Eleven people were murdered in a small village in the Kolofata, Mayo-Sava/Mora Sub Division of Cameroon near the border of Nigeria by terrorists from Boko Haram according to a report: Boko Haram fighters have killed 11 civilians in an overnight attack in Cameroon’s troubled Far North Region, security sources told AFP on Friday, April 11. […]
Archive | April, 2019
We Don’t Really Know The Full Story Behind The Sri Lankan Massacre
By Theodore Shoebat Some of my thoughts on the grey area around the story of the Sri Lankan massacre that just took place:
Any Christian Who Criticizes The Role Of Islam In The Sri Lanka Church Attacks Is Supporting Genocide
The recent terrorist attacks against a Catholic Church in Sri Lanka were horrible. As per the news, ISIS said they were behind the attacks. But was it really an act of Islamic terrorism? Or was there something greater going on? There are ten points to remember before saying a single word about this incident: 1) […]
Navy SEALS Receive Warning: Do Not Report War Crimes
By Theodore Shoebat Navy SEALS were reported told not to report on war crimes, as we read in a report from RT: A group of Navy SEAL commandos from Team 7’s Alpha Platoon allege that they were warned by top brass against reporting their commanding officer for possible war crimes in Iraq. Special Operations Chief […]
Mike Pompeo Admits: CIA Hires People To Lie, Cheat And Steal
By Theodore Shoebat Mike Pompeo made an admission that should not surprise us: the CIA hires people to lie, cheat and steal. As we read in a report from RT: In a rare moment of honesty, Mike Pompeo admitted to an audience that the CIA trains employees to “lie, cheat and steal.” While he seemed […]
How Long Will Americans Accept Arguments That Justify Genocide?
By Theodore Shoebat How long will people accept the arguments that justify genocide? CORRECTION: At 7:35, I said that Trump said that he didn’t want to lose a $110 million dollar deal with the Saudis. He actually said it was $110 billion. His exact words were: “I don’t like the concept of stopping an investment of […]
President Netanyahu Declares He Will Name Israeli Settlement After President Trump
Israel and Syria have been arguing since 1967 over the Golan Heights, which was annexed by Israel after the Six-Day War and has never been resolved. There are about 40,000 people in the area, split almost evenly between Israeli settlers and Syrians. President Netanyahu has recently declared that he will name a new settlement after […]

American Hero Who Beat Up Sodomite Caught In The Act of Sodomizing A Small Child Mysteriously Found “Dead”
In March 2019, Shoebat.com covered the case of Richard Adams, an American hero who beat up a sodomite he caught in the act of sodomizing a small child. Adams was arrested and charged with a felony. Now, just a month after this case began, he has been found dead according to a report: Richard Adams, […]
The Time To Prepare Is Now
For thousands of years, man has prepared the ground of the earth to receive seeds for planting by the sweat of his brow, just as God had ordained in Genesis. With a pickaxe in one hand, a wheelbarrow, and a shovel, each spring and sometimes fall men would till the soil, working as fast as […]
Just Like Obama Backed The Arming Of Syrian Rebels, Trump Is Supporting The Sharia Law Government Of Saudi Arabia In Its Slaughter Of The Yemeni People
By Theodore Shoebat Over 70,000 people have been killed in the horrific war in Yemen. As we read in a recent report from the Independent: The death toll from the war in Yemen has soared past 70,000, as rights groups warned landmines strewn across the country have caused hundreds of casualties and blocked aid. In the past […]

Major “Conservative” Evangelical Church Embraces The Spirit Of Sodom
God made two genders- male and female -and He separated them at creation. The existence of gender is a worldly reflection that reveals the mystery of the Holy Trinity in simple terms to the human race. It is a good thing. To the contrary, attempts to say that gender is not distinct, that it is […]
Alcohol Is Declining As Pot Is Rising- The Future Of Drug Use
Drug consumption is common to all cultures, and the drug varies by cultural acceptance. Marijuana is already widely consumed in the US, and according to a recent report is expected to explode over the next decade and beyond: America’s Generation Z is coming of age in a whole new world of weed. This large cohort, […]
HIV-Infected Sodomite Sexually Assaults A Seven-Year-Old Boy, Gets Caught, Then Hires A Hitman To Try And Murder The Victim And His Family
The Bible makes clear that the most blatantly obvious and perverse of the four sins which cries to Heaven for vengeance is the cause of wanton sin, and leads many to commit more and worse sins. In a horrible story out of Missouri, an HIV-infected sodomite sexually assaulted a seven-year-old boy. When he was caught, […]
The Government Of Sri Lanka Knew That The Massacre Of Christians In The Churches Was Going To Happen, And Did Nothing To Prevent It
By Theodore Shoebat In this video I give an analysis on how people within the Sri Lankan government knew that the horrific massacre in which close to 300 people were slaughtered, was going to happen, but did nothing to prevent it: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW […]

US Supreme Court Declares It Will Review Major LGBT Case That Could Re-Write Employment Laws
Sodomite behavior has been accepted as a de facto cultural practice by the absolute majority of people. However, what remains to be done is to make the formal changes to the legal system to have its actions enforced by law. While some places have done this, the serious changes will be done in federal law, […]
First UK Muslim Peer Lord Ahmed Arrested For Sodomizing Boy
Nazir Ahmed was made the first Muslim Peer in the UK, which is quite an accomplishment. However, that achievement has been sullied as he is now being charged with his brothers for a fourth child sexual offense, this time against an eleven year old boy according to local news: ROTHERHAM peer Lord Nazir Ahmed has […]