By Walid Shoebat
Bolivian president Evo Morales presented pontiff with crucifix depicting Jesus nailed to hammer and sickle, which pope returned after a brief examination saying “this is not right”. So many people accuse him of being a communist. But this is just another proof that he is not a communist.

Bolivian president Evo Morales presents a hammer and sickle-shaped crucifix to Pope Francis during the exchange of presents in La Paz. Photograph: Agencia Boliviana de Informacio/EPA
The response of the pope after being handed the wooden crucifix during a formal ceremony, he examined it for a few seconds before returning it to a Bolivian presidential aide expressed irritation, muttering the words “eso no está bien” (“this is not right”)
While many try to make a controversy that the Pope accepted the gift, it is obvious that the Pope said “eso no está bien” (“this is not right”) TWICE at 00:14 and 00:22. Regardless of what Vatican commentators stated or who said what, the video is clear that the Pope returned the improper gift stating that it was “improper”. Even the Pope looking disturbed was obvious and his words were clear to anyone who understands Spanish.

Pope Francis is presented with a gift of a crucifix carved into a wooden hammer and sickle, the Communist symbol
The Catholic Church has been the greatest enemy against Communism. When the communists took over Mexico, the Catholics with both faith and arms in the Cristero War; when the atheist communists were slaughtering tens of thousands of Christians in Spain, the Pope declared a crusade that was led by Franco; in the communist regime in Romania, the Catholics were slaughtered and horrifically tortured because they defied communism. There are communists in the Catholic Church, but the Church will never embrace communism.