The claims made by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HA), that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had ‘no after plan’ in Libya once the removal of Muammar Gadhafi was complete, were a bit surprising, coming from a Democrat. In an interview about the deteriorating situation all across the Middle East, Gabbard was asked about Libya specifically. She […]
Tag Archives | syria
Egyptian Government Fighting True Islam while Obama and His Muslim Family Supporting and Advancing True Islam
Political battle lines between the Egyptian government led by el-Sisi and the Barack Obama administration, which leads the U.S., have been drawn. A major salvo was fired on January 1st, when Egyptian president, Gen. Abdel Fatah el-Sisi admonished Islamic scholars at al-Azhar University. As reported, this was a brazen statement against Barack Obama himself, […]
Before Carrying out Islamic Terror attacks in Paris, Muslim Attacker Pledged Allegiance to ISIS Caliph
Before taking part in the Muslim terrorist attacks in France, Amedy Coulibaly made a video and pledged that what he was about to do would be done on behalf of ISIS and as an expression of support for Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who has a PhD in Islamic Studies. In the video, Coulibaly is seen […]
Girlfriend of Muslim Terrorist in Paris Able to Travel to Syria through Turkey
While Hayat Boumeddiene, the girlfriend of one of the Muslim terrorist attackers in Paris, is believed to have traveled to Turkey and then onto Syria before the attacks, Turkey’s decision not to pick her up should raise questions. One day prior to the attacks, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech in which he […]
U.S. Veterans Group Launches Series of Videos Slamming Obama’s Foreign Policy
Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) is launching a series of videos intended to highlight the ‘leading from behind’ strategy of Barack Obama’s foreign policy. The first installment is spot-on and is near perfect alignment with positions held by yours truly and others prior to the decision on the part of the administration to work for […]
Pentagon Starts Using Arabic Acronym for ‘ISIS’ to Get Away from English Acronym that has ‘Islamic’ in it
Progressive liberals are obsessed with word games and the Pentagon’s reason for using the Arabic acronym for ISIS (Da’ish) rather than the English one does not disappoint in that regard. You see, in English, the “IS” in ISIS stands for “Islamic State”. The Arabic acronym is no different in that it stands for the exact […]
Texas Plumber Gets Flooded with Calls After His Truck Spotted Being Used by ISIS in Syria
After selling one of his company’s trucks and likely not thinking twice, Mark Oberholtzer, owner of Mark-1 Plumbing would later be barraged with angry calls accusing him of being connected to terrorists. The reason? When he sold his truck, which went up for auction and likely traded hands several times, Oberholtzer neglected to take his […]
Ex-Muslim Angers Muslims by Telling them ISIS is Doing What Muhammad Did
This is a fascinating exchange between a former Muslim named Ahmad Harqan and Sheik Sayyed Zaid, a very devout Muslim with Al-Azhar’s Fatwa Committee. Harqan left Islam but became an atheist. Nonetheless, as he explains in the video, his decision to do so came as a result of thinking critically. As Harqan is delivering is […]
Muslim Invasion Becoming Dominant Issue In Europe that Leftists are Beginning to Lose
It’s sometimes difficult to understand foreign political systems but in Sweden, resistance to the Islamic invasion that leftists like to refer to as immigration, is causing a bit of a political earthquake. While very different than the American political system, the Sweden Democrats could be compared to the Republicans and the Tea Party or conservatives […]
U.S. Congressman Wants To Hire Legal Experts To Fight ISIS While Leader of ISIS has PhD in Islamic Studies
While appearing on the propaganda arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Jazeera, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) was asked about how best to deal with ISIS. His response was for the State Department to hire Islamic legal and theological experts. He even said that he’d be willing to hire a non-Muslim for the job. Of course, the […]
ISIS and Other Islamists Meeting In Turkey Because It’s Safer
Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) is essentially synonymous with ISIS. It’s regarded as a precursor to ISIS by the hair-splitters but it’s the same thing for all intents and purposes. Some may argue that alliances between such groups have fallen apart but that’s only because rebels fighting Assad cannot be seen as being allied with ISIS […]
Obama Fights Against ISIS While Also Fighting Against Syria Which Wants To Partner With Obama Who Partners With Turkey Which Helps ISIS
Obama Fights Against ISIS While Also Fighting Against Syria Which Wants To Partner With Obama Who Partners With Turkey Which Helps ISIS. Sounds confusing of what? But this is the state of affairs we are in. Barack Obama has been working to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power for several years now while ISIS […]
ISIS Launches Attack from Turkey
Do you remember all those Turkish tanks that sat idly along the border with Syria as ISIS laid siege to the border town of Kobani? Well, now ISIS is launching attacks against Kobani from Turkey. According to a report from the AP: The Islamic State group launched an attack Saturday on the Syrian border town […]
Muslim Scholar Who Called For Murdering Jews Shows No Concern for Mass Slaughter but Saddened by Muslim Deaths
The views expressed by Syrian scholar Rateb Al Nabulsi in the video from the Muslim Brotherhood’s propaganda network Al-Jazeera posted below, should give pause to any U.S. politician who still thinks Syria’s rebels should be armed. Nabulsi bemoans the deaths of Syrians and dismisses the mass slaughter and enslavement of the Yazidis at the hands […]
EXCLUSIVE: Benghazi Now a COVER-UP by both Democrats and Republicans
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The 36-page House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) report on Benghazi has finally been released and it smacks of cover-up. There are several highly questionable assertions in the report but also one very critical omission. In November of 2013, Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) was interviewed […]
While In Turkey U.S. Vice President Met By Same Muslim Protesters Who Assaulted U.S. Sailors
During Vice President Joe Biden’s trip to Turkey to meet with that country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, protesters from the same group that assaulted U.S. sailors in Istanbul earlier this month assembled to denounce Biden’s visit. According to the AP: …about 300 people protested Biden’s visit to Turkey, chanting: “Biden get out. This country is […]