The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


Europe Starts A “Ham And Cheese” War With The UK

“Product and food safety” is a real thing, but it can also be used as a tool of childish geopolitical games. Russia is famous for doing this with cheese, as the nation has veritably banned all foreign imports of cheese for what seem to be nothing other than nationalistic impulses, and instead, have forces people […]

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Claim: 750 Christians Massacred By Ethiopian Forces At Major Church In Tigray

Because of the remote location and practical media blackout enforced by the government, information has only emerged in small amounts about the ongoing Tigrayan conflict in Ethiopia and Eritrea. So far thousands have died and millions have been displaced. Now according to Eritrea Hub, a claim has emerged that 750 Christians were massacred by government […]

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Fifteen People Dead After Boko Haram Suicide Blast In Cameroon

Fifteen people have been pronounced dead following a forced suicide bombing from the terrorist group Boko Haram in Cameroon as the Christian Post reports. I say ‘forced’ because the ‘suicide bomber’ in question was a small girl, likely sent to her death by other adults. A small girl, used by the terrorist group Boko Haram, […]

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My Post (84)

The FBI Warns: Right-wing Paramilitaries Are Planning On Breaching The Capitol Buildings Of All Fifty States

By Theodore Shoebat After fanatics breached the Capitol Building, the FBI is now warning that Right-wing paramilitaries are planning on breaching the capitol buildings of all 50 states. As we read in a report from ABC 7: The FBI is releasing more information about planned protests in D.C. and other U.S. cities leading up to […]

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National Socialist Cult Arrested In Spain For Selling Submachine Guns On Black Market

National Socialism is on the rise in Europe, and this is going to remain a trend for the future as Germany seeks to re-assert herself as the ‘dominant power’ on the Continent. As such, while there have been for a long time strains in this direction, one is going to see them increase in the […]

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China Relies On India For Rice As She Threatens War Against Her

If you want to go to war with somebody, you don’t rely on that person for your food, tools, or anything else you may need, because if you are fighting with that person, he will stop sending you what you need. It’s generally a rule throughout history that this happens. I have pointed out before […]

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Parler Is Toast And Pretty Much All Her Data Was Stolen

It is bad when a website is shut down because it is practically ghosted by other web servers for what seem to be political views. It is bad when people hack (or “hack”) and steal data. But put the tow together, and it is a disaster. Yet this is what happened with Parler, as the […]

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Syria Intercepts Israeli Missiles

While the US has been consumed with attention over the riots in DC, life continues on in the rest of the world. There are reports from multiple sources that claim Israeli force have been launching attacks on Syria, and according to Vatican News, Syrian forces intercepted air strikes launched by Israel from the Golan Heights. […]

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The Capitol Building Breach Is A Lesson For Democrats: Don’t Defund The Police

By Theodore Shoebat When Right-wing fanatics had breached and rioted within the Capitol Building, politicians like Charles Schumer and Nancy Pelosi were begging for help from the National Guard and were eventually defended by police reinforcement. This is a lesson to these people: don’t defend the police:

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Eating Bugs Is Being Pushed For The Future

In the movie Soylent Green, it is about a dystopian science fiction type future, where people eat “soylent green”, a cracker that is made out of human carcasses. As disgusting as it may be, it does represent something of the future, where living in a world gone mad, centralized beyond imagination into the hands of […]

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New Archbishop Of Dublin Directly Opposes Catholic Teaching has pointed out that there is a major crisis in the Church that has been building up for decades and beginning in the early 2000s was finally exposed, which is the infestation of numerous sins among the clergy, a reflection of problems that exist among the laity, involving the sins that cry to Heaven […]

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