Archive | September, 2013

Islam Captures LAPD

NYPD and LAPD Divided by The Nation of Islam By Bob Michael LAPD Police Detective Capt. (Ret) (Below is a copy of a letter I sent for publication in our LAPD police officer association’s monthly paper, The Thin Blue Line. I have had prior papers published. This was denied by dodging, not answering emails or […]

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Obama’s Brother headed for Egypt’s Terror Watch List?

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Several prominent Egyptian media sources are reporting that Malik Obama, half-brother to President Barack Obama is quickly becoming a person of interest in that country relative to his role with the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) – based in bordering Sudan – and the larger Muslim Brotherhood umbrella group. Complaints […]

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Obama’s Two Masters and the Smell of Desperation

By Keith Davies As the manufactured Syrian crisis continues, it appears the President of the United States – based upon his actions that contradict everything he supposedly stands for according to two election campaigns – now appears to be a slave to a different master; maybe even Allah. It appears obvious that the president’s loyalty […]

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UK’s David Cameron: No ‘Smoking’ Gun on Assad

By Keith Davies and Ben Barrack When it came to action on Syria, Barack Obama’s emissary to the British Parliament, which also happens to be Prime Minister David Cameron, was unsuccessful in convincing Parliament that action was necessary against Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad. Lost in the news about this defeat for Cameron was a rather shocking […]

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Is John Boehner a victim of Emotional Blackmail?

First of all, everyone knows that John Boehner is an emotional creature; he can’t stop crying. We also know that as Speaker of the House, he’s expected to have a professional working relationship with the President. Such relationships, as they mature, take on an increasingly personal aspect, like golfing. Boehner is said to be a […]

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Syria and CIA Director’s alleged conversion to Islam

Last February, during an interview with Tom Trento, John Guandolo claimed that he personally knows two people who witnessed current CIA Director John Brennan convert to Islam in the 1990’s while stationed in Saudi Arabia. We posted the interview at the time but in light of the allegations made by Yossef Bodansky and Dale Gavlak […]

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Boehner again proves Cowardly and Worthless

Do you remember how tough Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) talked when he was in the minority? Well, ever since kicking off his tenure as majority leader after the 2010 elections with a series of good cries, he has caved on every single issue brought before him. In the case of Syria, Boehner has decided to […]

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Obama salutes Muslim Brotherhood in USA

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is a Muslim Brotherhood group in America. It shares the same ideals as the Muslim Brotherhood that birthed Al-Qaeda and the same Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that wants strict enforcement of sharia law. The only difference is its stealth as it has to adapt to western culture in […]

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Obama an Accessory to War Crimes in Syria?

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh spent a significant amount of time on his show today entertaining the notion that the Syrian rebels may have been behind the Chemical weapons attack on August 21st. In particular, he referenced an article by Yossef Bodansky, which indicates that in addition to the rebels using Chemical weapons against their […]

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Karl Rove siding with Muslim Brotherhood in Syria

By Ben Barrack In a letter to President Barack Obama, former George W. Bush adviser and painfully ubiquitous media pundit Karl Rove is one of seventy-four signatories who are calling for a bombing campaign against the Assad regime in Syria. Based on how politically connected Rove is now and how much access he had to […]

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Unlikely Figure helps to out Obama as Muslim Brotherhood

Al-Jazeera is reporting on two tweets from a man named Shadi Hamid. The first tweet is a reference to an Egyptian newspaper that identifies Barack Obama as a member of the International Muslim Brotherhood: Nine minutes later, Hamid tweeted an image of the newspaper article, which features a photo of Obama (Walid will be doing […]

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The Homosexual Empire

By Theodore Shoebat By the same token, vices contrary to nature are everywhere and always to be detested and punished. Such were the sins of the Sodomites. –St. Augustine What is the homosexual agenda about? It is about conquest, and the persecution of Christians. Just by perusing today’s news, it is easily found that this […]

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Saudi Connection to Chechen Terrorists in Syria?

By Ben Barrack If a recent article by the Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is accurate, the Saudi intelligence chief is able to turn Chechen terrorists on and off. Not only were the Boston Marathon bombers both Chechen but at least two Saudis were injured in the blast – Abdul Rahman Al-Harbi and Nura Al-Ajjaji. By far, […]

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Sarin Gas is all they’ve Got

By Keith Davies As the Western media, the propaganda department at the State Department, and the White House all lobby to strike Syria in a “limited” fashion, it is obvious that the administration does not have the proper evidence to prove Assad ordered and carried out a Chemical weapons attack against his people. Every media […]

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