The elephant in the room is getting larger by the day and Republican establishment figures – like Karl Rove, John Boehner, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, et. al. – who are ignoring it are only making things worse and blatantly more obvious by doing so. The ‘elephant’ is Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government. Those who are publicly ignoring it are figures who evidence suggests, are either ‘dirtied up’ themselves and are focused on self-preservation or are protecting those who are.
This leads to an article in The Hill, which features House Speaker John Boehner’s support for Jeb Bush. Predictably, author Scott Wong completely avoids the elephant, focusing instead on the history shared between Boehner and the Bush family:
For the past year, Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has been wooing his longtime friend Jeb Bush to jump into the 2016 presidential race, even as he has shunned potential Tea Party rivals like Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky.
Boehner stepped up his lobbying efforts this week, singing the former Florida governor’s praises in a pair of media interviews… much of Boehner’s desire for a third Bush presidency stems from his decades-long relationship with the Bush family, including Jeb.
The Speaker was first elected to Congress in 1990, when George H.W. Bush was president. In fact, he has said in speeches that his first substantive vote in the House was authorizing the use of military force in the Gulf War, a war that’s inextricably tied with Bush.
It was during the first Bush presidency that he got to know both George W. Bush, the future president, and Jeb Bush, the future Florida governor.
He forged a closer relationship with the Bush family after George W. Bush was elected president in 2000.
As someone who had a front row seat on Capitol Hill during the Clinton administration, Boehner must have seen the Clintons open the White House doors to Muslim Brotherhood figures like Abdurahman Alamoudi, who in 2004 was convicted to 23 years in prison on charges related to terrorism. As someone mentored by House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Boehner was quite possibly familiar with Hastert’s hobnobbing with the chairman of the Dar al-Hijrah mosque at which Anwar al-Awlaki was the Imam; the mosque was also attended by three 9/11 hijackers and currently has an Imam who founded a Muslim Brotherhood front group:
It stands to reason that Mr. Boehner would want to make sure any relationship between his mentor and the notorious Dar al-Hijrah mosque doesn’t become an issue. Jeb Bush would certainly have common cause with Mr. Boehner as Jeb’s brother George W. Bush seemed to pick up right where the Clintons left off when it came to befriending the wrong Muslim leaders. In fact, in the days after the 9/11 attacks, Grover Norquist and Karl Rove ushered into the Oval Office several leaders of Muslim Brotherhood front groups.
As has reported, it stands to reason that Rove is in the same boat as Boehner and the Bushes. In fact, in a highly questionable move, Rove’s SuperPAC gave a $26.4 Million grant to Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform organization. Why would he do this when Norquist was the catalyst for the Bush administration’s outreach to Muslim Brotherhood front groups? Shouldn’t Rove be calling out Norquist instead of paying him millions of dollars?
Just six days after the 9/11 attacks, George W. went to the local mosque and spoke with Nihad Awad, a leader of a Muslim Brotherhood front group and Khalid Saffuri, Alamoudi’s deputy at his side. Boehner most certainly wants to keep this elephant ignored too. After all, he’s a close friend of the Bush family. Based on the report in The Hill, he did so while being close with the Bush family. Did Boehner go along? Did he attempt to warn? Did he look the other way?

Bush in Washington, DC mosque six days after 9/11 (flanked by Muslim Brotherhood front leader and Alamoudi deputy).
Perhaps no better moment illustrates Boehner’s conscious avoidance of the issue of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration than when he was asked about Huma Abedin in 2012. It was an incredibly instructive moment. Bear in mind that Abedin had been an employee of Hillary Clinton since 1996 (while Boehner was on Capitol Hill) and Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) highlighted irrefutable ties Abedin had to the Brotherhood in the form of a letter sent to the State Department’s Inspector’s General office. When Boehner was asked, he pleaded ignorance and threw Bachmann overboard, saying that her accusations were “dangerous”. In this case, “dangerous” is a matter of perspective. Exploring Brotherhood infiltration was certainly a danger to Boehner because of his complicity in allowing it to happen under his nose coupled with his continued attempts to avoid it:
The letter sent by Bachmann referenced in that video was signed by four other Congressman. It is noteworthy and perhaps relevant to point out that each one of the Congressmen who signed the letter were first voted into office after the 9/11 attacks:
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN): First elected to Congress in 2006.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX): First elected to Congress in 2004.
Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ): First elected to Congress in 2002.
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA): First elected to Congress in 2004.
Rep. Thomas Rooney (R-FL): First elected to Congress in 2008.
One very curious defender of Abedin was Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL). While it’s true that he was first elected to Congress in 2010, Rubio served in the Florida State House while Jeb was Governor. In January of 2009, after both men were out of office but each was considering a run for the U.S. Senate seat, Jeb dropped out and endorsed Rubio. Political favors were likely owed.
As a friend of the Bush family, Boehner also looked on as then President George W. Bush embraced leaders of Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the days after September 11th.
In any case, Boehner’s on the hook when it comes to Muslim Brotherhood infiltration, which really gained traction during his tenure and has been kicked into high gear since (the elephant in the room has grown and Boehner’s silence is increasingly deafening as a result). As for Jeb, he has both personal and familial stakes in keeping everyone’s attention off the elephant.
In 2005, then Governor of Florida Jeb Bush sent a letter to his state’s chapter of a Muslim Brotherhood front group. In the letter, Bush praised the group’s work on ‘Muslim civil rights’ and closed by offering…
“…congratulations on your accomplishments and my warmest greetings and best wishes on your continuing success.”
Here is a copy of the letter (h/t Americans Against Hate):
That letter suggests that Jeb Bush and John Boehner have similar problems and therefore, common cause.