Tag Archives | syria

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The Kurdish Deal With Syria Might Lead To Trump Doing A Military Withdrawal Out Of Syria, Which Will Only Empower Turkey

Syria’s new rebel government has made a deal with the YPG (now known as the SDF). The Kurdish force has agreed to relinquish its control over its territory in Syria’s northeast and to integrate themselves with the Syrian military. As we read in AP News: Syria’s interim government signed a deal Monday with the Kurdish-led […]

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ISIS Nothing More than Turkey’s JUNKYARD DOG and Obama is Helping to Feed It

At minimum, Turkey needs ISIS. At a maximum, it really needs ISIS. The government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood-backed rebels all want the same thing – an Islamic Caliphate. This gives them all common cause. Turkey has made great strides – and has had some setbacks – when it comes to […]

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Secretary of State Says World Is Safer Than Ever Despite ISIS

In an AMAZINGLY disconnected and at best insensitive statement, Secretary of State John Kerry said in sworn testimony today: Our citizens, our world today is actually, despite ISIL, despite the visible killings that you see and how horrific they are, we are actually living in a period of less daily threat to Americans and to […]

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Islamophobia ‘Expert’ Who Knows What True Islam is, Joins the ‘Anti-Islamic’ ISIS

We’re told by Muslim leaders and apologists that ISIS is not Islamic and that if you think it is, you must be Islamophobic. There are an endless number of problems with that premise but the latest one comes courtesy of an Islamophobic ‘expert’ from Sweden who has joined ISIS in Syria. Michael Skråmo (aka Abdul […]

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LOUISIANA GOVERNOR BLOWS IT: Calls Turkey an ‘Ally’ And Recommends Arming Muslims Who Want a Caliphate

In his interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill Hemmer, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal started out just fine when talking about the need for the U.S. to identify Islamic fundamentalists as the enemy… and then came the 3:57 mark. At that point, Jindal referred to Turkey as an ‘ally’ the U.S. should rely on to remove […]

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As Obama and Congress Arm and Train Savage Muslims, Christians Willing to Fight ISIS Are Being Ignored

In Northeastern Syria, along the Khabur River, sit dozens of Assyrian Christian villages. Those villages are under increased threat and savage assault from ISIS. Families are being kidnapped or forced to flee their homes. All the while weapons and training are being provided to Syrian Muslim rebels by both Turkey and the Obama administration in […]

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U.S. and Turkey Agree To Train And Arm Syrian Rebels Who Want Islamic Caliphate

The Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS both want the same thing – an Islamic Caliphate. In fact, it was recently revealed by Shoebat.com that members of ISIS are actually beginning to support the return of the Ottoman Empire. This reality puts ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood on the exact same page. Despite this, the U.S. is […]

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VIDEO: Savage ISIS Mobs Stomp and Kick Three Men To Death, then Tie Their Bodies to Backs of Motorcycles and Drag Them Through Streets

The savage murders of defenseless people in ISIS-controlled territories continues. Today, you can add the surrounding of three people by Muslim mobs who then proceed to stomp and kick them to death. When they are dead, the bodies are tied to the backs of motorcycles with chains and dragged through the streets. The three victims […]

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After Helping Muslim Terrorists Remove and Kill Gadhafi, Europe is Under Greater Threat as ISIS Threatens to Control Libya

In 2011, NATO led the effort at regime change in Libya; that happened officially in October of that year when President Muammar Gadhafi was killed. Keep in mind that the vast majority of NATO member countries are European; Turkey is one of the few exceptions. Now, in 2015, ISIS not only appears to be on […]

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New York Times Writer Just Can’t Understand Why Muslim Terrorists Kill Those Who Help Them

It’s difficult to get into the mind of a leftist (those who try, tread carefully) but the reaction of New York Times writer Rukmini Callimachi – who wrote a sympathetic article about Kayla Mueller – can be very instructive. In fact, coupled with a subsequent tweet, it substantiates greatly that famous quote by Winston Churchill […]

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U.S. Closes Embassy in Yemen Five Months After Obama Touted U.S. Success in That Country While Also Saying, ‘ISIL is Not Islamic’

Reality continues to remain at odds with what the Obama administration and State Department is telling the American people. The Latest example comes courtesy of Yemen. Five months after Barack Obama touted U.S. success in Yemen while telling the American people that ‘ISIL is not Islamic’, the U.S. Embassy in Yemen is being closed (h/t […]

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Turkey Trying To Get Media to Ignore Case of ISIS Suspect Who is Testifying that Turkey Helped Him Smuggle Weapons Into Syria

Nearly a dozen individuals suspected of being part of ISIS are in trial in Turkey. In what can only be described as another black eye for the Turkish government, one of the suspects said it was the Turkish Intelligence Agency that aided in the smuggling of weapons to Syrian rebels. According to at least one […]

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EXPLOSIVE New Discovery Reveals Grover Norquist On Path to Becoming Muslim Double Agent During Reagan Administration and Has Helped Dirty Up Some Powerful People Along the Way

The already alarming connections of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) President Grover Norquist to Islamic terrorism have both come into sharper focus and gotten even more alarming. In an expose’ by Lee Stranahan, it’s revealed that being married to a Palestinian Muslim wife isn’t Norquist’s only connection to Islam through his family. In fact, the […]

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Muslim Brotherhood Threatens to Attack Egypt From Turkey

The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has been doing an awful lot of sabre rattling from Turkey recently. As Shoebat.com reported recently, the Obama State Department rolled out the red carpet for the Muslim Brotherhood and more specifically, the Revolutionary Council of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, which operates from Turkey. As those meetings were taking place, Muslim […]

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LEAKED EVIDENCE Shows Senator McCain Involved in Major Islamic Conspiracy to Transform Middle East into Islamic State

Recently revealed conversations between the Pentagon and the Gadhafi regime in 2011 show that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was serving the Muslim Brotherhood by pushing a false narrative to justify the removal of Muammar Gadhafi, as Shoebat.com has reported. With the help of corroborating evidence, we’re closer to proving that Republican Senator John […]

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Turkey Has Been Flying Under the Radar but World Events are FORCING its Muslim Leaders to REVEAL THEIR TRUE SELVES

It can be said that the best way to defeat evil is to get evil to reveal itself. As world events continue to unfold, Turkey is moving closer to having to reveal its true intentions. The Syrian town of Kobane, which sits along the border with Turkey, is back in the news again as it […]

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