By Walid Shoebat And Theodore Shoebat (A Shoebat Exclusive)
While the Obama administration is proudly touting how it was able to free an American soldier who was captured by the Taliban, what no one picked is the fact that Obama SMILED as soon as he heard the most famous war cry of Islam, “bismillah al-rahman al-rahim,” Arabic for “in the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful.”
Watch Obama smile as soon as Bergdahl gives the most famous Muslim expression, the “Bismillah” or the “Basmallah”:
The “basmallah” is the Islamic expression for victory and only indicates that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s father is a Muslim.
Think that the man is acting as “Muslim” for a stealth operation to rescue his son who is already in good hands in Germany? And what is with the long beard and trimmed mustache?
No this is not a bum, biker, or a Santa Clause fan. When one gives the basmallah, trims his mustache and elongates his beard, its the first sign of a convert to Islam, just as that an ex-Muslim putting on a cross and saying, “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” is evidence enough of conversion to Christianity. But there is much more we obtained on this stealth jihadist.
But first, Obama’s smile says much. Obama has never declared the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and has no real testimony of converting to Christianity, as his pastor Jeremiah Wright stated:
I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam
We were first hit with news from Brietbart that the Taliban said that Robert Bowe Bergdahl’s son, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, converted to Islam, changed his name to Abdullah, and even trained the Taliban in bomb making techniques.
And like father like son, the young Bergdahl, also trims his mustache and extends his beard, as these pictures show:
But is it the speech with the Basmallah, the beard and the trimmed mustache, the testimonies from his colleagues on his desertion, that confirm our suspicion that these men are Jihadi converts?
What no one in the media captured was Robert Bowe Bergdahl’s favorites on his Youtube account.
It reveals a dark mind, a collector of a litany of ‘terrorist favorites’, videos from training on how to become Muslim Jihadist to urging American troops to desert and even favorite speeches by confirmed terrorists like Shaykh Anwar al-Awlaki, condemning America as a terrorist state:

Bergdahl’s Youtube account’s favorites list has an anti-American Anwar al-Awlaki video. Notice Bergdahl’s name above the list, showing that it is indeed his account
On one of the videos Bergdahl subscribes to a Jihadi message titled, “Duaa (prayer).”
But prayer for what? His son’s release only? Hardly, its for the release of the terrorists in American captivity. The prayer begins in Arabic, as translates:
O Allah, release our prisoners, the Muslim prisoners, and send them back to our families in peace!
One would think that Bergdahl does not understand what is said in Arabic? Think again, he comments himself stating:
“Al-Hamdu Lillah, Ameen, Ameen May the duas of the ummah be heard and may Allah free my son from captivity! بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ”
Praise be to Allah, Amen, Amen, my prayers for all the Muslim Nation (ummah) be heard and may Allah free my son from captivity. In the name of Allah most merciful most beneficient, it is thee whom I worship, it is thee whom I seek refuge.
He types perfect Arabic and announces he is Muslim, “thee [Allah] I worship …”
Another favorite is a lecture from Mufti Ismail Menk, who identifies himself as a Muslim scholar titled “Qualities Of A True Worshipper”. Menk was also a favorite of Boston bombing suspect Dzhokar Tsarnaev.
Another video favorited by Bergdahl, is a Muslim jihadist terrorist video uploaded by the Afghan Islamic Emirate (the same group the 5 terrorists, who Obama helped released and who Bergdahl praisingly communicated with, were a part of) on August 5, 2013, in which a verse from the Koran is chanted:
Fight them, so that there will be no mischief, and the religion will be all Allah’s (Surah 39)
The rest of the video is in Pharsi:
It appears that Bergdahl speaks Pharsi, since the video is in Pharsi, and he speaks to his son in Pharsi. The video also shows the logo of the Afghan Islamic Emirate. The video also shows dead American soldiers and praises the killing of them.
In addition, where did Bergdahl learn Muslim slogans (like Bismallah)? He learned from watching jihadist instructional videos on how to praise Allah, such as this video right here:
One of his favorite videos is Ayat Al-Kursi, a Quranic prayer Muslims use to personally invoke Allah’s protection. It is recited personally when one travels or is in need of divine protection.
The fact that he favorited this video explaining a private Muslim prayer, shows that Bergdahl was not interested in just having the appearance of a Muslim, but is truly Muslim with great inner conviction.
In another video, titled: Beautiful verses from Noble Quran PART 2, he comments:
“Al ham du lil la hi Rabil Alameen! Ar Rahmanr nir Raheem! Maliki Yawmid Deen!”
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds (this world and the underworld), the owner of the day of judgment.
Bergdahl is a subscriber to Al-Ghurabaa Media, a virulent Jihadi youtube media that features Usama bin Laden. Another subscription to Dawar Lodin learning Pashtun military terms:
He also subscribes to one Sheikh Raed
to learn Islamic prayers in Arabic.
Bob. Sgt. Bergdahl’s father was also in direct communications with one of the top three Taliban spokespersons named Abdulqader Balkhi. Was he planning to smoke a Hukkah? Drink Afghan tea?
He had messaged this top Taliban spokesperson a message for future victories:
I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every afghan child, amen!
