In the days after Egypt’s President Mohammed Mursi was removed power last year, a White House petition was started that called on the Obama administration to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Sixteen months later, we finally have a response.
It reads (h/t DC):
“We have not seen credible evidence that the Muslim Brotherhood has renounced its decades-long commitment to non-violence.”
Here is a screen shot of the entire White House statement on why its defense of the Muslim Brotherhood:
Would you afford Nazis such leniency? Compounding that dilemma is the fact that Hitler aligned with Muslim Brotherhood leader Hajj Amin al-Husseini.

Obama defends Muslim Brotherhood because it has denounced violence. Would he afford Nazis the same defense?
In a series entitled, “Nazis: Evolution of Evil” that’s airing on American Heroes Channel (AHC), it’s explained that the mass murder machine that was Nazi Germany consisted of very small human cogs. In fact, at one point, the narrator explains that the cogs performed tasks so small that it was easy to rationalize being part of that machine. One of the examples given was that of train engineer.
All he did was drive a train, right? Well, not when you consider his human cargo. Simply conducting a train transformed into taking millions of innocent people to their genocidal murderers.
That leads to the likes of people who work at think tanks and defend the Nazis Muslim Brotherhood.
As recently reported, two senior fellows with the Brookings Institute – Dr. Daniel Byman and Tamara Cofman Wittes – penned a memorandum to Barack Obama earlier this year. In it, they called on the administration to engage the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and for Brotherhood prisoners held there to be released. The memorandum can be read here. A description of the piece appears at the beginning and reads as follows:
By declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, Egypt risks radicalizing the group’s members and destabilizing the region further. Daniel Byman and Tamara Wittes argue that the Obama administration should engage with peaceful Islamists, push Egypt to allow Brotherhood supporters to participate in legitimate political and social activity, cooperate with Egypt on legitimate terrorism threats and expand counter-radicalization efforts there.
Did you catch that? Byman and Wittes weren’t arguing that the Muslim Brotherhood isn’t a terrorist organization, only that it shouldn’t be labeled as such, for political reasons.
It should indeed be noted again that the New York Times reported this past September that Brookings has agreed to accept a $14.8 million donation spread over four years – which begun in 2013 – from the nation of Qatar. Qatar is perhaps the most Muslim Brotherhood-friendly country in the world per capita. It is home to the Brotherhood’s propaganda network Al-Jazeera. Qatar has also been harboring Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi for decades and continues to harbor Hamas leaders. Al-Qaradawi is from Egypt and returned there during the Arab Spring that gave rise to the Brotherhood in that country.
Hamas is an officially designated Foreign Terror Organization (FTO) by the U.S. State Department. It is also an extension of the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore, the White House claim that there is no evidence the Brotherhood has reneged on its pledge of non-violence is an absurdity on par with Obama saying if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
Here is al-Qaradawi and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal embracing in Qatar:
Last July, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) introduced legislation that would identify the Muslim Brotherhood as an FTO as well, while putting sanctions on all of its front groups operating in the U.S. You know, things like preventing said groups from being granted tax-exempt status. A couple of months after introducing that legislation, Bachmann relayed that former Vice President Dick Cheney said he would sign onto it if he were in Congress.
As to the reasons why there is such a reluctance to out the Brotherhood, Qatar is a great place to start. As has reported on extensively, the partnership that exists between that country and Brookings goes beyond the latter receiving a $14.8 million dollar donation. The U.S.-Islamic World Forum (US-IWF) is the manifestation of such a partnership that began in 2002. An annual forum is held in Doha and features very prominent figures, to include none other than Wittes, who served as deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs from November of 2009 to January 2012.
Over the years, attendance at the US-IWF has not been limited solely to left-wing politicians, which could explain why there is little appetite for doing what Bachmann has pushed for.
As for Byman, at a Congressional hearing last year, he was asked about an Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attack, which had long been made known by that point (the leader of the Egypt-based Jamal Network had been arrested nearly one year earlier). Byman, a supposed ‘expert’, pleaded ignorance:
Sounds like he doesn’t know much, doesn’t it?
In the next video of Byman, from 2012, he seems to know quite a bit. In fact, beginning at the 1:15 mark, he demonstrates knowledge of a group in Egypt dating back to the 1990’s known as Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ). At the time of the aforementioned congressional hearing, Byman said he did not know the makeup of Egyptians involved in the Benghazi attack, despite one of the witnesses he was with (Daveed Gartenstein-Ross) saying moments earlier that the Jamal Network was involved. The namesake of that grouop (Muhammad Jamal) had been arrested by Egyptian authorities nearly a year earlier.
Moreover, Jamal was a member of EIJ:
Below is a short video of Wittes speaking incoherently about how to deal with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. In her position at State, Wittes was part of the disastrous policy that included supporting the ‘Arab Spring’.
It’s also being reported that Egyptians see this latest White House refusal to identify the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization as an admission of guilt by Obama. Many of these Egyptians go off the rails when they point to a Zionist plot but they’re not at all far off when they talk about U.S. collaboration with the Brotherhood, which has infiltrated the State Department or the connection between Turkey and ISIS: