Tag Archives | sudan

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Turkey Is Deepening Its Ties With Somalia. This Terrifies Saudi Arabia

Turkey is deepening ties with Ethiopia and Somalia, cultivating commerce and even military connections. Middle East Eye recently reported: Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) is signing two separate agreements with political parties in Ethiopia and Somalia to deepen strategic ties with the two East African countries. On Wednesday, AKP’s deputy chairman, Zafer Sirakaya, […]

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ISIS is racist towards Boko Haram, please call Al sharpton and Eric holder, You cannot make this up!

We have reported this in the past, but we know that the Arab Muslims are very racist towards black people including the fact the Arabs were the instigators of the African slave trade also reported here. Black Muslims in Sudan have been persecuted and murdered by Arab muslims. We also know that the Black Muslim […]

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At the National Prayer Breakfast, where Obama Bashed the Crusades, Next to Him was a Major Islamic Jihadist wanted for War Crimes, whose Nation Obama wants Removed from State Sponsors of Terrorism List

In addition to Barack Obama comparing ISIS terrorists to righteous Crusaders at the National Prayer Breakfast, seated near him was Ali Ahmed Karti, the foreign minister of Sudan. Sudan is a country that has been listed as an official State Sponsor of Terrorism since 1993. One of the reasons for this is that five Sudanese […]

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Obama Working to Make the Already Short ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ List Even Shorter

There is one huge problem with the U.S. State Department list of State Sponsors of Terrorism; it’s too short. And Barack Obama wants to make it shorter. The list consists of four countries – Cuba, Sudan, Iran and Syria. With the recent announcement that relations with Cuba are being normalized (despite that country’s harboring of […]

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House Speaker Boehner Preparing to Help ISIS

Arming the Syrian rebels helps no fewer than three states – Qatar, Turkey and the Islamic State. Despite this, House Speaker John Boehner is signaling that he will sign on to a plan that arms Syrian rebels. The main line of distinction between the FSA and ISIS is that there is almost no difference. FSA […]

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Muslim Terrorists Increasing because Good Men Doing Nothing or Not Enough

On today’s Ben Barrack show… Hamas is one of the most familiar faces of Islamic terror groups and the United States under the Barack Obama administration supports it over America and Israel. Words and actions that come out of the administration prove it. Even the left-wing, mainstream media knows it has been defending an untenable […]

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Attorney for Tea Party Group Caught Suppressing Evidence of Islamic Terror Funding in Client’s Battle with IRS

In True the Vote (TTV) v. IRS, the crux of the case involves the targeting of conservative groups for increased scrutiny and undue harassment while simultaneously delaying the issuance of tax-exempt status for years. TTV’s attorney Cleta Mitchell is suppressing evidence that would help her client. We know because we walked her office through it […]

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Muslims Want To Do Another Holocaust On Christians, And They Will Succeed

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims want to do another holocaust of Christians, and they will succeed, just as they did in the Armenian Genocide, the genocide of the Assyrian Christians, the Chaldean Christians, and all of the Christians who were slaughtered by Islamic regimes. Dr. Sebastian Gorka has recently made some prudent, yet harrowing statements of […]

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Pope Francis And The Vatican Fight Against The Islamic Persecution Of Christians, And Rescue A Christian From Being Killed By Muslims

By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis and the Vatican have fought against the Islamic persecution of Christians, and this is illustrated by their heroic action of rescuing Meriam Ibrahim, a Christian convert from Islam, from being executed by the Muslim North Sudanese government. This is confirmed by one source that stated: The Sudanese government allowed the […]

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NSA Scandal Reveals two More Stealth Jihadists in U.S. Connected to Sudan

On Today’s Ben Barrack show… In attempting to tip off and then later defend Muslims who were under NSA and FBI surveillance, Glenn Greenwald – through Edward Snowden – may have inadvertently revealed some shocking information about two such Muslims and their dealings with a State Sponsor of Terrorism – Sudan. Faisal Gill and Asim […]

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Obama Conspires to Control Republicans from Attacking his Muslim Jihadist Brother

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** If ever there existed a scandal that dirtied up both Republicans and Democrats, it was Iran-Contra. In fact, it dirtied up both the Clintons and the Bushes. Both families – along with their respective parties – are so dirtied up that they dare not expose the President’s […]

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Watergate Complex and Iran-Contra now part of IRS Scandal

On Today’s Ben Barrack Show… A new figure has been introduced into the Malik Obama angle to the IRS scandal. In March of 2013, the Watergate apartment of former Reagan National Security Advisor Robert “Bud” McFarlane – who has connections to the Iran-Contra scandal – was raided by the FBI. Among items seized were documents […]

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Lois Lerner CAUGHT by Washington Post and CNN as being Accessory to Terror Funding

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Based on a 2009 article that appeared in the Washington Post and a March 2013 report by CNN, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) – who authored a resolution calling for the Sergeant at Arms to arrest Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress – should perhaps point to a […]

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Reagan’s Suicidal National Security Advisor taking U.S. toward National Suicide

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Nearly three decades after an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide, an attempt he blamed on a sense that he “failed the country”, former National Security Advisor under Ronald Reagan – Robert “Bud” McFarlane – is today consorting with stealth enemies of the United States. He has also […]

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Reagan Republican Honors Ground Zero Mosque Imam

By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** President Ronald Reagan’s former National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane recently honored Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, tainting his former boss’s legacy in so doing. Making matters worse is that Abubaker Y. Ahmed Al Shingieti, the Vice President of the organization that hosted the event was for years a […]

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If Senator Ted Cruz is Serious about Release of Sudanese Christian Woman

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is rightfully calling out the Obama administration over the re-arrest of Meriam Ibrahim, a Sudanese Christian woman who was detained after a court ruled in her favor and ordered her release. What he is not doing – and hasn’t done for over a year – is call out the relationship between […]

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