Russia has serious grounds to suspect Turkey of preparing for a military incursion in Syria.
“We have serious grounds to suspect intensive preparations by Turkey for a military invasion on the territory of the sovereign state of Syria,” Major General Igor Konashenkov, Defense Ministry spokesman, told journalists. “We are recording more and more signs of concealed preparations by the Turkish military,” he added. And to top it all, Turkey just killed a Russian military advisor in Syria.
Many object doubting; ‘how can Turkey play the role of Antichrist’, they ask, especially when we all know that Antichrist must control the world superpowers?
This naive question ignores that much of the West plays into his hands, at least in the beginning. While at times we fear Al-Jazeera or Russian TV, few focus on the giants who know that war is on the horizon. To prepare the minds of the West for Russia-hatred in anticipation for World War III, the BBC concocted a fictitious vision of the future compiled by even using “western strategists” in which Russia invades Latvia and then launches a nuclear strike on Great Britain. Shamelessly the BBC has premiered the brainwashing show titled World War Three: Inside the War Room.
While the western media giants plant fiction against Russia, Major General Igor Konashenkov told journalists: “Such steps carried out by a country [Turkey], which is a NATO member state, in no way contribute to the strengthening of trust and security in Europe.”
To the Russians and to serious prophecy students, Europe is in danger from Turkey and not from Russia. The Orthodox Russians know it, and reality will hit a few years from now, while the naive forget the Siege of Vienna in 1529 by the Ottoman Empire, led by Suleiman the Magnificent which signaled the pinnacle of the Ottoman Empire’s power and the maximum extent of Ottoman expansion in central Europe.
Yet the deceptive devils, in the nearly one hour long program, which premiered on Wednesday on the UK’s BBC Two channel, features a war room packed with former top British military and diplomats playing a war game on the European continent. BBC said that their Armageddon scenario was “developed over many months of research and in consultation with military, diplomatic and political experts around the world”. A ground offensive against “Putin’s troops” is launched by the US and UK, the show suggests, after which according to the BBC, Russia pushes the red button and launches a nuclear strike on a Royal Navy warship, before the war room is told that Putin has mapped London as the next target and by that it sparks Armageddon.
Britain is back to its old habit in being number one globally in spreading propaganda. British historian and Russia analyst Martin McCauley said: “That is called psychological warfare. The way you influence people is by repetition, keeping on with saying the same thing. If you represent Russia as a bad boy and president Putin as an ogre, the one who just threatens the world peace, gradually people will accept that.” Norway showed its most expensive television series, the ‘Okkupert’ (Occupied), featuring Russian invasion into Norway.
The laity do not realize that they are simply part of a grand experiment. Making conspiracy theories into reality has been the game played for war preparation from time immemorial, especially by the English who carried out such propaganda from as far back when Catholic Italy and Spain fought the Ottomans. The false propaganda machine still permeates much of the American Christian mindset where they historically viewed Catholic Italy and Catholic Spain and today Orthodox Russia with a plethora of Antichrist and Gogesk imagery.
Russia, unlike the U.S. and the propaganda machine of the BBC has foresight and knows that Turkey, not Russia will threaten Europe.