A tweet sent out by Mohammed al-Houfi is very revealing about just how aligned ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey are. Shoebat.com explained much of this dynamic in a post entitled, Egyptian-Libyan Crisis for Dummies. Here is an image of the tweet, with a translation underneath: Translation: Why are they afraid of the Ottoman Empire? […]
Tag Archives | turkey
After Helping Muslim Terrorists Remove and Kill Gadhafi, Europe is Under Greater Threat as ISIS Threatens to Control Libya
In 2011, NATO led the effort at regime change in Libya; that happened officially in October of that year when President Muammar Gadhafi was killed. Keep in mind that the vast majority of NATO member countries are European; Turkey is one of the few exceptions. Now, in 2015, ISIS not only appears to be on […]
Which Obama White House Official Met With Muslim Conspiracy Theorist and 9/11 Truther?
Pick your issue. If it’s in opposition to Obama, you’re likely labeled a bigot or a conspiracy theorist. Both of those labels are rather interesting when applied to who the Obama State Department and at least one White House official recently chose to meet with – at least one 9/11 truther and several anti-Semitic leaders […]
OVERLOOKED Excerpt from Obama Prayer Breakfast Speech REVEALS he Supports Turkey’s Desire to CRIMINALIZE Islamophobia
While giving a speech, Senator Ted Cruz revealed an interesting excerpt from Barack Obama’s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast that has gone overlooked to this point. That excerpt puts Obama nearly 100 percent in line with the goals of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a bloc of 57 Muslim countries that seeks to […]
Turkey Trying To Get Media to Ignore Case of ISIS Suspect Who is Testifying that Turkey Helped Him Smuggle Weapons Into Syria
Nearly a dozen individuals suspected of being part of ISIS are in trial in Turkey. In what can only be described as another black eye for the Turkish government, one of the suspects said it was the Turkish Intelligence Agency that aided in the smuggling of weapons to Syrian rebels. According to at least one […]
Muslim Brotherhood Threatens to Attack Egypt From Turkey
The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has been doing an awful lot of sabre rattling from Turkey recently. As Shoebat.com reported recently, the Obama State Department rolled out the red carpet for the Muslim Brotherhood and more specifically, the Revolutionary Council of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, which operates from Turkey. As those meetings were taking place, Muslim […]
Vigorous Prosecution of DESERTER Bowe Bergdahl Would REVEAL Connections of TOP INTERNATIONAL Muslim Terrorists To NOTORIOUS U.S. Mosque
Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer referred to the issue of charging Bowe Bergdahl with desertion as a “titanic struggle behind the scenes” between the Pentagon, which wants to charge Bergdahl, and the White House, which wants to continue stonewalling. Based on Barack Obama repeatedly showing a proclivity for defending all things Islam, the absurd terms on […]
President Obama Sets Another Muslim Terrorist Free, which further Proves Obama is a RADICAL MUSLIM
Some are cheering the news that convicted terrorist Sami al-Arian has been ‘deported’ to Turkey. Upon further review, this deportation may be closer to the ones given to the Taliban Five who went to Qatar along with $5 Billion in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl. Where al-Arian is going – and where he is not […]
LEAKED EVIDENCE Shows Senator McCain Involved in Major Islamic Conspiracy to Transform Middle East into Islamic State
Recently revealed conversations between the Pentagon and the Gadhafi regime in 2011 show that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was serving the Muslim Brotherhood by pushing a false narrative to justify the removal of Muammar Gadhafi, as Shoebat.com has reported. With the help of corroborating evidence, we’re closer to proving that Republican Senator John […]
Turkey Has Been Flying Under the Radar but World Events are FORCING its Muslim Leaders to REVEAL THEIR TRUE SELVES
It can be said that the best way to defeat evil is to get evil to reveal itself. As world events continue to unfold, Turkey is moving closer to having to reveal its true intentions. The Syrian town of Kobane, which sits along the border with Turkey, is back in the news again as it […]
NBC News Reporter says Saudi King Abdullah ‘COULD NOT STAND’ Obama Which CONFIRMS a LOT
One of the more shocking things Barack Obama is remembered for is bowing to Saudi King Abdullah shortly after being elected. It made international headlines and is referenced even today by Obama’s critics as anecdotal evidence that he is a Muslim. When it comes to Obama, however, if one thing has been learned, it’s that […]
U.S. NATO ‘Ally’ Turkey Providing Safe Harbor to Muslim Leader of Foreign Terrorist Organization
It’s been formally acknowledged that U.S. NATO ‘ally’ Turkey is providing safe haven to leaders of Hamas, a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) so designated by the U.S. State Department. By its very definition, an FTO should be considered declared enemy of the U.S. Despite this, Turkey doesn’t appear to be paying any price. Another player […]
Democrat Congressman Admits Obama and Hillary had ‘No After Plan’ for Libya but Fails to Understand That WAS the Plan
The claims made by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HA), that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had ‘no after plan’ in Libya once the removal of Muammar Gadhafi was complete, were a bit surprising, coming from a Democrat. In an interview about the deteriorating situation all across the Middle East, Gabbard was asked about Libya specifically. She […]
Obama, the anti semite in the White House along with Prophecy in the News
Short Video made by David Horowitz Freedom Center in 2011 which is as relevant in 2015 as it was back in 2011. Charles Krauthammer Fox News contributor and columnist for the Washington Post gives his analysis on the current Bi Lateral relations with Israel and the United States. Iran and Turkey are flexing their muscles […]
Group Headed by Muslim Bigot Wanted by INTERPOL and Who is Protected by U.S. ‘Ally’ Tells UN it wants Criticism of Islam to be a CRIME
From the nation of Qatar – a supposed U.S. ‘ally’ – a group headed by the Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader and extreme bigot, Yusuf al-Qaradawi is petitioning the United Nations to criminalize anti-Islamic speech, despite an outstanding warrant for his arrest by Interpol, as Shoebat.com reported. This desire on the part of al-Qaradawi to criminalize […]
Play About Stoning of Women That DOESN’T Insult Islam or Muhammad is Cancelled For Fear of Muslim Terror Attack
In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, the world was told that the attacks occurred because Charlie Hebdo insulted Islam’s prophet. We were told by Turkey’s Prime Minister that Islamophobia was the problem, implying that insults of Islam were not acceptable either. Now, a play about the stoning of women called LAPIDEE (translated Stoned) […]