Muslim Ferguson Agitator Displays Arrogance and Belligerence During TV Interview

Bassem Masri is an arab Muslim who has been arrested on more than one occasion in Ferguson. As has reported, he is doing his part to foment unrest in the area and was recently interviewed by Michael Smerconish.

In the exchange below, it’s clear what kind of person the police are having to deal with in Masri. The man is unhinged and completely irrational. His mind has been made up; he’s the victim of injustice. He admits he doesn’t care what the facts are in the shooting death of Michael Brown and says he knows what happened without having to see those facts.

Smerconish, who has built a reputation over the years as a left-leaning radio talk show host, is clearly taken aback by Masri’s arrogant and belligerent demeanor.


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