Also, if you look up Robert Bowe Bergdahl on Intelius, it says that he worked for the Taliban:
Abdulqahar Balkhi is one of three main spokespersons for the Afghan Islamic Emirate an Islamic terrorist organization, the same terrorist organization who the five terrorist that Obama released were a part of. This makes the entire story very suspicious. Obama trades five Muslims who are part of a terrorist group, for a man whose father is associated with the same terrorist group.
Balkhi is also a spokesperson for the Taliban.
Balkhi was the main spokesperson for Taliban when the U.S. Embassey was attacked in Kabul.
So what did America gain from all this? Nothing, it was the Taliban who gained. Those released were top major terrorist leaders. One of them, Muhammad Fadel, was one of the Taliban’s senior military commanders and the Taliban army Chief of staff of the tenth Division Commander, and the Deputy Secretary of Defense. Another one, Khairullah Khairkhwa, was the interior minister in the Taliban regime. He is also one of the most prominent Taliban officials since its inception in 1994, so he is considered one of the most respected and most influential in the movement. He was detained by Pakistani authorities in 2002 and handed over to the United States , according to the same source.
The other one, Mullah Norullah Noori, was responsible for Balkh province (north) in the Taliban regime. He was arrested in November 2001.
And another one is Abdul Haq Wasiq, deputy director of intelligence in the Taliban regime. He is also one of the founders of the movement and was arrested in late 2001.
At one time, the Afghan Islamic Emirate terrorist group even issued a very disturbing and violent threat to all Christian evangelists:
According to our reports…Christian evangelists and social organizations are directly inviting Afghans to Christianity… These infidels, enemies of Islam under the name of corrupt democracy and their lords, need to know that the Afghan Islamic Emirate is seriously taking your activities into consideration… The Afghan Islamic Emirate will take practical measures and has already made special plans to destroy all [their] centers one by one; the centers where plans are made that destroy the holy religion of Islam and Afghan culture.
The type of info Balkhi tweets is things like this, always depicting the American soldiers as “terrorists”. In one tweet he says:
5 American terrorists were killed when a armored vehicle was blown up at 5:30 evening in the village of Maksud in Gilai district in Ghazni state” (Abdulqahar Balkhi)
Qatari foreign minister, Khalid Al-Afiyeh, was elated at the news of Bergdahl’s release in exchange of five Taliban terrorists, announcing that he was glad to mediate in the exchange.
Some lawmakers are saying that President Obama broke the law by agreeing to a deal where he would release five of the most dangerous Taliban commanders in U.S. custody. Two of the five released are wanted by the UN for war crimes and the Joint Task Force Guantanamo deemed all five of them “high” risks to both the U.S. and its allies.
What makes this story even more suspicious, is how, as we learn from an American soldier, Bowe was a deserter who left his post. Former Sergeant Matt Vierkant, a member of Bergdahl’s platoon when he went missing on June 30, 2009, said
I was pissed off then and I am even more so now with everything going on…Bowe Bergdahl deserted during a time of war and his fellow Americans lost their lives searching for him.
According to primary accounts from other soldiers, Bowe “shed his weapons and walked off the observation post with nothing more than a compass, a knife, water, a digital camera, and a diary.”
We also learn from emails reported by the late Michael Hastings in Rolling Stone in 2012 that Bergdahl’s fellow infantrymen found out within days that Bowe no longer supported the U.S. effort in Afghanistan. Bowe himself said:
The future is too good to waste on lies… And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong. I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be American. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting.
Bergdahl also wrote in one email:
I am sorry for everything. The horror that is America is disgusting.
A former member of Bergdahl’s squad, who goes by “Cody,” shared that local village children in Afghanistan said that Bowe came by their area and “Wanted to meet with Taliban.”
Former Pfc. Jose Baggett, 27, who was in Blackfoot Company, said he was close to two men “killed because of his (Bergdahl’s) actions.” Baggett also said:
He walked off…He left his guard post. Nobody knows if he defected or he’s a traitor or he was kidnapped. What I do know is he was there to protect us and instead he decided to defer from America and go and do his own thing. I don’t know why he decided to do that, but we spend so much of our resources and some of those resources were soldiers’ lives.
Bowe obviously was a mule who was being used by the Taliban to help them ambush American soldiers who were looking for him. Cody revealed:
A huge thing in country is not building patterns. Well when you are looking for a person everyday that creates a pattern. While searching for him, ambushes and IEDs picked up tremendously. Enemy knew we would be coming. IEDs started being placed more effectively in the coming weeks. Ambushes were more calculated, cover and concealment was used
Loyal soldiers infuriated because of Bowe’s actions since it led to the deaths of American troops. One soldier said:
It was unbelievable… All because of the selfish act of one person. The amount of animosity (toward him) is nothing like you’ve ever seen before. …I don’t understand why we’re trading prisoners at Gitmo for somebody who deserted during a time of war, which is an act of treason
In neighboring Pakistan, there is a 72-year-old Jew named Warren Weinstein who was captured by Al Qaeda over two years ago while working as a consultant on US government programs. No one in the government reaches out to rescue that Jew despite that Weinstein sent a video message last December, addressing the US government and said “now when I need my government, it seems that I have been totally abandoned and forgotten.” Obama’s administration has said it will not negotiate with Al Qaeda for Weinstein’s release, but is all ready to negotiate with the Taliban to release terrorists, plus the mule who was sent for the mission. That smile of the fox standing by his mule is telling that Obama has always wanted to shut down Guantanamo.
Obama, in his last term, is becoming blatant with his Islamic sympathies.