It’s not often that patriotic Americans can find common ground with Russia’s Vladimir Putin but in the case of the Boston bombings, we seem to have an exception. During an appearance on Russia Today, Putin blasted western media outlets that referred to terrorists who attacked his country’s civilians as ‘insurgents’. No one understands Chechen terrorists […]
Archive | April, 2013
Video: Method of Bomb detonation in Boston points to Third Party involvement
Fox News’ Catherine Herridge reported that based on how the Boston marathon bombs were detonated – via a device that requires ‘line of sight’ to the actual bombs – the likelihood of a third bomber has increased significantly. The Tsarnaev brothers and…..? Via GWP:
FBI Informant: Taliban in U.S., ready to strike
He (King George) has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. – Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 In a local CBS news report in Miami, an […]
Video: O’Reilly gives Beck opportunity to make the case against Al-Harbi (Saudi national)
Earlier this week, Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly challenged CAIR’s Nihad Awad to the point of getting the CAIR leader to show a few of his true colors – and we lauded O’Reilly for it. The next step O’Reilly needs to take is exploring the connection between Islamic terrorists in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia’s […]
Video: Sorry for another Truther Post (just seems appropriate)
It appears that a semi-debate is brewing among a few of our commenters on another post. Somehow, a 9/11 Truther discussion broke out at the bottom of this post. A commenter posted this video that debunks the claim of Truthers who always seem to whip out the ‘steel doesn’t melt at the temperatures the fires […]
Tsarnaev Trutherism: A Family Affair?
9/11 Truthers – to include Muslim Brotherhood members – believe that Jihadists were not responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Tsarnaev Truthers – to include several members of the Tsarnaev clan – believe that the Boston marathon jihadists are not only innocent but in the case of Mama Zubeidat, that America failed to keep her children […]
Chris Matthews ‘Evolves’ on Dhimmitude (2001 – 2013)
On April 25, 2013, at the opening of the George W. Bush library, MSNBC host Chris Matthews blamed America for Jihadists like the Tsarnaevs murdering Americans. To watch the video at RCP, click here but this is perhaps the most relevant excerpt: “…if we don’t stop killings Arabs on international television one of these days […]

Rep. Louie Gohmert calls out head of Muslim Brotherhood group in America
When the ‘Bachmann 4 1/2’ (used to be 5 until Rep. Tom Rooney began to walk back his support) sent five letters to five separate Inspectors General last year that asked tough questions about Muslim Brotherhood influence in the Obama administration, one of the things that caused the most controversy was the naming of names. […]
Response to Boston Marathon bombings
In the days after the 9/11/12 attacks in Cairo and Benghazi, we posted this enduring music video from Stuck Mojo entitled, “Open Season”. We’re posting that video again today, in response to the perpetrators of the Boston marathon bombings as well as to their supporters. Enjoy. **STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING** Is it a good thing to […]
Video: I’m offended by Islam
Another beauty from Pat Condell… h/t JQ Is it a good thing to be afflicted with Islamophobia? Get the new book from Walid Shoebat, The Case FOR ISLAMOPHOBIA: Jihad by the Word; America’s Final Warning.
Should We Pray For Obama?
Or render Unto Caesar’s what is Caesar’s? By Theodore Shoebat In the present-day church in America there is this frequented idea of praying for the president, and while this is not necessarily a bad thing, it has become but opportunities for pastors to act sycophantically to politicians. They pray that the president will make the […]
A Contrast: A Saudi Prince’s influence on Fox News vs. Murdoch family’s lack of influence on Rotana
Last year, Rupert Murdoch’s Newscorp. significantly increased its ownership in a media entity headed by Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal. Via Arabian Business: News Corp will pay $35m for the shares, which will take its stake in Rotana to 18.97 percent. Last year, News Corp upped its stake to 14.53 percent. The acquisition was announced […]
True Love and Courage: Woman dons burka, goes to Egypt, and rescues son
Imagine buying a plane ticket and going to Egypt today. Then, imagine doing so several times. Then, imagine doing so undercover, in disguise. Then, imagine going there to rescue a loved one without concern for your own safety. Such is the story of Kalli Atteya. Via Fox News: Through the slit of the burqa she […]
Massachusetts Governor: Dead Islamic Terrorist has a right to privacy
When every state agency in Massachusetts cites the same reason for requests from the Boston Herald to provide information about how much tax dollars Tamerlan Tsarnaev received in the form of welfare benefits as being a ‘right to privacy’, we’ve got reason to conclude such uniform denials are coming right from the top. In this […]
Video: Why this Republican Congressman is wrong
While we can certainly appreciate the passion and sentiment of Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR) when it comes to being outraged by the Obama administration’s record on counterterrorism, the congressman’s attempt to use the previous administration as the benchmark displays a bit of naivete on his part. First, here’s the video, via the Weekly Standard: While […]
Obama administration further Allying with Pro-Hitler Sheikh?
The Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader – Yusuf al-Qaradawi – is calling for every Muslim to engage in the war against Bashar al-Assad in Syria, even to the point of telling Muslim children they do not have to get parental consent to do so. This would put the Barack Obama administration squarely on the side of […]