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Yazidi Member of Iraqi Parliament collapses in tears after calling upon World to Rescue the Yazidis

Since June, when extremist fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham captured Mosul, they’ve been on the outskirts of Sinjar, facing off against a small number of Kurdish peshmerga militiamen. ISIS regards Yazidis as devil worshippers, and its fighters have been executing Yazidi men who won’t convert to Islam on the spot, taking […]

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(VERY RARE FOOTAGE) Muslims Create A Literal River Of Human Blood By Butchering 1500 Innocent People

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat ISIS just released a video showing what they claim are Iraq’s Army POWs captured by ISIS, driven away in truck loads and then shot them all dead. The video caption stated that there were 1,500 individuals. The video shows their end being shot at point blank in […]

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Muslims Take Fifty Innocent People, Cut Their Heads Off, And Place Their Heads On Poles All Throughout The Area (Must See Footage)

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat After the ISIS defeated the Raqqa base manned by Division 17 of the Syrian army, the countless POWs were then beheaded and their heads were displayed for public view in the city square. was the first to obtain this extremely gory footage: also translated what […]

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WAR CRIMES: Hamas Caught Beating Palestinians who try to Evacuate Areas Israel Warned would be Bombed

We’ve heard the reports. Below is some video that seems to corroborate those reports. It’s bad enough that Hamas launches rockets from civilian locations like schools, hospitals and neighborhoods in the interest of garnering international sympathy when civilians are killed. What happens when civilians attempt to heed the IDF warnings to evacuate so the locations […]

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The Middle East Is Aflame And With Another Caliphate On The Horizon Using Peace To Deceive Many

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The Middle East is aflame. The rapid march of the Islamic State or ISIS, from Syria into Iraq has rattled Washington and Brussels. Then we have the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is also heating up. And then we have the world powers continue to wrangle with Iran over its nuclear-weapons program. All […]

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The Marking of Christians For Persecution Has Begun and is a Prelude to the Coming Antichrist

(Shoebat Exclusive) By Walid Shoebat And Theodore Shoebat The situation for Christians in Iraq is dire and has become a prelude to what happened in Nazi Germany and today who in the West is talking about the marking of Christian homes in Iraq? No one. The photos below are of Christian homes in the Arab […]

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ISIS Crucifies Young Men For Leaving The Peaceful Religion of Islam

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Sources from the Middle East reveal that ISIS has crucified more young men for being accused of “Ridda”. Ridda in Islam means defection from the religion. Crucifixions has become a normal occurrence in Syria and Iraq in which young men are seen crucified on trees. And on scaffolds: Mass slaughter […]

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Muslims Rape Christian Women, 600 Christians Take Up Arms And Make One Final And Heroic Stand Against Muslim Jihadists

By Theodore Shoebat After so much rape has been done against Christian women in Iraq, 600 Christians in Iraq have now taken up arms to make one final stand against Muslim Jihadists, members of the ISIS terrorist group, at the frontiers of the Christian settlement of Bartella on the outskirts of Mosul. These 600 Christians, […]

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Antichrist Will Soon Enter The Temple of God (Pay Close Attention)

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Hagia Sophia, or Ayasofya in Turkish, is officially a museum: Turkey’s most-visited monument, whose formally neutral status symbolizes the secular nature of the modern Turkish state. But this status is changing when tens of thousands of Muslims have been gathering there on Saturday to pray demanding it will again be […]

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Extremely Deadly Virus will Come from the Muslim World

Exclusive by Walid Shoebat When it comes to MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) it kills nearly a third of the people it sickened. Most people still haven’t twigged to the existence of MERS but that may be changing, with new MERS infections popping up recently in Malaysia, Greece, the Philippines, Egypt, and late last week, […]

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Leaked Photos and Released Emails show Clintons in Bed with Muslim Brotherhood

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Bassam Estwani is one major Muslim figure that had access to the Clinton White House. Some might think this is no big deal, of course, until one examines what obtained from leaked photos compared with email exchanges between Estwani and the Clintons. The photos and Arabic […]

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Muslims Rebuild The Tower of Babel (Shocking Research!)

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) If one would ask a westerner “Where is Mount Babel?” They would probably think the question is regarding a biblical or an archeological site in Iraq. But if one asks an Arab today, “where is Mount Babel?” They would tell you that its in Mecca and it has 7 massive […]

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The Coming Iranian-Turkish Alliance and Why Syria is TOAST

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) On March 21 the Turkish army launched itself into Syria using terrorist groups as infantry. The goal is to capture areas of the Syrian coast, and to threaten Latakia and the ancient Armenian veterans in Kessab suddenly turned into refugees. Syria asked for a political stand by Iran demanding they […]

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Hating Catholics–America’s ONLY Accepted Prejudice

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) I recall when I got scorned for attacking homosexuality on my blog with a comment that said, “You are a homophobe, do you not know that God loves everyone including homosexuals,” in which I answered with, “do you not know that God loves everyone including the homophobe?” Indeed, we say […]

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Exclusive By Walid Shoebat How can I bring reconciliation between people who say they all love the Bible? My dream is to reconcile the People of the Good Book while keeping the spirit of discussion in ironing out their differences. My dream is to help my fellow Christian Arab to see that his enemy is […]

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