By Theodore Shoebat The former Prime Minister of Italy, Mario Monti, just recently gave a type of warning that you almost never here: that if the current status quo of European governance disintegrates, then the old hatred between European countries will resurface and another war will devastate Europe. What will happen if the current structures […]
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Right Wingers Are Like Muslims
By Theodore Shoebat Some of my observations on the similarities between Right-wing eugenists and Islamists in regards to how they react to critical observations of their movements:
To Reject Universalism Is To Reject Christ
By Walid & Theodore Shoebat Outside of the edifice where the children of Abraham were to spill the blood of lambs for propitiation, there stood a precinct hundreds of yards wide, a place divinely made to be one of prayer. But contemplation was not exhorted for, but rather exploitation. For in the premises of the […]

Christian Pastor Declares There Will Be A ‘Move Of The Holy Spirit’ Among Former Sodomites Where They Will Use The “Gift Of Homosexuality” To Oppose Laws Banning “Gay Conversion Therapy”
Sodomy is one of four sins that cries out to Heaven for vengeance. The city of Sodom was destroyed as a sign from God for all time as to the evil of this sin. However, according to one Christian pastor, not only is homosexuality a “gift” from God, but that God is preparing a ‘move […]
Major Leader Of The Iranian Military Makes This Warning To The United States: “If The Americans Make A Move We Will Hit Them In The Head.”
By Theodore Shoebat A major leader of the Iranian military, Amirali Hajiadeh, made this warning to the United States: “If [the Americans] make a move we will hit them in the head.” According to a report from RT: The presence of US military might in the Gulf region has shifted from a being threat and is now […]
We Are Larping Ourselves To Destruction
By Theodore Shoebat In the principles of every tyrannical regime, one will find an ideology of fantasy:
How America Kills Its Own: The CIA’s Murder Of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena
By Theodore Shoebat My thoughts on the CIA’s connection with the murder of DEA agent Enrique Camarena:
Paul Joseph Watson Is Evil
By Theodore Shoebat My thoughts on Paul Joseph Watson…
Left Wing Abortion Advocate Says That An Unborn Child Is Not A Human Being
By Theodore Shoebat An evil left wing feminist by the name of Christine Quinn recently said, in a debate with Rick Santorum, that an unborn child is not a human: At 5:36 Sontorum makes a very good argument: if the unborn child is not a human and truly is a part of the woman’s body, […]
Beware Of The Pharisees: How Evil Agendas Are Done Under Moralist Regimes
By Theodore Shoebat Beware….
The Cuban Government Shuts Down Homosexual Rally
By Theodore Shoebat I actually agree with communist Cuba on this: The Cuban government has cancelled the country’s 12th annual march against homophobia. In a Facebook post, the state-run National Centre for Sex Education (CENESEX) blamed “new tensions in the international and regional context” for the cancellation. Activists have condemned the move and questioned the […]
Beto O’Rourke Supports Baby Murdering And Organs Trafficking Organization, Planned Parenthood, And Says That The Murderous Group Is “Saving The Lives” Of Women
By Theodore Shoebat One of the most prominent presidential candidate for the Democrat Party, Beto O’Rourke, recently gave his praise for the baby murdering and organs trafficking organization, Planned Parenthood, saying that the murderous group is “saving the lives” of women in America. So this degenerate says that this eugenist and social Darwinist death cult […]
The Leader Of The Catalonian Separatist Movement Expresses Allegiance To Brussels, Proving Further How The EU Wants Europe To Destabilize
By Theodore Shoebat The face of the rebellious anti-Christian Catalan separatist movement, Carles Puigdemont, has yet again showed his loyalty to Brussels in his conspiracy to split Europe apart. The rebel said that he and other Catalan separatist politicians must work “forcefully and jointly” from Brussels. “We have to continue this collaboration even more,” he argued. Puigdemont, […]
Report States: ‘Americans Are Not Having Enough Children, We Need Immigration To Maintain A Large Enough Population For The United States.’
By Theodore Shoebat An interesting report was released today by Think and was written by Evan Horowitz. It talks about how in the United States Americans are not having enough children and thus immigration is necessary to maintain the needed sized population for the country. The report reads: There are basically three reasons for this […]
Poland, The Jews, And Property Compensation
Some of my thoughts on the current pressure on Poland to pay property restitution to Jews whose families: A number of people have brought to my attention that the Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act of 2017 states that “heirless” property can also be claimed upon. I did not mention this in my initial […]
100 Christians Slaughtered In Nigeria In The Month Of April Alone
100 Christians in Nigeria were slaughtered in the month of April alone, as we read in a report from the Christian Post: At least 100 Christians in Nigeria were killed and hundreds of others injured in April, according to a human rights watchdog group warning that Fulani attacks against Christian farming communities seem to be […]