One day after the now infamous CBS 60 Minutes piece about Benghazi, Senator Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) threatened to put a hold on Obama administration nominees until he was granted access to State Department survivors of the attack. Graham has now agreed to release holds on two of those nominees. If there is one nominee Graham […]
Archive | November 12, 2013

Deadly SARS-like Virus caused by Drinking Camel Urine?
Back in August, Walid wrote about the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus. At the time, suspicions about the deadly virus coming from camels caused camel meat inspections. Suspicions about what animal the virus comes from may have been validated but how the virus is contracted by humans likely extends beyond camel meat. Via AFP […]
Muslims Attack Cab Driver, Pull Him Out Of His Car And Behead Him
By Theodore Shoebat Recently, a Coptic Christian cab driver named Aziz was driving down the road when a Muslim noticed that he had a cross hanging from his rear view mirror. This vexed the demonically possessed souls of the heretics, and within moments the devils surrounded his car like the reprobates of Sodom, pulled him […]
We wish to Remember and Honor each Veteran on this Day
Let us remember today as a tribute to all that served the most decorated soldier in US military history Audie Murphy, a veteran of tremendous accomplishments. A boy of 17 (faked his age) who joined the army and wanted to serve his country. Audie was 5′ 5″, one hundred ten pounds, laughed at by many, […]

Moderate Muslims vs. Obama Brothers
When Kenyan authorities attempted to serve Malik Obama, he could not be located Note: This guest column was written by the man who filed Complaint No. 1761 with the office of Egypt’s Attorney General in which Malik Obama is accused of supporting terrorism in Egypt. Our decision to post Dr. Ebeid’s column should not be […]