Archive | September, 2022

Japan’s Future FX Fighter Jet Sends A Message Of Independence From American Control
My thoughts on the geopolitical message of Japan’s future domestic stealth fighter jet:

Ukrainian Soldier Boils The Head Of A Russian Soldier
A photograph has been shared throughout the Russian media showing a Ukrainian soldier boiling the severed head of a Russian soldier: According to a Russian publication, Russia7: On Sunday, September 25, a photograph began to circulate on the Web, which depicts the process of preparing a human head . A Nazi from the Armed Forces […]

Japan’s Government Is Pursuing Military Technology Independence
Japan is pursuing military technology independence:

Ukraine Is Being Devastated
Ukraine is not winning:

Violence In Central Asia And The Rise Of Turkey

Muslims Take Christian Woman, Saw Her Legs Off, Cut Her Fingers Off, Put Her Severed Finger Into Her Mouth, And Strip Her Naked. One Muslim Man Says: “Look At The Bitch… She Became A Rock.’
Soldiers for Azerbaijan — a Muslim country — took an Armenian woman soldier, sawed her legs off, cut off her fingers and put her severed finger into her mouth, and stripped her naked. They then took film of her body: According to OC Media: On Friday, the Armenian Ministry of Defence confirmed that the […]

Its Open Season On Christians In India
The Archbishop of Calcutta, Joseph D’Souza, told Fox News that it open season on Christians India due to the rise of Hindu radicalism: In an interview with Fox News Digital last year, Archbishop Joseph D’Souza said he is concerned about India’s image in the world because of the escalating attacks against Christians. D’Souza, who is archbishop of […]

Palestinian Terrorist Beats 84 Year Old Israeli Woman To Death
A Palestinian terrorist by the name of Moussa Sarsour beat an 84 year old Israeli woman to death, as we read in Haaretz: The Palestinian man who attacked an 84-year-old woman in a central Israeli city was found hanged in central Tel Aviv Wednesday morning, police reported. A few days earlier, the man had been […]

Putin Announces A Partial Mobilization Of More Troops To Ukraine And Declares That There Will Be A Referendum To Include Russian Controlled Territories Into The Russian Federation
Putin just announced a partial mobilization of reservists into Ukraine and also stated that there will be a referendum to include the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, as well as Russian controlled territory in Kherson and Zaporizhia into the Russian Federation. As we read in Kresy: In his address to the nation, Russian President Vladimir […]

Catholic Bishops Demand A Liturgy For Homosexual Couples
Catholic bishops in Flanders (the Dutch speaking part of Belgium) are proposing a liturgy for homosexual couples. None of this is surprising, given that so many Catholic priests are homosexual. According to Polish newspapaer, Kresy: On Tuesday, the Catholic bishops of Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium, officially published, according to, inter alia, gosc.pl, “liturgy of […]

The Chancellor Of Germany Declares: ‘Germany Must Become The Most Powerful Military Force In Europe.’
The Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, recently stated that Germany must become the defense of Europe. In a speech before the top personnel of the Bundeswehr, Scholz declared: “As the most populous nation with the greatest economic power and a country in the centre of the continent, our army must become the cornerstone of conventional […]

Germany Is Increasing Its Military Presence In Asia
Germany has been boosting up its presence militarily in the Indo-Pacific, as we read in DW: Germany’s Bundeswehr is increasing its military presence in the Indo-Pacific — at a time when war rages closer to home, in Ukraine. But Berlin is seeking to demonstrate cooperation with its “value partners” in Australia. A war is raging in […]

Pro-LGBT Activist Wraps Himself In The Gay Flag And Mocks Christ. Christians Rise Up, Take To The Streets And Clash With Police To Protest The LGBT Agenda
Pro-LGBT activists in Serbia want to have their pride rallies, and in the process of this a gay activist in Belgrade wrapped himself in the gay flag mocking Christ: The Guardian headlined a article on the clashes between police and Christian demonstrators with a photo of mocker: Serbian Christians demonstrated against the LGBT clashed […]

Nancy Pelosi Declares: ‘Azerbaijan Wrongfully Attacked Armenia.’
Nancy Pelosi just declared that what Azerbaijan did — attacking Armenia and slaughtering Armenian soldiers — was illegal, which is a smack to the face of the Azeris who claim they were simply defending themselves. As we read in DW: US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday condemned what she described as “illegal” […]

Mass Grave Discovered In Ukraine Full Of Hundreds Of Bodies
A mass grave was discovered in Ukraine full of hundreds of bodies. As we read in DW: It’s only when walking along the forest’s path that the extent of the horror becomes clear. Each of the little dunes is a dug-out grave: methodically emptied rectangles of various sizes, where until only a few hours earlier […]