There is a tremendous amount of confusion today. To add to that confusion, a “Catholic” man has written an essay defending transgenderism: I want to apologize. Back in 2015 I attended a conference hosted by Courage, a Catholic apostolate for persons with same-sex attraction and their families. One of the talks during that conference was […]
Archive | July, 2018
Founder Of Major Group That Called A ‘Hate Site’ For Upholding Christian Teaching On Islam And The LGBT Exposed By Court Documents That He Tried To Rape His Step-Daughter
Years ago, was added to the “Hate Map” for the SPLC because of the opposition to both Islam and the LGBT, and as a result was labeled from other groups the award of being one of the top anti-Islam websites as well as the third most anti-LGBT website on the Internet. In an […]

Millions Of Chinese Men Unable To Find Wives Are Now Kidnapping And Trafficking Women For Sex Slaves
In May 2018, wrote an essay about an emerging crisis in China. Owing to the “one-child policy” and the subsequent sterilizations, forced abortions, and adopting baby girls for decades in favor of boys for cultural reasons, China has created a population nightmare where there are far more men than women. Given cultural changes taking […]
Egyptian Christian Bishop Found Dead With His Head Smashed In Under “Mysterious Circumstances”
Christian persecution in Egypt has been a long problem, and it is getting worse. In a recent act of what appears to be anti-Christian violence, a Coptic Christian bishop was found dead in Egypt with his head smashed in amid “mysterious circumstances” according to a report: The Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria announced Sunday the […]
Always Question The Motivations Of Government
By Theodore Shoebat We must not indiscriminately accept the reasons governments give for their policies, but rather we must question their motivations, or else we will always fall for pretexts: CLICK HERE TO DONATE AND HELP SPREAD OUR CHRISTIAN MESSAGE
The Future Is One That Makes Science Fiction Look Normal
In this video, I talk about my recent article on A.I., and I give some insights into the future of what major scientists and powerful men are openly admitting: CLICK HERE TO DONATE AND HELP SPREAD OUR CHRISTIAN MESSAGE IT IS BEST TO REACH US BY EITHER GOING DIRECTLY TO SHOEBAT.ORG OR THROUGH OUR NEWSLETTER. […]
Pedophile Defender And Conservative Personality Ben Shapiro Has Twitter Meltdown After Trump Says He Wants To Talk To Iran Like A Human Being, Even Shapiro’s Own Acolytes Are Turning Against Him
Defender of pedophile supporter James Gunn and “conservative” personality Ben Shapiro recently had a Twitter meltdown where he erupted into a rage after President Trump said that he would meet with the leaders of Iran if they wanted to: Most interesting is to watch the responses of his own followers to said tweets: Last month, […]
Heretic Who Is Allowing Her Own Son To Mutilate His Genitals Gets Mad At Priest For Telling Her What She Is Doing Is A Sin
A woman became angry at a priest for denying her “transgender daughter” communion, telling her that he was living in sin: Lilliana Redd’s daughter, who is transgender, was refused Communion during a Sunday Mass this month at St. Vincent de Paul, one of Charlotte’s more conservative Catholic churches. Nobody disputes that it happened. But Redd […]
Governments, Scientists, And Billionaires Around The World Are Preparing To Wage A Massive World War With The Muslims Against Christianity To Destroy The World Economy, Massacre Christians And Enslave The Survivors While They Merge With Computers And Biotechnology To Become An “Interplanetary Species”
All of history is directed towards the fulfillment of Revelation in scripture. The progress of technology, communications, logistics, and all inventions, however beneficial they may be, bring man closer to the return of Christ and the final Judgment which all men will have to face. In modern times this is of grave concern, since not […]
America Is An Empire That Is Allowing Turkey, Germany And Japan To Rise Again
By Theodore Shoebat America is an empire, and like any other empire they will always be nations that will revolt against it. Today, industrial powerhouses like Turkey, Japan and Germany (nations that are under the American security umbrella) are working to becoming militarily independent. But America the empire is allowing this to happen. The Ottoman […]
Major Catholic Scholar Reports: ’30-40% Of Catholic Priests Are Homosexuals, And 40-50% Of Bishops Are Homosexuals. Oftentimes Homosexuals Rule Catholic Dioceses, Parishes And Monasteries.’
By Theodore Shoebat ( Sunday Special) A major Catholic scholar from Poland, Fr. Dariusz Oko, has warned that 30 to 40 percent of Catholic priests are homosexuals, and 40 to 50 percent of bishops are homosexuals. According to a recent report from Life Site News: Today Oko told LifeSiteNews that part of the problem is […]
Seven Centuries After Hus’ Rebellion Against The Faith, Moravian Church Invites Muslims To Speak In Her Walls About Islam
Centuries ago, Jan Hus and his followers rebelled against the Catholic Church to establish their own sect in a move that many historians regard as one of the precursors to the Protestant Revolution. Hus’ revolution failed but his ideas persisted and came to form the Moravian Church. The Catholic Faith notes that the end of […]
The German Government Wants To Merge Its Military With The Militaries Of European Countries, And Desires To Combine Its Military With The Armies Of Muslim Albania And Bosnia. Be Prepared For The Return Of The Next Reich
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat ( Sunday Special) Germany wants to merge its military with the militaries of weaker European countries. In other words, Germany desires to mix its iron with the miry clay of Europe. The government of Germany now wants to recruit non-German EU citizens into the German military. As we read […]
Dutch Woman Takes Her Own Blood, Makes Sausage With Of It And Then Eats It With A Friend
In a sociocultural context, anthropologists have noted a cross-cultural connection between homosexual activity and cannibalism. While the particular mechanisms of this need to be examined more in detail, there is a consistent overlap between these two themes, where on increases culturally speaking in direct proportion to which the other increases and likewise decreased in the […]

Mutated Strains Of HIV That Are Resistant To HIV Medication Have Now Been Found In North America
For years now, I have been warning that the actions of the LGBT, aside from the sinful aspect, are medically dangerous because of the potential to bring about new forms of drug-resistant HIV that will eventually cause a horrible epidemic of the disease that has never before been seen. The proof of this is already […]
Two Hundred Rabbis Come Together To Declare: ‘The LGBT Movement Is Evil.’
By Theodore Shoebat Two hundred rabbis have come together to declare that the LGBT sodomite movement is an evil abomination. Good on the rabbis for combating the satanic cult of Sodom. According to one report from Haaretz: More than 200 rabbis, including Orthodox local chief rabbis and yeshiva heads, signed an open letter on Thursday […]