The fighting and human slaughter in Syria is so bad that the region is definitely home to some serious propaganda wars as well. While the video below is not definitive or independently verified, it does provide information that could be quite useful. It purports to show a Syrian rebel explaining how the U.S. and Turkey […]
Tag Archives | Rescue Christians

Sister Hatune Dogan Speaks of Unspeakable Atrocities after returning from Trip to Syria
Sister Hatune Dogan is a very brave woman. She recently returned from a trip to help persecuted Christians in Syria. What she saw and heard consisted of unspeakable and inhuman atrocities you can read about here. She is eager to tell as many people as she can, what is happening to innocent Christians all across […]
Brutalized Bangladeshi Christian needs our help!
My name is C.A. Halder; I am 33 years-old and from a Bangladeshi Christian family. Since my childhood, I’ve been active in different Christian organizations. As the executive director and secretary general of the Christian Humanitarian Foundation, I became a target of Bangladesh Islamic Chaatra Shibir, an Islamic fundamentalist group that is the wing of […]
How the Machine Gun Preacher Rescued this young Christian Boy
On today’s Ben Barrack show… Sam Childers, the Machine Gun Preacher, rescues Christian orphans in South Sudan. He’s built an orphanage there and recently learned of a Newsweek article that featured the story of Simon Marial. On the night of December 15, 2013, Simon was awakened by the sound of guns. His last living relative […]
Couple Found Guilty without Trial; Promptly Stoned by Mob
In some cultures, it’s ‘innocent until proven guilty’. In others, it’s ‘guilty until proven innocent’. In Pakistan, especially if you’re non-Muslim, it’s ‘guilty until executed’. Our contact in Pakistan has confirmed the veracity of this report by VOA News: Authorities in Pakistan say six people have been arrested in connection with the stoning death of […]
House Subcommittee takes up Christian Persecution; Outrage still lacking
On February 11th, Fox News reported on stories about Christian persecution. Congress held a hearing on the issue. This is certainly a good thing but sadly, it is all just theatrics and as much as they speak, we see little action; we need policies that will put the right amount of pressure on countries to […]
Pakistan is walking towards Sharia
By Meer Khan Negotiators representing Pakistani Taliban insurgents said that there could be no peace until Pakistan embraces Islamic Sharia Law and US-led forces withdraw completely from the neighboring Afghanistan. Sami ul Haq, founder of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen and the head of the TTP’s three man talks team, said that there could be no peace in the […]
John McCain Chooses Jihad; Yells at Syrian Christians
Who better to explain what’s going on in Syria these days than the victims of the Jihadists? You can put Syrian Christians at the top of the list. Christian leaders from that country recently paid a visit to Capitol Hill and none other than Jihad-apologist, Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) apparently gave the clergy a dress […]
Muslims can have you Arrested if they don’t like you
‘Firecracker’ conspiracy theory leads to arrest and torture of Christians Islamic blasphemy laws are unjust to begin with but in Pakistan, Muslims there have learned that when they don’t like someone, falsely accusing those persons of blasphemy helps them to feed their hatred for non-Muslims. Take the case of Tariq and Arif Masih, along with […]
Wicked: Bearing False Witness to create a Muslim Lynch Mob
Sandal and Gulsher Masih are Pakistani Christians who were set up by Muslims who wanted to have them arrested for blasphemy against Islam. Their case started when Muslims threw pages from a Qur’an onto their property and then accused them of doing it. This, in turn, created a mob that had found its victims. It […]
Muslims Commence Systematic Slaughter Of Christians
By Theodore Shoebat The Muslim fundamentalists of Nigeria have been incessantly killing Christians; it is systematic and consistent. What we are seeing is a holocaust being done right before our eyes, and while we say that “never again” will a holocaust happen, it is being organized and executed in the midst of this so called […]
Christians Tortured while in Custody
Asif Pervaiz is a Christian and a family man with children. He was arrested and charged with blasphemy against Islam. Since being detained, Asif has suffered tortuous abuse. What must be clearly understood is that the enforcement of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws is the result of mob rule. Police are typically reluctant to enforce the laws […]
Civil Rights Beneficiaries now Civil Rights Deniers
Today, Christians can be Murdered for Drinking Water from Wrong Fountain By Ben Barrack Right this very moment, a young woman is facing death for drinking from a bowl of water that was meant for others who are not like her. Her name is Asia Bibi and she is a Catholic in Pakistan who was […]
2013 report on Rescue Christians
by Keith Davies Executive Director First of all, we would like to thank all our readers and supporters who have contributed to Rescue Christians in 2013. In the final quarter of 2013 our fund-raising just took off and we raised $173,000 with over $85,000 being raised just in the month of December alone. Whether you […]

Do Liberals care about Slaughtered Christians?
While guest-hosting on the Lynn Woolley show, Ben Barrack was talking about the idea of conservatives uniting in common cause against liberalism. In particular, the subject of Duck Dynasty was being discussed. The point was that when there is enough outrage, a conservative backlash can be very effective, as was the case with A&E deciding […]
Muslims Force People Into Furnaces, Throw Children from Windows
By Theodore Shoebat A horrific massacre of unfathomable cruelty and grisly violence has just taken place by fundamentalist Muslims in the Syrian village of Adra in which innocent people were butchered and children thrown down windows. One survivor recounted: What is happening in Adra is unthinkable … Children are being slaughtered and thrown out of […]