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How Jews Understood The Bible Before Jesus Came: An Amazing Journey To Unlock Biblical Secrets That Will Blow Your Mind

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Prior to the advent of Christianity, Israel spoke a simple but nevertheless, a potent language: colloquial Palestinian Aramaic. That language had an amazing construct. The language of the Old Testament, (once understood from that time period) will not only take us back to the mindset and the times just before Jesus […]

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Turkish Imperialism And The Rise Of The Next German Reich: Germany And Austria Declare That They Will Be Expanding Their Border Patrols Into The Balkans, As Germany, Austria And Italy Plan On Forming “Axis” Coalition, While Austria Pushes For Muslim Albania To Become A Member Of The European Union

By Theodore Shoebat The Austrians are talking about expanding their border patrol into the Balkan states, while at the same time they want Albania — Turkey’s biggest ally in the Balkans — to become an EU member state, which will only give more leverage to the Turks. Moreover — and surprisingly this has not been […]

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Suburban Housewife In France Caught Running One Of The Biggest Illegal Arms Trades On The Internet

By Theodore Shoebat A suburban house wife and mother of two in France was arrested for running one of the biggest illegal platforms on the dark web used for selling arms and drugs. As we read from one report from RT: French police made an unexpected arrest while investigating the ‘Black Hand’ dark web forum […]

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Victory For Christian Couple Barred By Canadian Government For Adopting A Child Because The Oppose The LGBT, Courts Rule In Favor Of The Couple

In November 2017, reported that the government of Canada refused a Christian couple to adopt a child because the oppose homosexuality. The Canadian courts have now ruled in favor of the family, saying they can adopt- An evangelical Christian couple in Alberta, Canada, had an earlier ban preventing them from adopting children because of […]

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The United States, Turkey And Israel Are Working To Destabilize The Middle East

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)  The United States, Turkey and Israel are working to destabilize the Middle East. All three of these governments fully support regime change in Syria, which will lead to even more violence, massacres, Christian persecution and a very dangerous power vacuum that will only give Turkey the […]

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Erdogan’s Military Advisors Announce Their Hidden Plan To Invade Jerusalem By A Massive Invasion Of The Muslims

By Walid Shoebat Its all there in black and white and is clear as crystal: the nations of Ezekiel 38 are forming to invade Israel. Just take a look at the colored map from Erdogan’s main mouthpiece Yeni Shafak reveals all: a planned invasion of Jerusalem by the very nations in Ezekiel 38.  Tanks, foot […]

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What No One Will Ever Tell You On What The Bible Really Teaches About Race

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)  What is the Bible’s view on race? It seems that no one can explain this without imbalanced views, either of racism or of the extreme ideology of ultra-equality. When it comes to the black race, amongst the most vile questions I get are always these: ‘Why […]

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World Leaders, Scientists, Professors And Philosophers Gather At World Government Conference And Declare ‘The Next Step Of Evolution Is Here, Man Will Merge With Artificial Intelligence So He Can Live Forever And Become God’

Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. And as they migrated from the east, they came upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for […]

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American Courts Bow To The Example Of The Chinese Communists, Start Using Artificial Intelligence And “Social Credit” To Determine The Fate Of Prisoners

Judge, jury, and executioner are the defining marks of the court system. After a man is charged with a crime he faces a judge and sometimes a jury, and upon concluding an investigation of the matter a sentence of innocence or guilt is pronounced and executed on the accused. In America, the ideal embodied in […]

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Latino Evangelical Christianity Is Committing Suicide Along With Its American Cousin, It Does Not Matter What Social Group, The Teens Are Leaving And Not Returning

Christianity in America is in big trouble. But whereas the Catholics and mainline Protestants have known about their problems for years, it is only being acknowledged now of the systemic problems that plague American and Latino “Evangelical” Christianity that may be worse than the other two. According to the Pew Forum, there is a seemingly […]

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Artificial Intelligence Apps Are Now Swapping Famous Celebrity Faces Onto Porn Actors- This Is A Lot More Serious Than Pornography

Artificial intelligence is changing not only the way that people live, but also how they perceive the world around them. This is far more than Virtual Reality, but is all the way to creating images that look real but are not, so fiction becomes indistinguishable from reality. The technology is now developed to such a […]

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Read About The Major Industrialists And Think Tanks That Are Bringing America To The Next World War

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat ( Sunday special, in advanced)  Jesus declared regarding Satan’s kingdom: “if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.” (Mark 3:24). In today’s world, the so-called ‘conservative’ choose to pledge allegiance to anyone who is anti-Islam, regardless if they be atheist, eugenist etc … but Jesus warned, […]

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The U.S. And Turkish Forces Coming Into Military Conflict. Erdogan Is Confronting The ‘Strongest Fortresses’ In His Push To Control The Region

  By Walid Shoebat U.S. President Donald Trump urged Turkey yesterday to curtail its military operation into Syria urging not to bring U.S. and Turkish forces into conflict. But sooner or later, the U.S. and Turkey must clash. So is Erdogan coming close to “confront” “the strongest fortresses” as predicted in Daniel 11:39? We ought to pay close […]

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New AI Robots Are Being Used To Predict When You Die With 90% Accuracy, But That Is Not The Scariest Part

Robots are going to be the next great technological change of the 21st century. However, what will these changes look like? Some of them are outright disturbing, especially with the rise of “AI”, or “artificial intelligence” that matches and many times, surpasses what a human can do and with disturbing accuracy, such as one AI […]

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What To Expect Before The Coming War Of Armageddon. Take Note And Remember The Warning Signs And Be Prepared Lest The Hour Comes By Surprise

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) One thing about biblical prophecies most do not pay attention to is this: when prophecy happens, the world is sound asleep and when prophecy is not happening the lazy speculates. When we read in Jeremiah 49:21 that a “great city” will be destroyed and the noise of this city’s destruction […]

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2018 Will Prove To Be The Year For Jerusalem To Spark The Nations To War. The Time Is Near And War Is On The Horizon.

By Walid Shoebat (Early Sunday Special) In spite of Trump’s comments on Jerusalem, only seven countries — other than Israel and the U.S. — voted in line with Washington’s interests: Togo, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Marshall Islands, Guatemala and Honduras. Only seven insignificant nations decided to support Jerusalem being the sole property of Israel while the […]

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