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Archive | November 9, 2013

Walid appears on the Savage Nation to discuss Iran
Walid was interviewed by Michael Savage of the Savage Nation. The main subject of the interview had to do with reports that the Obama administration has been making deals with Iran that include secretly lifting sanctions. Questions about what Iran would do with nuclear weapons are discussed. Is Saudi Arabia in greater danger than Israel […]

Does Ted Cruz support Rewarding Egypt on Benghazi?
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has introduced legislation to compel the State Department to offer a reward of up to $5 million for information about the Benghazi attacks. If this bill were passed, the Egyptian government may be able to claim some of the reward money. Via the Ted Cruz Press Release: WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. […]

Benghazi Question Lara Logan’s apology does not answer
60 Minutes’ Lara Logan appeared on CBS This Morning today to inform viewers that the program would be issuing a formal apology during its November 10th broadcast. The apology will be about relying on a British security contractor’s account of events on the ground in Benghazi on 9/11/12. The contractor – Dylan Davies – went […]