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Tag Archives | turkey
Turkish Youths Put Hoods Over Heads of U.S. Soldiers During Assault in Istanbul
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Obama’s ISIS Strategist is Dangerous
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Muslim Turkey Being Ignored When it comes to Relations Between U.S., Russia, and China
Relations between Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin are obviously very strained, as Obama’s trip to China has demonstrated visually. This is also against a backdrop of improved relations between Russia and China. International media is noting the friction between Obama and Putin but continues to focus exclusively on Russia’s annexation of Crimea and actions in […]
Politician Places Relations With Turkey Above Defending His Nation’s Citizens From Muslim Assailants
The Foreign Minister of Denmark, a NATO member state, has officially placed his country’s relations with Turkey above standing up for the rights of individual Danish citizens. For many of us, this would serve as another in a long list of reasons to jettison Turkey from NATO, not further embrace it. According to Hurriyet: Maintaining […]
Patriotic Newscasters Call For Terrorist Blood To Run In The Streets Over Deaths Of Soldiers
The video below is SHOCKING to watch but potentially even more so because of what it portends. It is a compilation of Egyptian newscasters reacting to the deaths of dozens of their country’s soldiers in the Sinai last month, at the hands of terrorists. While there are several different newscasters, the sentiment of each is […]
Obama Chief of Staff Who Schmoozed with Deputy to Muslim Brotherhood Spiritual Leader says ‘Washington working better if Obama has his way’
After the recent midterm elections in which the Obama agenda was roundly rejected, the President’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough made a shocking claim when he said about what American voters will see as a result: “They’re going to see Washington working better if this President has his way and that’s what he’s going to […]
Obama Facilitating Stealth Dealings between Turkey and Iran on ISIS
Barack Obama sent a letter of appeasement to Iran’s Ayatollah regarding ISIS, a supposed common enemy. Yet, as reported, Turkey – a NATO ally of the U.S. – is aligned with ISIS. This would mean that Obama is engaging Iran, one of only four officially designated State Sponsors of Terrorism, to help fight an […]
Turkey Targets Cartoon From Non-Muslim Country That Mocked Turkey’s Muslim President
While Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lives more lavishly than perhaps any other world leader is so offended by foreigners who draw satirical cartoons of him that he demands something be done. In this case, he didn’t like a cartoonist’s depiction of him as a dog appearing in German books. The Turkish foreign ministry on […]
Presidents of U.S. and Muslim Turkey Both Bullies Who Want To Be Seen as Victims
Bullies hate to be seen for what they are. When that begins to happen, they will actually play the victim card. In a statement that reveals a stunning level of projection, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdgoan is accusing ‘international media’ of waging a ‘psychological war’, also known as PSYOPs against Turkey. In so doing, he […]
NATO’s Muslim Problem Child Turkey Is Putting Member States In Greater Danger
Russia is again saber rattling with NATO. Nuclear bombers were picked up flying in significant numbers near European air space according to the Washington Free Beacon. This is clearly meant as a warning to not just Europe and the U.S. but the larger NATO that includes Turkey, which is rapidly becoming toxic to other member […]
New York Times Finally Notices Antichrist Turkey and Leader’s Peacock-like Arrogance
According to Muhammad, “The Mahdi is the peacock of all angels and of the dwellers of the heavenly realm, he is dressed and adorned with the cloaks of light.” (Ibin Al-Sabbagh in AlFusul Al-Muhimma, transmitted by Ibin Abbas.) If we didn’t know any better, we might be convinced that New York Times writer Tim Arango […]
How U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Dealings with Muslim Terrorist-Sponsoring Nations Can Corrupt U.S. Politicians and Put America in Grave Danger
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce doesn’t seem to have any qualms about embracing the Muslim Brotherhood or the extremely Muslim Brotherhood-friendly nations of Qatar and Turkey. In 2013, then Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the U.S. Chamber and was welcomed by Executive Vice-President and COO David Chavern. Also in attendance was Turkish […]
Obama USING Marxist Experience to PROMOTE Muslim Expansion
There are several debates when it comes to Barack Obama. One has to do with whether he is more Marxist or more Muslim. The answer may involve his usage of one to promote the elevation of the other. Perhaps there is no clear-cut answer but Obama’s continued reliance on Zbigniew Brzezinski as one of his […]
Egypt’s President Hearing Turkey’s War Drums
The sound of bombs, grenades, and war drums are being heard in Egypt. The sounds of the recent terrorist attack that killed more than two dozen Egyptian soldiers is also being accompanied by the sound of war drums from a nation to Egypt’s north. The President of Egypt has declared that the recent terror attack […]
Explosive Questions Raised About ISIS and Benghazi When Reading Between the Lines of David Petraeus Interview
A lot happened during David Petraeus’ 14-month tenure as CIA Director that began in September of 2011. Anwar al-Awlaki was killed in a controversial drone attack that month; Libya’s Muammar Gadhafi was overthrown and killed in October; U.S. troops were completely pulled out of Iraq in December; logistics of an alleged operation run out of […]