By Walid Shoebat What we see happening in Germany should solve the dilemma on the question if it is Germany or if it is Turkey that will be “the seat of the Antichrist”. Many argued that the Altar of Pergamum in Turkey was moved to Germany, therefore Germany has become the seat of Antichrist, while others say that […]
Author Archive | Walid Shoebat
ISIS Just Released Chilling Video “To The Nations Of The Cross” Promising That The UK, Berlin And Rome To Be Attacked Soon
By Walid Shoebat ISIS has threatened a new wave of attacks as deadly as the Paris massacre to soon commence in London, Berlin & Rome. The chilling video shows images of the UK parliament and Eiffel Tower crashing to the ground. CHILLING VIDEO: Boasting about their SUCCESSFUL attacks in Paris & Brussels, ISIS hint the […]
Secret Sources Reveal: Russia’s Fallout With Iran In Syria Is Uniting Iran With Turkey Instead In Order To Form The Two-Horned Beast Of Revelation 13 And Ezekiel 38
By Walid Shoebat (thanks Trevor) This link from Elaf, a Saudi newspaper, discloses from reliable sources, that Arabia (Sheba and Dedan) is telling Israel why Russia left Syria and why both now should fear Iran. Elaf later discloses in response: “Jerusalem reveals sources from Elaf (Saudi Arabia) the real reasons of why Russia pulled out of Syria …” […]
The Most Fascinating Bible Prophecy Reveals The Muslim Caliphate Will Revive And Invade Europe But God Intervenes With Plagues And Swarming Locusts And Defeats Them
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Allah has 99 names; locusts lay 99 eggs; and the Muslim prayer beads have 99 beads. It was a specific locust that invaded from the Muslim world and it will be the same locusts that invades them in the end. Many ask: why in Revelation 13 John spoke of two […]
Terrorists From Syria Following Sharia Islam Are Carrying Out Plans To Poison The Water In The U.S.
By Walid Shoebat No, we are not discussing Chlorine and industrial fluoride as thyroid disrupters. We are talking about terrorists striking at water systems which is a real threat. Indeed, there is a long history of such attacks. Water infrastructure can be targeted directly or water can be contaminated through the introduction of poison or disease-causing agents. The […]
The End Of ISIS IS Near As Russia’s Christian Putin Punches Muslim Erdogan By Completely Defeating ISIS And Throwing Islam Out From Palmyra
By Walid Shoebat Is the defeat of ISIS in Palmyra the beginning of the end? Will ISIS attacks increase in Europe? The loss of Palmyra represents one of the biggest setbacks for ISIS since it declared a caliphate in 2014 across large parts of Syria and Iraq. In the Middle East we call it the “Battle […]
The King Of Jordan Leaked A Secret Memo Turkey Will Spark World War III. Europe Will Be Invaded As Bible Prophecy Reveals.
By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Sunday Special) A leaked memo indicates the US lawmakers were personally briefed by King Abdullah in January about plans for Jordan’s special forces to operate in the country alongside the British. What are these forces doing in Libya? It is all about World War III. According to the leaked notes of the meeting […]
President Obama Next Week Will Open The Largest American Mosque In The World Built Here In The U.S. He Will Be Accompanied By Antichrist Erdogan of Turkey And Together Will Enjoy The Sounds Of Allahu-Akbar
By Walid Shoebat America’s largest mosque complex, officially known as Turkish-American Culture and Civilization Center, was built with Turkish funding under the supervision of the Turkish religious foundation (Diyanet). The $100 million mega mosque in Lanham, Maryland, will soon be open for Muslim worshipers in the Washington, DC area, as their link shows: “Turkey’s President […]
In Six Months Erdogan Plans To Erect A Temple For Allah In Turkey Which Is An EXACT Replica Of The Temple Mount In Jerusalem With Exact Dimensions Size And Shape
BEHOLD the new temple for Allah in the Turkish city of Zonguldak. A grand plan to build a replica as a temple for Allah looking like the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is underway. It is scheduled to be built in the main square downtown in the next six months. The way Yeni Safaq, the main Erdogan […]
BREAKING: 400 More ISIS Terrorist Infiltrated Europe. Trump Was Right. Learn Why It Is Impossible To Stop The Bombings Unless We Ban Muslim Immigration Completely
PARIS — Security officials have told The Associated Press that the Islamic State group has trained at least 400 attackers and sent them into Europe for terror attacks. This is huge. The bombing story in Brussels is nothing. It is simply one classic story for hundreds more to come. The two of the suicide bombers who targeted […]
The Hero Of Belgium Sends His Support To The White Knight Donald Trump Promising To Unite Europe And To Fight The Muslim Savages
By Walid Shoebat Here is someone who gets it in Brussels and he loves Donald Trump (not Shmooz Cruz). Mischaël Modrikamen became the vocal defender of Europe and a critic of Islam in Belgium. And he isn’t putting up with seeing his nation go down into the pit (especially after the latest terror attacks) without a fight. […]
Brussels Is A City Led By A Bunch Of Really Dumb People Who Insulted Donald Trump And Deserved What They Got
By Walid Shoebat In this world, there are smooth speaking nice idiots and then there are rude, abrupt and blunt honest wise people with foresight. Can’t have it both ways. So choose wisely or die. Thats how I see things and is why I am usually rude. When Donald J. Trump on January 27th called Belgium’s capital, Brussels Muslim […]
Watch The Moment Of The Two Huge Blasts In Brussels And Arrest Of Muslim Terrorists Suspected In The Bombings That Killed 33 And Rising
By Walid Shoebat Three explosions rocked Brussels on Tuesday morning, a massacre killing at least 33 people and injuring an untold number of others days after Belgium police arrested Salah Abdeslam, the man believed to be the sole remaining survivor of the 10 men who carried out the terrorist attacks in Paris. Footage of the explosions and arrest […]
Ted Cruz And Glenn Beck Praise The Islamic Antichrist And Are Paving The Way For The World To Accept The Islamic One World Government
By Walid Shoebat “You will go to the Rocky Mountains and you will be a great and mighty people established there, which I will call the White Horse of peace and safety” Glenn Beck cried out as Ted Cruz jolted with the audience to give Beck a standing ovation. No doubt, Beck is possessed since a Muslim […]
The Pentagon Wants To Turn People In From The U.S. To The Antichrist Erdogan To Stand Trial In Turkey
By Walid Shoebat If you think that the CIA, FBI and the Pentagon are loaded with good people think again. I have met a few of these guys and most of them want to appear as dumber than a doornail when in reality they are as evil as the devil. Listen to your former Pentagon spokesman and retired […]
The Virgin Mary Will Destroy Islam And Its Crescent Moon Idol And Wipe It Off From The Face Of The Earth
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) “And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.” (Genesis 3:15) Just one verse, Genesis 3:15, packs incredible meaning where it speaks of the Crucifixion and the final vengeance of God […]