Quite a chain of events took place today. First, CNN’s John King reported that Arwa Damon, a CNN colleague of his went to Benghazi and interviewed a ‘lead suspect’ in the attacks for two hours. During this interview, King did not name the suspect but relayed that this individual said he had not been contacted […]
Archive | July 31, 2013

Frank Wolf: Benghazi Question #10
Rep. Frank Wolf took to the House floor again today for his Benghazi Question of the Day, his tenth such question. The subject of Wolf’s latest question had to do with why there was a CIA Annex in Benghazi to begin with. Wolf also wanted to know if the annex was involved in weapons collections […]

Frank Wolf: Benghazi Question #9
Rep. Frank Wolf took to the House floor again today for his Benghazi Question of the Day, his ninth such question. The subject of Wolf’s latest question was based on a report by Sharyl Attkisson of CBS. In that report, Atkisson cited unnamed senior administration officials who admitted that “mistakes” had been made on 9/11/12 […]