By Theodore Shoebat A doctor in Spain named Marcos Hourmann was the first doctor in the country to be convicted of euthanasia. He recently boasted his crime in a play entitled “Celebrare mi muerte” or “I Will Celebrate My Death”. It is just another showcase of the rising tide of acceptance for murder, and a precursor […]
Archive | March 27, 2019
New Jersey Set To Legalize Assisted Suicide
New Jersey is not an easy place to live in. Some people speak of living in New Jersey as something akin to death or continual dying because of the onerous taxes, creative drivers, and hectic lifestyle. Now, in something not funny at all, New Jersey is about to become yet another state to legalize assisted […]
Christians Assaulted By Islamic Terrorists In West Papua
When one thinks of Christian persecution, one thinks usually about the Middle East or Africa. However, there has been an increasing amount of persecution taking place in West Papua, a place in Indonesia where most of the people are Christians. According to reports, there has not only been a serious conflict there for some time, […]
President Trump Warns: ‘If Russia Doesn’t Leave Venezuela, All Options Are On The Table.’
By Theodore Shoebat President Trump just recently warned that if Russia does not leave Venezuela that all options are on the table, as we read in a report from CNN: President Donald Trump on Wednesday called on Russia to “get out” of Venezuela following recent reports of Russian planes arriving in the country. During an […]

Chinese Government Demands One Thousand Christians Never To Go Back To Church
The Chinese government has been making progressively more onerous demands of Christians. According to a recent story, a church attended by one thousand Christians has been closed and the government has demanded that the people never go back according to a report: An influential house church in Beijing was shut down Saturday after 20 government […]

Mexico Demands Spain Apologize For Turning Her From A Bunch Of Savage Heart-Ripping Cannibals Into A Civilized Nation
If one was captive to violence, cannibalism, and human sacrifice, one would think that one would be thankful if one was rescued from it. However, it may not always be the case as according to recent statements from the Mexican government, the President has asked Spain to apologize for “human rights abuses” as part of […]
The Absolutely Irrelevant Trump Investigation Results, The Next Year-And-A-Half, And Up To 2024 And Beyond
The duration of the Trump administration has been consumed with discussion over whether or not Trump “colluded” with Russia in his election. According to a recent report from the FBI as narrated on radio by the liberal-leaning outlet NPR, it was found, not surprisingly at all, that nothing of the sort happened: AG Bill Barr […]
Anarchism Is Stupid
By Theodore Shoebat Some of my observations on the self-contradictory nature of anarchist utopianism: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW OUR NEW SHOEBAT FACEBOOK PAGE