Tag Archives | Bill Maher

Liberal Atheist Comedian Gets Liberal Godless Politician to CONFESS He’s a LYING ‘PROPAGANDIST’ when it comes to ISLAM

In order to better appreciate the exchange between liberal atheist comedian Bill Maher and far left-wing liberal politician Howard Dean, it’s probably best to watch a short clip of Dean from an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe shortly after the Muslim terrorist attacks in Paris. At that time, Dean delivered the now ridiculously infamous line […]

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Liberal Atheist ‘Satirist’ Again Breaks Rank With Mainstream Media and Fellow Liberals After Muslim Terror Attack in France

During an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, liberal atheist comedian Bill Maher ever so subtly called his fellow liberal Kimmel out prior to railing against Islam in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terror attacks. Maher began by encouraging Kimmel to tell the audience what happened and then corrected Kimmel when the latter gave a […]

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Comedian Suggests NFL Players Should Do ‘Stop Domestic Abuse’ PSA’s for Muslim Countries

Ever since his controversial exchange with Ben Affleck a couple of months ago, liberal atheist comedian Bill Maher has become a lightning rod in the debate over Islam. He’s unique in that he’s anti-Islam and a far left-wing liberal. In an interview Maher gave to Vanity Fair, he made an excellent point while pointing to […]

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Comedian Explains why he Doesn’t Joke About Islam

British comedian and actor John Cleese had no problem with joking about Christianity throughout the years of Monty Pythons’ Flying Circus (Holy Grail and Life of Brian). In an interview with liberal atheist comedian Bill Maher, Cleese explains why he doesn’t joke similarly about Islam. In the exchange with Maher, the two men spoke about […]

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Muslim Woman Makes SHOCKING Admission to Liberal Atheist Comedian that Muslims Who Convert To Christianity in Gaza will be Murdered

In a stunning admission, Palestinian journalist Rula Jebreal conceded that if a Muslim in Gaza announced that he had converted to Christianity, he would be likely be murdered. She did this while appearing as a guest on Bill Maher’s show Real Time. Maher, a far left liberal atheist comedian has found himself pitted against Muslims […]

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Far Left-Wing Atheist Comedian Being Rejected by Far Left-Wing Liberals for Criticizing Islam

Liberals are tolerant when it comes to every splinter group under the liberal umbrella but if you’re a liberal who criticizes one of those groups, you risk becoming the victim of  a significant amount of intolerance. Such is the case with far left-wing liberal atheist comedian Bill Maher, who is currently being ostracized by far […]

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Atheists who Fight Islam will Fail because they Lack Spiritual Armor

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. – Ephesians 6:11 **NOTE: Scroll down for audio of exchange between Theodore Shoebat and atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali in 2009** Thanks to two anti-Islamic liberal atheists – comedian Bill Maher and author Sam Harris – […]

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In Sermon at Mosque Attended by Boston Marathon Bombers, Imam Says Liberal Atheist Criticism of Islam is ‘Code Red’ for Muslims

Radical Imam Suhaib Webb took to his pulpit at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC) to address the viral video exchange between atheist comedian Bill Maher, atheist author Sam Harris, and Hollywood dupe Ben Affleck. Webb essentially sounded the alarm bells for his congregation, saying that when conservatives levy criticism against Islam, it’s […]

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Liberal Atheist Critic of Islam Falling Right into a Muslim Trap

When atheist author Sam Harris appeared with atheist comedian Bill Maher opposite Hollywood actor Ben Affleck, Harris articulated near perfectly the separation between Islamic terrorists and political Islamists. The former aspires for Islamic conquest through acts of terrorism and the latter aspires to the same conquest by operating through existing political systems. That’s what makes […]

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How Stealth Muslim Agents Infect Infidels with IslamoPHILIA

Philia: a combining form used in the formation of compound words that have the general sense “unnatural attraction” (necrophilia), “tendency” (hemophilia); also forming abstract nouns that correspond to adjectives ending in -philic, or -philous, or nouns ending in -phile. In response to leftist actor Ben Affleck’s performance on Bill Maher’s show last week, American Spectator’s […]

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Liberal Comedian should have Ben Affleck back on the show to talk about ISLAM, only this time with his ‘Good Friend’ Muslim Huma Abedin

Liberal MSNBC personality Chris Hayes is defending Islam in the wake of the heated debate between Bill Maher and Hollywood actor Ben Affleck. Hayes, who is a supposed champion of things like gay marriage and womens’ rights has picked a curious thing to defend. Nonetheless, Hayes’ argument is that Maher might be better served to […]

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Head of Huma Abedin Defender Ben Affleck Nearly Explodes when Liberal Comedian Confronts him with Truth about Islam

The firewall behind the forehead of liberal actor and Huma Abedin defender Ben Affleck was breached by Bill Maher and his guest. It was definitely red alert / all hands on deck inside Affleck’s cranium. Liberals are quite comfortable in the echo chamber of group think where all liberals are in lockstep but in this […]

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Liberal Atheist Comedian RIPS those who say ISIS not Islamic and ends up Defending Christians more than Christians do

Don’t look now but far left-wing liberal comedian Bill Maher, who has gone to great lengths to support Barack Obama may have just slapped down the president’s core message in the latter’s recent speech about ISIS. That message was that ISIS does not represent Islam. Maher blew that notion up and just kept going. Maher […]

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Stealth Muslim Brotherhood Agent angrier with Bill Maher than with Boko Haram

If you were a stealth Muslim Brotherhood agent, you would be more offended by someone who is critical of Islam than you would be by terrorists who commit acts of terror in the name of Islam. It stands to reason, therefore, that as an agent of the Brotherhood, you would spend more of your time […]

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Bill Maher: There is no ‘Smoking Gun’ Email in Benghazi Scandal

According to ‘comedian’ Bill Maher, there is no ‘smoking gun’ email in the Benghazi scandal and the attack actually was the result of a video. Maher completely contradicted this blatantly transparent attempt to defend the Obama administration in the same show when he made the argument that ‘Islam is the problem’. Fortunately, one of the […]

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Video: Atheist Comedian Bill Maher says ‘Conservative’ Islam is the problem, not Muslims

Liberals are indeed enigmas. During an interview with Saudi Arabian filmmaker Haifaa al Mansour, Bill Maher slams liberals for not understanding that the ideology of Islam is the problem, not the Muslim people who follow it. Perhaps truer words have never been spoken but as Maher was nailing the truth from one side of his […]

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