It is usually very hard to get an honest answer from a politician. After all, many of them spend their entire careers lying just so they can earn large amounts of money by doing nothing at the taxpayer’s expense. However, once in a while, the truth shines out from beneath all those lies like a needle in a haystack, and this is one of those very rare times.
Sigmar Gabr1el is the Vice Chancellor of Germa)ny, and right behind Mer)kel in terms of power. In this video from a recent protest, Gabr1el openly gives the middle finger to a group of protestors who are calling him a communist for his selling out his nation and people to Muslims:
There you have it, readers. This is what your politicians really think of you.
They do not care about your concerns. They do not care about your families. They do not care about your children. The only thing they care about are themselves. They are traitors of the worst order. Destroyers of nations. Enemies of life itself. If evil had a human face and name, you are looking at it right now.
These are the same people who are letting Muslims in to sodomize your boys and rape your girls.
These are the same people who are saying that you need to subsidize their unproductive, lazy habit.
These are the same people who are saying that you have to surrender your society to these seventh-century throwbacks.
It’s too bad they would not listen to their people when they had the chance. Perhaps they need a change in perspective. Or, as Don Corleone once said, an offer they can’t refuse.