On Today’s Program… The American Spectator’s Jeffrey Lord and National Review’s Mark Steyn have found our work on Malik Obama and Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir. The best part? Steyn is guest-hosting for Rush Limbaugh the next two days! Plus, how does the Malik Obama scandal involve George Clooney???? Listen and find out! NOTE: On Monday, June […]
Archive | June, 2013
Satanic Music Has Invaded The Church
Theodore Shoebat on how satanic music is invading the church. Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get the latest book, For God or For Tyranny
RED ALERT: Al-Jazeera and YouTube videos show how to make Roadside Bombs and Rockets in your own Garage
Thanks to YouTube, the groundwork is being laid right here in America that could make exploding pressure cookers look like firecrackers; Al-Jazeera and YouTube are both complicit. As unbelievable as it sounds, Al-Jazeera T.V. (yes, the same Al-Jazeera that purchased Al Gore’s Current TV) – in collaboration with the Free Syrian Army – aired an […]
Robert Kaplan: The Ottoman Empire rising from the ashes (with help of U.S.)
Robert E. Kaplan has written an incredibly salient and dead-on-target article about the coming resurrection of the Ottoman Empire, as well as America’s complicity in it. An interesting starting point for when Kaplan says this movement started in the United States was smack dab in the middle of the Bill Clinton administration. Via Gatestone Institute: […]
Video: A Guy with Guts…
…stands out as everyone else takes a pass. Oh, the metaphors…
Video: A Guy with Guts…
…stands out as everyone else takes a pass. Oh, the metaphors…
Mark Steyn (Rush Limbaugh guest host on June 3rd and 4th) has found our work on Malik Obama
It is now obvious that Mark Steyn – the man who will be guest-hosting for Rush Limbaugh on Monday, June 3rd and Tuesday, June 4th (from Noon – 2pm EST), has discovered our work on Malik Obama’s connections to the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) and Omar al-Bashir. The call-in number to Rush Limbaugh’s radio show […]
Jesus Christ Is A Warrior
Theodore Shoebat talks about the militancy of Christ Follow me on Facebook Twitter Get the latest book, For God or For Tyranny
Prophecy vs. Prophecy “Mania”
Note: You may want to have a look at this video prior to reading Walid’s column below: By Walid Shoebat As a follow-up to my article Mystery Babylon is Mecca not Vatican, someone asked: “I’m curious now if you see any sinister role played by the Vatican in end time prophecy.” Answer: Considering that Jews, […]
Is Video Implicating Egypt’s President Mohammed Mursi in Benghazi attacks now more relevant?
Back on September 13, 2012, we posted a video from an Arabic television news report that featured cellphone video in Benghazi on the night of the September 11th attacks outside the U.S. Special Mission Compound (SMC). The cellphone video shows armed men running toward the group with the camera. They can be heard shouting: “Don’t […]