By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Libya captured a French citizen who was working in Benghazi to upgrade a hospital. One official concluded: He was killed with three shots This poor French man was only trying to make a living, and these devils murdered in cold blood. This makes the murder a very cruel one indeed. […]
Archive | March 8, 2014

The Cure for ‘Lois Lerner Syndrome’
By Sadek Raouf Ebeid, MD Egyptian Air Force Officer / U.S. Physician Any observer to the recent theatrical events in the US congress can only lament the state of this nation and the U.S. Congress has so far failed to reveal the truth to itself or the American people. The facts remain that Lois Lerner […]
Christians Are Being Murdered, But We Are All Going To Rescue Them
Exclusive By The Persecuted Christian And Theodore Shoebat The Holy Cross lies upon the highest summit, and from under the earth springs up the thorny vines whose roots are settled into the parched sands of the forests of the abyss. They seek to kill the sheep who, hurdled together and plunged into the deepest fear, […]
Walid Shoebat’s classic interview with the BBC
Many of our readers have become familiar with us in last couple of years so we’d like to post this interview from 2009. Walid interviewed for one full hour on the BBC World service program “World Have your say”, hosted by Rebecca Kesby. There were multiple Muslim callers who tried to rebut Walid. It was […]
ACLJ’s Jordan Sekulow dips toe in the water of Malik Obama scandal
Not sure how we missed this story from a week ago but better late than never… Familiar face, Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), is an attorney who is representing 41 individuals in the IRS targeting scandal. His son Jordan Sekulow is the Executive Director of the ACLJ. At the […]
A Palestinian Myth Exposed
The pervasive narrative that Palestinians were expelled from their land by Jews is not true at all. Check out this short video. It should underscore why ‘Bearing false witness’ is such a bad thing: Get the Middle East Education package and learn the real history of the Arab Israeli Conflict.
Anti-Israel blogger calls Pro-Israel Black woman a ‘Negro’ who would make ‘Uncle Tom’ Proud
Many on the left love to portray themselves as the righteous protector of all victims of racism. As we know, evidence shows the exact opposite. In fact, they always seem to reserve their most vilest attacks for blacks who don’t see the world as they do. A case in point is the treatment of a […]