By Theodore Shoebat
Christians in Indonesia attacked a mosque in the Papua region during the end of Ramadan, and burned it down, according to a report from the DailyPost.
The Christians who made the attack were said to be from Indonesian Bible Church (GIDI) congregation. They drove out the Muslims who were in the middle of the prayer, celebrating Eid or the final day of Ramadan. The Muslims fled to a military compound to avoid the attack.
According to the Papua Police headquarters Spokesperson Rudolf Patrice Renwarin, the attack took place at 7:00 a.m. local time. Rudolf said:
The mob repeatedly shouted out to forbid the conduction of the Eid prayer in Tolikara
After about an hour had passed, the Christians, in the hundreds, began to throw stones at the mosque, and then set it on fire, alongside six public homes. The police and military personal arrived at the scene, firing shots in the air. The Christians dispersed. Nobody died in the attack as the Christians only set fire to the mosque when everybody left. Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla called on all Muslims and Christians followers in other regions to have self restraint. He said:
We truly regret the occurrence of such an incident. I believe that police and local administrators are capable to settle this problem well,” Jusuf said in his office here later in the day.
Referencing to reports that were given to him, the vice president said that the violent uproar was was sparked by the loud noise of sound enhancers that were operating from two different groups, the Christians and the Muslims, and the loudness of the sounds conflicted and provoked violence:
It was incited by the sound enhancers. It probably needs a better communication measures to hold such events
Here is a photo, said by one Middle Eastern source to be of the attack:
In all honesty, the violence in Papua is simply an imploding that resulted from Islamic persecution and oppression. Just this month a Muslim mob dispelled thousands of Christian youths as they were trying to conduct a Christian conference. Here is a video showing some of the current Christian persecution occurring in Indonesia:
According to Michael Bachelard, Muslims in the Papua region are forcing Christian children into Islamic schools for “reeducation”:
West Papua’s youth are being removed to Islamic religious schools (that is, madrasas – CM) in Java for ‘re-education
Johanes Lokobal is a Christian man who lives in the Papua region in Indonesia; his son, Yope, was kidnapped away and forced into an Islamic school for reeducation, and he was later found dead, without his father knowing how he died or where was he buried. According to one report:
In 2005, his only son, Yope, was taken to faraway Jakarta. Lokobal did not want Yope to go. The boy was perhaps 14, but big and strong, a good worker. The men responsible took him anyway. A few years later, Yope died. Nobody can tell Lokobal how, nor exactly when, and he has no idea where his son is buried. All he knows, fiercely, is that this was not supposed to happen.
The grieving father lamented:
If he was still alive, he would be the one to look after the family… He would go to the forest to collect the firewood for the family. So I am sad
According to the same report:
The men who took Yope were part of an organised traffic in West Papuan youth. A six-month Good Weekend investigation has confirmed that children, possibly in their thousands, have been enticed away over the past decade or more with the promise of a free education. In a province where the schools are poor and the families poorer still, no-cost schooling can be an irresistible offer.
‘But for some of these children, who may be as young as five, it’s only when they arrive that they find out they have been recruited by “pesantren”, Islamic boarding schools, where time to study maths, science or language is dwarfed by the hours spent in the mosque. There, in the words of one pesantren leader, “They learn to honour God, which is the main thing.
When speaking of Indonesia, we must always remember — lest we forget — that Indonesia is a pagan, savage and heathen nation, with roots deeply seated into Islamic paganism, and this paganism was fully manifested in what Indonesia did in East Timur — they butchered hundreds of thousands of Christians in the sixties, seventies and early nineties. There are several documentaries that are most deserving of our attention, that reveal and expose the holocaust that happened so recently and that was forgotten so quickly.
Noam Chomsky — as liberal as he is — called the East Timur massacre the worst genocide since the Holocaust, and explained that the media covered it up because Indonesia is an ally of the West:
After so much death and oppression, it does not surprise me that such an uproar would take place. There is only so much human beings can take after you have them in a corner. Everybody has a breaking point, and no matter how oppressed a people are, it will always explode.
We have to prepare our minds and intellect for this spiritual war that we are in. This is why I made a 2-disk DVD series on teaching the warring spirit of the Christian Faith.