Tag Archives | turkey

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The Kurdish Deal With Syria Might Lead To Trump Doing A Military Withdrawal Out Of Syria, Which Will Only Empower Turkey

Syria’s new rebel government has made a deal with the YPG (now known as the SDF). The Kurdish force has agreed to relinquish its control over its territory in Syria’s northeast and to integrate themselves with the Syrian military. As we read in AP News: Syria’s interim government signed a deal Monday with the Kurdish-led […]

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Turkey Is Deepening Its Ties With Somalia. This Terrifies Saudi Arabia

Turkey is deepening ties with Ethiopia and Somalia, cultivating commerce and even military connections. Middle East Eye recently reported: Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) is signing two separate agreements with political parties in Ethiopia and Somalia to deepen strategic ties with the two East African countries. On Wednesday, AKP’s deputy chairman, Zafer Sirakaya, […]

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America’s Withdrawal From Afghanistan Will Lead To Turkish Control Over Afghanistan

By Theodore Shoebat As the reign of terror of the Taliban has revived itself at the advent of America leaving Afghanistan, I thought I would do a video expounding more on why I believe this will lead to Turkey eventually expanding militarily into the country:

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Erdogan Demands For An “International Protection Force” To Enter Israel And Defend The Palestinians

By Theodore Shoebat Erdogan is demanding for an “international protection force”. He made this known to Putin recently. Turkey is a country that is encroaching in the Eastern Mediterranean, entering the maritime territories of the Greeks and Egyptians, and also causing consternation for Israel. Meanwhile, Turkey’s military has been occupying the Northeastern part of Syria. […]

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Erdogan Announces That 18,000 Migrants Are Now Heading Towards Europe And In A Few Days The Number Will Jump To 25,000 Or 30,000

By Theodore Shoebat It looks like another migrant crises is in the making with the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, announcing that 18,000 migrants are heading towards Europe and that the number could increase to 25,000 or 30,000. According to the BBC: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says 18,000 migrants have crossed Turkish borders […]

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JUST IN: Erdogan, the President of Turkey uses the same “Mein Kampf” arguments as Hitler, Turkey now moving to Nazi style aggression.

Hurriyet Daily News, news paper that covers the Turkish Region Erdogan reported as stating “those who fought against Islam and Muslims throughout the centuries have never given up” and that “this is an eternal struggle.” Hitler railed against the Versailles treaty and his book “mein Kampf” means “my struggle.” History is lining up to repeat […]

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LEAKED INFORMATION HAS JUST REVEALED: Obama Threatened Netanyahu That He Will Order U.S. Forces To Shoot Down Israeli Jet Fighters Headed To Destroy Iran’s Nuclear Reactors

By Walid Shoebat And Ben Barrack  US President Barack Obama thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities last year by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran. The strength of the leaked report also relies on the confirmed history of the United States thwarting a previous effort when Former US […]

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PROOF that Leftists and Muslims Seek Religious Superiority in the Name of “Religious Equality”

The words “religious equality” tickle the ears of many and in theory, it sounds great. The problem is that many of those who harp on it publicly, represent Islamic groups or nations like the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), who really don’t want religious equality at all. They want everyone to agree on a set […]

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ISIS Nothing More than Turkey’s JUNKYARD DOG and Obama is Helping to Feed It

At minimum, Turkey needs ISIS. At a maximum, it really needs ISIS. The government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood-backed rebels all want the same thing – an Islamic Caliphate. This gives them all common cause. Turkey has made great strides – and has had some setbacks – when it comes to […]

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LOUISIANA GOVERNOR BLOWS IT: Calls Turkey an ‘Ally’ And Recommends Arming Muslims Who Want a Caliphate

In his interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill Hemmer, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal started out just fine when talking about the need for the U.S. to identify Islamic fundamentalists as the enemy… and then came the 3:57 mark. At that point, Jindal referred to Turkey as an ‘ally’ the U.S. should rely on to remove […]

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Retired Four Star Admiral Must be reading shoebat.com

Ace Lyons serverd in the U.S. Navy for thirty-six years, including as Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, Senior U.S. Military Representative to the United Nations and Deputy Chief of Naval Operations. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and has received post graduate degrees from the U.S. Naval War College […]

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As Obama and Congress Arm and Train Savage Muslims, Christians Willing to Fight ISIS Are Being Ignored

In Northeastern Syria, along the Khabur River, sit dozens of Assyrian Christian villages. Those villages are under increased threat and savage assault from ISIS. Families are being kidnapped or forced to flee their homes. All the while weapons and training are being provided to Syrian Muslim rebels by both Turkey and the Obama administration in […]

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U.S. and Turkey Agree To Train And Arm Syrian Rebels Who Want Islamic Caliphate

The Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS both want the same thing – an Islamic Caliphate. In fact, it was recently revealed by Shoebat.com that members of ISIS are actually beginning to support the return of the Ottoman Empire. This reality puts ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood on the exact same page. Despite this, the U.S. is […]

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Obama Planting Flag Of Islam In American History Books

We hear a lot about the United States’ Judeo-Christian heritage, but according to President Obama, “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” That’s what the president told a White House conference on “countering violent extremism” on Wednesday. Obama has said similar things in the past: “I also know that […]

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Rome, Italy and ALL of Europe Under GRAVE Threat as ISIS Threatens to Ship Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants and Terrorists From Libya

It was just a few months ago that ISIS declared war on the Vatican and threatened to conquer Rome. Now it is threatening to ship hundreds of thousands of migrants, mixed with a substantial amount of ISIS terrorists, into Europe on mass boatlifts. When it comes to European countries that are closest to Libya, Rome’s […]

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