraqi men have been arrested in Colorado Springs in connection with a rape so disturbing, that Lt. Howard Black, who heads the Police Department’s […]