Something the Obama administration may not have counted on when hamstringing the Nigerian government’s efforts to combat Boko Haram is vigilante justice. Villagers not much interested in political games have reached their breaking points: Villagers in an area of Nigeria where Boko Haram operates have killed and detained scores of the extremist Islamic militants who […]
Tag Archives | Nigeria
Stealth Muslim Brotherhood Agent angrier with Bill Maher than with Boko Haram
If you were a stealth Muslim Brotherhood agent, you would be more offended by someone who is critical of Islam than you would be by terrorists who commit acts of terror in the name of Islam. It stands to reason, therefore, that as an agent of the Brotherhood, you would spend more of your time […]
Barack Obama IS a Muslim (No Joke)
Ain’t it funny that the only time the left-wing kooks are actually right about something is when they think they’re using satire? In this example, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and a two-person panel are discussing the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls when Howard Fineman sarcastically says that conservatives believe the reason Hillary went so soft on terrorism is […]

Hillary ‘Hamas’ Clinton and Benghazi Human Shields
On Today’s show… It is long past time for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to be called out for her latest bald-faced and shamelessly brazen attempt to distract from Benghazi. For more than three years, the Obama administration has not only ignored persecuted Christians but has facilitated that persecution by aiding and abetting the […]
Obamas Share Boko Haram’s Agenda to Eradicate Christian Education
By Walid Shoebat, Theodore Shoebat, and Ben Barrack **Shoebat Exclusive** Few pay attention to the common agendas shared by Boko Haram (the terrorist group that has kidnapped over 200 Nigerian schoolgirls) and the non-profit organizations ran by the Obama family. The primary goals of both is to eradicate western education in Africa; the evidence is overwhelming. To the […]
Hillary’s War on Nigerian Women is about Benghazi
By Ben Barrack What Hillary Clinton is attempting to do is – in a word – despicable. A few days after the ‘Smoking gun’ Benghazi email was revealed by Judicial Watch; two days after House Speaker John Boehner announced that he would form a Select Committee to investigate Benghazi; one day before Rep. Trey Gowdy […]
Muslims Trap Human Beings In Markets And Stores, And Burn Them Alive
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria trapped many human beings in markets in stories, and burned them alive. This happened in the most recently horrific attack on Christians in Nigeria, in which 300 people were slaughtered. As one report tells us: Wearing military uniforms, the militants arrived with three armored personnel carriers, villagers said. The […]
Muslims Blow Up Seventy One People
By Theodore Shoebat In the Nigerian capital city of Abuja, Muslims blew up a bus station, killing at least seventy one people, and injuring another 124 people. Suspicions have already arisen that this was done by the hands of Boko Haram, who have dedicated their lives to shedding the blood of Christians. As reported […]
Muslims Force 3 Million People To Suffer Homelessness, Parentless Lives, Starvation, And Other Horrors
By Theodore Shoebat I am quite perplexed and shocked that this recent report did not spread throughout the media. It reveals that 3 million people in Nigeria, which is a third of the population, have been forced, by Muslim jihadists, to suffer homelessness, parentless lives, and other pains and horrors. According to the National Emergency […]
Muslims Execute Innocent Man In A Very Cruel Way
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Libya captured a French citizen who was working in Benghazi to upgrade a hospital. One official concluded: He was killed with three shots This poor French man was only trying to make a living, and these devils murdered in cold blood. This makes the murder a very cruel one indeed. […]
Muslims Kill An Entire Christian Family, And Burn Down 200 Christian Homes
Exclusive By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria attacked numerous Christian villages in Nigeria, and butchered 16 Christians and burned down 200 homes. They attacked the villages of Torok, Gwon, Gwarim, Gwareng and Rim. One Christian, Gunduma Dang, recounted the horrifying event: They shot sporadically and set my house ablaze, killing all members of my family, […]
Muslims Burn Christian Youths To Ashes
By Theodore Shoebat 58 Christian youths were attacked and slaughtered in Nigeria by Muslims, and numerous of them were literally burned to ashes. I wrote about this story a number of days ago, in which I wrote that the estimated body count was 40, but now this is the latest number. Police Commissioner Sanusi Rufai, […]
Muslims Attack College Students And Slaughter Them “like sheep”
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria attacked a college and mercilessly slaughtered dozens of students. They burned them alive, shot them dead, and when some tried to escape through the windows, they seized them and slit their throats. It has been estimated that 40 students were murdered in the attack on the Federal Government College […]
Muslims Kill 115 People, Burn 1500 Buildings And Destroy 400 Vehicles
By Theodore Shoebat In just one attack on Wednesday, Muslims in Nigeria have slaughtered 115 people, put 1500 buildings to flames, and destroyed 400 vehicles, according to Al Jazeera . The Muslim jihadists who organized the slaughter, Abubakar Shekau, released a video message in which he said: The reason I will kill you is that […]
Muslims Murder 93 Christians In A Very Short Amount Of Time
By Theodore Shoebat The savage killing of Christians by Muslims is already happening. Just this Sunday, Muslims stormed the Christian village of Izge in Nigeria, making their cries of “Allahu Akbar!”, killing everyone in sight, and indulging in plunder. According to one resident, the Muslim barbarians butchered 93 Christians in cold blood. One witness survivor […]
Muslims Give Instructional Video On How To Stone People To Death
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Watch this video in which Muslims show the world, in a step by step process, how they savagely murder a woman by stoning her to death, to the sounds of Koranic prayers: AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN IRAQ AND SYRIA.