During a radio interview, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers was asked about the recent chemical attack in Syria. The interviewer seemed convinced the attack came from Bashar al-Assad, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary, much of it chronicled by Shoebat.com. As part of his response, Rogers rightfully brought up the “huge and growing […]
Tag Archives | syria
Shocking Leaked Videos: Turkey Conspiring to Spread Destruction
**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The Antichrist system in Turkey is hard at work right now and two videos reveal a common interest being aggressively pursued in both Syria and Egypt; that common interest is the Muslim Brotherhood’s success. In the first video, terrorists loyal to the Brotherhood’s efforts in Syria can be seen carrying weapons and walking […]
Turkey behind Chemical Attacks in Syria
**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Another chemical attack has reportedly just taken place inside Syria. Based on mounting evidence about last year’s sarin attack in that country, it is Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan who should be at the top of the suspect list. The most recent attacks were reportedly chlorine-based and according to Shoebat.com sources, may be a […]
Obama and Congressman Mike Rogers Caught in War Crimes Coverup if Legendary Liberal Journalist Correct
A highly respected journalist who has broken at least two major war scandals in his lifetime the liberal mainstream media went nuts over, has done it again. However, since his new report implicates the Obama administration, the mainstream media appears to be rather disinterested. The thing is, this scandal implicates a whole lot of people, […]
Syria’s Bashar al-Assad: ‘Political Islam has Failed’ (how will U.S. and Turkey respond?)
With four words, Syria’s Bashar al-Assad has publicly put the Obama administration, Turkey, and NATO on the side of political Islam. The slaughter of Christians in Syria is being done in the name of political Islam, which is what makes Assad’s comments so significant relative to the U.S. and Turkey. While celebrating the anniversary of […]
Benghazi Attacks and Christian Holocaust both Consequences of U.S. Alliance with Turkey
By Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** A Turkish connection to the U.S. presence in Benghazi prior to the 9/11/12 attacks is not in dispute. A Turkish diplomat was at the Special Mission Compound approximately one hour before it was attacked. Days earlier, a Libyan ship reportedly carrying weapons bound for Syria docked in a Turkish port. […]
Friedman: Global Warming ‘laid the predicate’ for Human Slaughterhouses in Syria
The title may not be a direct quote but it certainly encapsulates the belief New York Times writer Thomas Friedman expressed on national television recently. According to him, the civil war holocaust in Syria is the result of drought, not Islamic fundamentalism. While the mainstream media does all it can to ignore the mass genocide […]
Muslims Execute Child in Cold Blood
By Theodore Shoebat **WARNING: GRAPHIC** Help Rescue Christians save Christians in Syria
Jihadist in Syria explains how U.S. and Turkey supply them with Weapons
The fighting and human slaughter in Syria is so bad that the region is definitely home to some serious propaganda wars as well. While the video below is not definitive or independently verified, it does provide information that could be quite useful. It purports to show a Syrian rebel explaining how the U.S. and Turkey […]
Kardashian Keeping up with the Armenian Christians in Syria
By Ben Barrack If as many Americans followed what’s going on with persecuted Christians in places like Syria as much as they followed the Kardashians, there simply is no telling what could be accomplished. That said, it’s noteworthy that Kim Karsashian, who is of Armenian heritage, is using her celebrity – to include 20.5 Million […]
Muslims Electrocute Man’s Testicles
Posted by Theodore Shoebat A man named Ahmed Primo explains how he, after being kidnapped by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) terrorists, was tortured with excruciating and sadistic methods. He was blind folded for weeks and the Muslims even went so far as to electrocute his testicles. After enduring such suffering, he […]
Antichrist Nation Of Turkey Wants To Revive Genocide Of Christians
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat While the FSA (Free Syrian Army) is loosing momentum in Syria, the Muslim terrorists are working with the Turkish government. Shoebat.com yesterday reported attacks on Kessab, a predominately Christian Armenian city of 50 thousand inhabitants in which over 80 Armenian Christians were massacred and today we obtained footage of further […]
Muslims Massacre 80 Christians In Horrific Massacre, And Desecrate Churches
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat (EXCLUSIVE) Muslims entered the Armenian village of Kessab on March 21st, and killed eighty Christians and desecrated several churches. They forced the civilians to flee up to the hills. The Syrian Army and the Self Defense Force militia (SDF) fought for three days and drove the jihadists out, on […]
WFLA’s Bud Hedinger interviews Walid on Atrocities in Syria
Today, Walid was interviewed by Bud Hedinger on WFLA 540AM and 102.5FM in Orlando about the human slaughterhouses that have been uncovered in Syria. The link above is from the entire third hour of Hedinger’s program but Walid’s interview starts at the very beginning. Last week, Mark Levin interviewed Walid on the subject as well.

Sister Hatune Dogan Speaks of Unspeakable Atrocities after returning from Trip to Syria
Sister Hatune Dogan is a very brave woman. She recently returned from a trip to help persecuted Christians in Syria. What she saw and heard consisted of unspeakable and inhuman atrocities you can read about here. She is eager to tell as many people as she can, what is happening to innocent Christians all across […]
America is Now an Accessory to Genocide
By Keith Davies On this blog, over the last few days – and we will be providing more evidence over the weeks and months ahead – we have documented sick levels of genocide against Christians and Shia Muslims in Syria. The even bigger scandal is the deafening silence of the media, the church, the Jewish […]