Tag Archives | cnn

Video: Erin Burnett’s shameful question to Laura Bush

If you’ve ever found yourself shaking your head in response to the actions of western leftists – particularly when it comes to the Middle East – a question posed by Erin Burnett to former first lady Laura Bush, may just provide a window into the mentality. Believe it or not, Burnett asked Bush if accepting […]

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Washington Post found to be complicit in another Pallywood incident

Pallywood is all about creating a theater of conflict in which Palestinians are portrayed as victims and Israelis as murderous oppressors. The goal of the Pallywood culture is to push a political agenda by either misrepresenting events or staging them altogether. We now have confirmation that the death of the 11 month-old infant son of […]

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Lance Armstrong: a case study in the smearing of truth-tellers

A tremendous lesson can be learned from the Lance Armstrong scandal… The term ‘smear merchant’ is used to describe someone who libels or slanders another person who has either exposed an uncomfortable truth about the would-be smear merchant or his agenda. The degree to which the smear merchant is successful is directly proportional to the […]

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The Truth about the shooting of Democratic Congresswoman who now sits on Joe Biden’s Gun Control task force

In 1978, Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) was a legal aid to Rep. Leo Ryan (D-CA), the only U.S. Congressman to be murdered in the line of duty. In 2011, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) almost became the second. Speier barely survived the trip to Jonestown, where an insane preacher had moved his insane Temple, but not […]

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Video: Egypt’s Mohamed Morsi tells Wolf Blitzer he wants the Blind Sheikh freed

Muslim Brotherhood leader and president of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, sat down for an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. Among the topics of discussion was the possible release of the Blind Sheikh, convicted to life in prison for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Take note of the doublespeak. Morsi emphasizes that he has respect for […]

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CAIR Sued for Fraud! Paging CNN…

This story is laced with multiple levels of irony. First of all, if the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) had a daily mantra, it’d be that anyone who raises questions about its agenda must be Islamophobic. Enter David Yerushalmi, a Jewish attorney whom Mother Jones refers to as a ‘White Supremacist’ who is leading […]

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ABC, NBC, and CNN Correspondents now all pushing Hamas propaganda

The definition of a correspondent is as follows: a person employed by a news agency, periodical, television network, etc., to gather, report, or contribute news, articles, and the like regularly from a distant place. Note the implication. “News” is something that is supposed to be objective and devoid of opinion. Yet, the opinion of “correspondents” […]

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Why does CNN’s Sara Sidner still have a job (Pallywood)?

Talk about glossing over its own journalistic malpractice. In this clip of CNN’s Don Lemon, one has to stretch to call it a retraction. It’s more like CNN spinning either its own incompetence or complicity in the furtherance of a blatantly false narrative. While it should be noted that CNN’s Lemon at least acknowledged that […]

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Video: CNN’s Anderson Cooper in Retraction mode for airing Pallywood scene

CNN’s Anderson Cooper has now retracted some Pallywood footage aired during one of his newscasts. We blogged about the incident in question back on November 17th. The BBC captured a Palestinian man in Gaza being carried away by other Palestinians. Moments later, the man was up and walking around as if nothing happened. Cooper’s report […]

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Pallywood on Steroids: Hamas kills Palestinian child, blames Israel; CNN once again pushing lies

Before proceeding, it might be worth taking a look at this post, which exposes CNN’s Anderson Cooper as being involved in a report that used at least one staged scene in which a Palestinian man in Gaza faked an injury in order to portray Israeli oppression. The other person of import here is CNN correspondent […]

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Video: CNN uses fraudulent Pallywood footage which makes Anderson Cooper’s report fraudulent

Earlier this week, we posted BBC footage that showed Pallywood on full display. A man in Gaza, allegedly injured, was carried away by several other men, only to be seen walking around moments later as if nothing happened. Whomever was responsible for running video footage during this Anderson Cooper news segment should be out of […]

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One Anti-Muhammad Film, a Terrorist Financier, and FBI Failures

**YES, this is the report we have been promising our readers. Thank you for your patience.** In a shocking investigative report released today by Walid Shoebat, Research Director of Forum For Middle East Understanding, the real identity of the character and background of the “Innocence of Muslims” producer is exposed. The culprit, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, […]

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Video: CNN does it again; runs interference for CAIR

The pre-recorded interview Pamela Geller gave to CNN’s Erin Burnett, host of Out Front, was supposed to provide viewers with information about Geller’s anti-Jihad ad campaign that had been cleared by a federal judge; it includes multiple posters being put up throughout the New York subway system. While it did do that, the interview also […]

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CNN gives Muslim Comedian once promoted by CAIR a platform to bash Michele Bachmann

His name is Dean Obeidallah and he is a Muslim comedian. His act has also been promoted by the Council on American Islamic Relations Los Angeles (CAIR-LA). CNN published an opinion piece of his during the Republican convention in which Obeidallah claimed that the GOP has a ‘Muslim problem’. He singled out Bachmann specifically and […]

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