By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Syria, all members of ISIS, took 400 people in the Syrian city of Palmyra, slaughtered all of them, cut them to pieces. I did a whole video on this:: Islamic State militants have killed at least 400 people in Syria’s ancient city of Palmyra, mostly women and children, Syrian state […]
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Iran Declared “Iran Today Has Become An empire As It Was Throughout History And Its Capital Now Is Baghdad In Iraq”
You heard it right, Tehran is declaring that Baghdad in Iraq is its capital, not Tehran. Alarm bells went off today (Sunday) causing several Middle East newspapers (see Alarabiya) to report the declaration made by Ali Younesi, the senior advisor to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani when he said that: “Iran today has become an empire as it was […]
The Ottoman Muslim League Between Turkey And The Arab Gulf States Is Forming. The Sunni Crescent Is Emerging Alongside The Shiite Crescent In Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecy
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) When it comes to the Bible and Christ’s Second Coming, we do not find any mention of New York City, Tokyo, or Paris, but Egypt, Libya, Elam (Iran), Lydia (Turkey), Yemen, Arabia and Jerusalem. Ethiopia, and Libya, and Lydia, and all the mingled people, and Chub, and the men of […]
Saudi Arabia, The Whore Of Babylon, Is Feeling The Heat From Iran As She Reads The Writing On The Wall And Is Calling On Turkey, Jordan, Egypt And Qatar To Form A Sunni Coalition To Confront Iran
By Walid Shoebat Reuters says that “Saudi Arabia is pushing for Sunni Muslim Middle East countries to set aside differences over political Islam and focus on what it sees as more urgent threats from Iran and Islamic State.” “Its new monarch, King Salman, has used summits with leaders of all five Gulf Arab states, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey over the past 10 days to reinforce […]
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) As we predicted last week that the 21 Coptic Christians have been beheaded and now the gruesome details, a video just released by ISIS. Watch and see the price of persisting to remain Christian. Even under the blade, some were making their last prayers and as the blade came to their […]
Watch The Most Horrific Video By ISIS Burning POW Jordanian Pilot
By Walid Shoebat (with cooperation from The Right Scoop) The Jordanian pilot from the U.S. led-Coalition Muath Al-Kassasbeh was not given food for 5 days and then is arrayed in front of armed terrorists as if this was part of a Roman arena, to be caged like an animal, and then with professional filming as […]
The Japanese Government And Turkey Are Currently Using ISIS In Order To Revive Their Empires In Preparation For World War III
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exlcusive) We always get condemned every time we write negatively about Japan. The naive tell us that the Japanese are nice, this is true, but so are the Turks. Measuring good versus evil on the basis of niceness is bull, for in the east elegance always goes alongside with utter cruelty. Japan is […]
Obama Is An Agent Of The Antichrist, And Is Now Giving So Much Control To The Muslims And To The Antichrist
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) It would most likely be true that if I went on secular television, be it liberal or conservative media and if I said that the problem with U.S. foreign policy is that they do not track Scripture I would quickly be dismissed, since the secular world would not want to […]
A New Militia Has Now Risen, And Thousands Of Christian Warriors Have Enlisted To Take Up Arms, And Destroy Islamic Terrorists From Christian Lands
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat A new and aspiring militia has risen above the horrid darkness that Muslim jihadists have raised, and is now preparing to fight with ISIS and retake the Christian lands that they have stolen. This new militia is called the Nineveh Plain Protection Unit, and we have done […]
Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake, And Is Denied Service By All Of Them (WATCH THE SHOCKING VIDEO)
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Say that “Bestiality Is Wrong” or “Polygamy Is Wrong” and it’s not considered hate speech, but if you have the opinion that “Gay Marriage Is Wrong” the whole world jumps up and down screaming “racism” “bigotry” and “hatred”. This is becoming the politically-correct norm, but no matter what one argues, this […]
Heroic Man Purchases Women Who Are Sex Slaves To ISIS, And Sets Them Free (THE VIDEO WILL MAKE YOU WEEP)
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) This unnamed Iraqi man buys Yezidi, Muslim or Christian women. A crime, you think? Hardly. He buys them then unites them with their husbands and fathers and family. Here is one example that will touch any human heart. In this story a Yezidi girl who was taken as a sex […]
America Is Becoming An Agent Of Satan (We Are Now Living In Sodom And Gomorrah)
By Theodore Shoebat America is becoming an agent of Satan, with its promulgation of Islam and homosexuality, and other evils like abortion and feminism. The Scripture says “rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil.” (Romans 13:3) Why then is it supporting these evils? It also says that the ruler “is God’s minister […]
The ISIS MANIFESTO: What Every American Needs To Know About ISIS Plan To Kill ‘Ten Million Americans’
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) An Isis spokesman has posted a call to arms for Muslims around the world to kill American, Canadian and European citizens for their governments’ role in a coalition against ISIS. But what the average American is unaware of are the ISIS more shocking Islamic injunctions that permit Muslims everywhere to […]
What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Mark of the Beast and the Mark of God
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Today we see that donning marks written on badges already placed on the foreheads by the most anti-Christ religion on earth; Islam. And this phenomenon is becoming a growing trend and has become a reality; the Muslim is literally posting a blasphemous badge on his forehead. Scripture talks about two […]
Muslim Man Massacres 186 Christian Children, And Then Says, “I Don’t Feel Guilty”
By Theodore Shoebat Nurpashi Kulaev, the only surviving Muslim jihadist who took part in the Beslan Massacre, in which 186 Christian children were killed, has affirmed that he feels no guilt for his crime, saying: I don’t feel guilty that women and children died… But I can say neither I nor anyone else could have […]
ISIS Sells 300 Yazidi Girls for $1000 Each
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has announced that Islamic State (IS) insurgents have sent 300 Yazidi girls to its members in Syria, claiming those girls are slaves and have been captured in battles against ’infidels’. According to the German DPA News Agency, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claim many cases like this […]